User Note Healthy People 2020
Selected Variables to Monitor the Healthy People 2020 Objectives
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established benchmarks to monitor progress towards achieving the Healthy People 2020 (HP 2020) goals. Below are IPUMS NHIS variables that are used to track and monitor some of the HP 2020 objectives. The IPUMS NHIS variables are grouped below according to the specific HP 2020 objectives. Information provided was obtained from the Health Indicators Warehouse. At this time, IPUMS NHIS does not provide data for the Injury and Violence Prevention objective.
- I. Access to Health Services (AHS)
- II. Adolescent Health (AH)
- III. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions (AOCBC)
- IV. Blood Disorders and Blood Safety (BDBS)
- V. Cancer (C)
- VI. Chronic Kidney Disease (C)
- VII. Diabetes (D)
- VIII. Genomics (G)
- IX. Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders (ENT-VSL)
- X. Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS)
- XI. Immunization and Infectious Diseases (IID)
- XII. Mental Health and Mental Disorders (MHMD)
- XIII. Older Adults (OA)
- XIV. Physical Activity (PA)
- XV. Respiratory Diseases (RD)
- XVI. Sleep Health (SH)
- XVII. Tobacco Use
- XVIII. Vision (V)
I. Access to Health Services (AHS) The overall goal is to increase access to comprehensive, quality health care services. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
AHS-1.1 Increase the proportion of persons with medical insurance | HINOTCOVE | Indicates whether a person currently lacks health insurance coverage |
AHS-5.1 Increase the proportion of persons of all ages who have a specific source of ongoing care | USUALPL | Indicates whether individuals have a usual place for medical care |
USUALPL can be used in combination with AGE to monitor the progress of AHS 5.2, AHS 5.3, AHS 5.4 objectives. These objectives are:
II. Adolescent Health (AH) The overall goal is to improve the healthy development, health, safety, and well-being of adolescents and young adults. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
AH-1 Increase the proportion of adolescents (age 10 to 17) who have had a wellness checkup in the past 12 months | CHECKUP | Indicates whether during the past 12 months, a sample child received a well-child checkup |
AH-5.6 Decrease school absenteeism among adolescents (age 12 to 17) due to illness or injury | SLDAYR | Number of days during the past 12 months that a child lost from school due to illness or injury. The numerator for objective 5.6 should include adolescents age 12 to 17 who missed 11 or more days of school during the previous 12 months. |
III. Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions (AOCBC) The overall goal is to prevent illness and disability related to arthritis and other rheumatic conditions, osteoporosis, and chronic back conditions. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
AOCBC-1 Reduce the mean level of joint pain among adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis | JNTPAINRATE | Rating of joint pain, past 30 days |
AOCBC-2 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who experience a limitation in activity due to arthritis or joint symptoms | ARTHLIMIT | Limited in activities due to arthritis |
AOCBC-3.1 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who find it "very difficult" to walk a quarter of a mile-about 3 city blocks | FLWALK3BL | Difficulty in walking a quarter of a mile without special equipment |
AOCBC-3.2 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who find it "very difficult" to walk up 10 steps without resting | FLCLIMB | Difficulty walking up 10 steps without special equipment |
AOCBC-3.3 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who find it "very difficult" to stoop, bend, or kneel | FLSTOOP | Difficulty stooping, bending, or kneeling without special equipment |
AOCBC-3.4 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who find it "very difficult" to use fingers to grasp or handle small objects | FLGRASP | Difficulty using their fingers to grasp or handle small objects without special equipment |
AOCBC-4a-f. Reduce percent of adults with arthritis having difficulty performing 2+ personal care activities | LABATH | Need help with bath/shower |
LADRESS | Need help with dressing | |
LAEAT | Need help with eating | |
LABED | Need help in and out of bed or chairs | |
LATOILT | Need help using the toilet | |
LAHOME | Need help getting around the home | |
AOCBC-5 Reduce percent of adults with arthritis reporting serious psychological distress. Users should refer to the variable descriptions for the variables associated with AOCBC-5 provide for detail about how serious psychological distress is measured. | ASAD | How often felt sad, past 30 days |
ARESTLESS | How often felt restless, past 30 days | |
ANERVOUS | How often felt nervous, past 30 days | |
AHOPELESS | How often felt hopeless, past 30 days | |
AEFFORT | How often felt everything was an effort, past 30 days | |
AWORTHLESS | How often felt worthless, past 30 days | |
AOCBC-6.1 Reduce the unemployment rate among adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis | EMPSTAT | Employment status in the past 1 to 2 weeks |
AOCBC-6.2 Reduce the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who are limited in their ability to work for pay due to arthritis | ARTHWORK | Limited in work due to arthritis |
AOCBC-7.1 Increase the proportion of overweight and obese adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who receive health care provider counseling for weight reduction | ARTHWEIGHT | Ever told to lose weight to help arthritis. Use with BMI - Body mass index |
AOCBC-7.2 Increase the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who receive health care provider counseling for physical activity or exercise | ARTHEXERCISE | Ever told to exercise to help arthritis. Use with BMI - Body mass index |
AOCBC-8 Increase the proportion of adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis who have had effective, evidence-based arthritis education as an integral part of the management of their condition | ARTHCLASS | Ever taken a class to help arthritis |
AOCBC-9 Increase the proportion of adults with chronic joint symptoms who have seen a health care provider for their symptoms | JNTSAWDREV | Ever saw doctor for joint symptoms |
To obtain the appropriate sub-sample for AOCBC-9, analysts should use JNT3MOAGO which reports if the joint pain began more than 3 months prior to the interview. | ||
AOCBC-12 Reduce activity limitations due to chronic back conditions | CLIMBACKC | Chronic status of limiting back/neck problem |
LADL | Needs help with activities of daily living | |
LAIADL | Needs help with instrumental activities of daily living | |
LANOWORK | Unable to work due to health problem | |
LAMTWRK | Limited in kind/amount of work | |
LAMEMRY | Activities limited by difficulty remembering | |
LAWALK | Difficulty walking without equipment | |
According to Healthy People 2020, for objective AOCBC-12, persons are considered limited in activity if they respond “yes” to any of the activity limitation questions: personal care needs; routine needs; or physical, mental, or emotional problems that preclude working or limit the kind or amount of work that can be done. The variables CLIMBACKC through LAWALK measure these limitations. | ||
To obtain the appropriate sub-sample, analysts should use ARTHGLUPEV or CLIMBACKC in combination with JNTPAINRATE, and the variables for functional limitations in AOCBC-3, the variables for personal-care limitations in AOCBC-4, the variables for serious psychological distress in AOCBC-5, and the employment status indicator, EMPSTAT, for AOCBC-6. ARTHGLUPEV identifies sample adults who have ever been told by a doctor or health professional that they had arthritis/ rheumatoid arthritis/ gout/ lupus/ fibromyalgia and CLIMBACKC identifies persons with chronic back pain. ARTHWEIGHT and ARTHEXERCISE should also be used with BMI. |
IV. Blood Disorders and Blood Safety (BDBS) The overall goal is prevent illness and disability related to blood disorders and the use of blood products. The following variable can be used to monitor one specific objective under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
BDBS-17 Increase the proportion of persons who donate blood | BLOODGAVYR | Gave blood in the past 12 months |
V. Cancer (C) The overall goal is to reduce the number of new cancer cases, as well as the illness, disability, and death caused by cancer. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
C-15 Increase the proportion of women who receive a cervical cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines | PAPEV | Ever had Pap smear test |
PAPLGYRR1 | Time since last Pap test: Grouped year recode 1 (2000 method) | |
PAPYNOEV3YR | Reason why no Pap test ever/in last 3 years | |
HYSTEV | Ever had a hysterectomy | |
The numerator of this objective are women who have had a Pap test within the last 3 years. Women who had a hysterectomy should be excluded from the analysis. Healthy People 2020 uses the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines. | ||
C-16 Increase the proportion of adults who receive a colorectal cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines | BSTHEV | Ever had blood stool test using home test kit |
BSTHLTP | Time since home blood stool test: Time period | |
BSTHLNO | Time since home blood stool test: Number of units | |
SIGEV | Ever had sigmoidoscopy | |
SIGLGYRR1 | Time since last sigmoidoscopy: Grouped year recode (2000 method) | |
COLEV | Ever had colonoscopy | |
COLLGYRR1 | Time since last colonoscopy: Grouped year recode (2000 method) | |
CREVER | Ever had colorectal screening exam | |
CREGYR | Time since colorectal exam: Grouped years | |
The variable used for the baseline data on colorectal exams was CREVER; it is also possible to use SIGEV and COLEV in conjunction with variables indicating the time since the last test. The numerator should include persons who have had a blood stool test in the past year, sigmoidoscopy in the past 5 years and blood stool test in the past 3 years, or a colonoscopy in the past 10 years. Healthy People 2020 uses the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines to measure this objective. | ||
C-17 Increase the proportion of women who receive a breast cancer screening based on the most recent guidelines | MAMEV | Ever had a mammogram |
MAMLGYRR1 | Time since most recent mammogram: Grouped year recode 1 (2005 method) | |
The numerator should include women who have had a mammogram within the last 2 years. Healthy People 2020 uses the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force (USPSTF) guidelines to measure this objective. Analysts should use this variable in conjunction with the appropriate age group as defined by current guidelines (e.g., age 50 to 74). |
C-18.1 Increase the proportion of women who were counseled by their providers about mammograms | MAMDR1YR | Doctor recommended mammogram in the past 12 months |
C-18.2 Increase the proportion of women who were counseled by their providers about Pap tests | PAPDR1YR | Doctor recommended Pap test in the past 12 months |
C-19 Increase the proportion of men who have discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test to screen for prostate cancer with their health care provider | PSAPRO | Doctor discussed PSA test advantages |
PSACON | Doctor discussed PSA test disadvantage | |
The numerator should include men who answered yes to both questions. | ||
C-20.2 Reduce the proportion of adults aged 18 years and older who report sunburn | SUNBRNYR | Had sunburn in the past 12 months |
C-20.4 Reduce the proportion of adults aged 18 and older who report using artificial sources of ultraviolet light for tanning | SUNTANUSE | Used indoor tanning device |
C-20.6 Increase the proportion of adults aged 18 years and older who follow protective measures that may reduce the risk of skin cancer | SUN1SHA | How often in shade if outside on sunny day over 1 hour |
VI. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) The overall goal is to reduce new cases of CKD and its related disability and costs. CKD and end-stage renal diease (ESRD) are significant public health problems in the United States, causing debilitation and premature death for those who suffer from them and are are costly to the health care system. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
CKD-9.1 Reduce kidney failure due to diabetes | KIDNEYWKYR | Told had weak/failing kidneys, past 12 months |
The numerator is the number of ESRD patients in the U.S. whose cause of renal failure was due to diabetes. The ESRD population includes dialysis and kidney transplant recipients. The ESRD population is determined by the United States Renal Data System (USRDS); National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH/NIDDK). The IPUMS NHIS provides the denominator. |
VII. Diabetes (D) The overall goal is to reduce the disease and economic burden of diabetes mellitus (DM) and improve quality of life for all persons who have, or are at risk for DM. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
D-1 Reduce the annual number of new cases of diagnosed diabetes in the population | DIAYRSAGO | Reports years since first diagnosed with diabetes |
D-8 Increase the proportion of persons with diagnosed diabetes who have at least an annual dental examination | DENTINT | Indicates the length of time since person has last seen someone for dental care |
D-10 Increase the proportion of adults with diabetes who have an annual dilated eye examination | DIAEYEXAMO | Among persons with diabetes, this variable indicates the number of months since last eye exam in which pupils were dilated |
Analysts should use DIABETICEV in combination with DENTINT. DIABETICEV identifies sample adults or sample children who have ever been diagnosed with diabetes. |
VIII. Genomics (G) The overall goal is to improve health through valid and useful genomic tools in clinical and public health practices. These goals reflect increasing support of evidence for health benefits from genetic tests and family health histories. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
G-1 Increase the proportion of women with a family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer who receive genetic counseling | GENTCANDISC | Ever discussed genetic testing for cancer risk with doctor |
BFBTCAN | Biological father had breast cancer | |
BMBTCAN | Biological mother had breast cancer | |
BMABTCAN | Biological mother under 50 when first diagnosed with breast cancer | |
FSNBTCAN | Number of full sisters with breast cancer | |
FSABTCAN | Number of full sisters under 50 when first diagnosed with breast cancer | |
FBNBTCAN | Number of full brothers with breast cancer | |
FBABTCAN | Number of full brothers under 50 when first diagnosed with breast cancer | |
BDABTCAN | Number of biological daughters under 50 when first diagnosed with breast cancer | |
BSABTCAN | Number of biological sons under 50 when first diagnosed with breast cancer | |
The numerator for this variable are women aged 18 years and older who have ever discussed the possibility of getting a genetic test for cancer risk with a Health Care provider, who met the USPSTF criteria, based on first-degree relatives only, for BRCA1/2 genetic counseling referral, and who do not have a personal history of breast or ovarian cancer. The variables above are for breast cancer; equivalent indicators are available for ovarian cancer. See the USPSTF criteria for full guidelines; these guidelines are specific for non-Ashkenazi Jewish women. The NHIS does not ascertain: 1) Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry; 2) cancer history for second-degree relatives; 3) bilateral breast cancer. These criteria for the numerator were exclude from baseline analyses of the numerator. |
IX. Hearing and Other Sensory or Communication Disorders (ENT-VSL) The overall goal is to reduce prevalence and severity of disorders of hearing and balance; smell and taste; and voice, speech, and language. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
ENT-VSL-3.1 Increase the proportion of adults aged 20 to 69 years with hearing loss who have ever used a hearing aid | HEARING | Indicates the quality of hearing. To be used in combination with HRAEV - which indicates whether respondent ever wore hearing aid |
ENT-VSL-3.2 Increase the proportion of persons who are deaf or very hard of hearing and who have new cochlear implants | HRCOCNOW | Indicates whether respondent now uses cochlear implant |
ENT-VSL-3.3 Increase the proportion of adults aged 70 years and older with hearing loss who have ever used a hearing aid | HRAEV | Indicates whether respondent ever wore hearing aid |
ENT-VSL-5 Increase the number of persons who are referred by their primary care physician or other health care provider for hearing evaluation and treatment | HRAUD | Whether sample adult was referred to an audiologist or "hearing aid dispenser" |
HRSPEC | Whether sample adult was referred to hearing specialist such as ear, nose or throat doctor" | |
HRPROBMDGYR | When last saw doctor about hearing problem | |
The numerator for this variable adults aged 18 years and older who have seen health care provider about any hearing or ear problems in the past 5 years and then seen, or been referred by their primary care physician to, a hearing specialist, Ear, Nose, and Throat [ENT] doctor (otolaryngologist or otologist), an audiologist, or hearing aid dispenser. The denominator are persons who saw a health care provider for hearing or ear problems in the past 5 years. | ||
ENT-VSL-9.1 Increase the proportion of adults bothered by tinnitus in the past 12 months who have seen a doctor | TINYR | Had ringing in ears, past 12 months |
TINDISCUSS | Discussed ringing in ears with doctor | |
ENT-VSL-9.2 Increase the proportion of adults bothered by the onset of tinnitus in the past 5 years for whom it is a moderate, big, or very big problem, who have seen or been referred to an audiologist or otolaryngologist (ENT physician) | TINLONG | How long bothered by ringing in ears |
TINPROB | How much of a problem, ringing in ears | |
ENT-VSL-10 Increase the proportion of adults for whom tinnitus is a moderate to severe problem who have tried appropriate treatments | TINTREAT | Tried remedies for ringing in ears |
TINTAMP | Treatment used for ear ringing: Amplification/hearing aids | |
TINTWEAR | Treatment used for ear ringing: Masking wearable device | |
TINTNOWEAR | Treatment used for ear ringing: Masking nonwearable device | |
TINTCOG | Treatment used for ear ringing: Cognitve therapy | |
TINTSTRESS | Treatment used for ear ringing: Stress reduction methods | |
TINTBIOF | Treatment used for ear ringing: Biofeedback | |
TINTTRT | Treatment used for ear ringing: Tinnitus retraining therapy | |
TINTPSYCH | Treatment used for ear ringing: Psychiatric treatment | |
TINTSURG | Treatment used for ear ringing: Surgery to cut hearing nerve | |
TINTMUSIC | Treatment used for ear ringing: Music therapy | |
TINTDRUG | Treatment used for ear ringing: Drugs or medication | |
TINTNUTRIT | Treatment used for ear ringing: Nutritional supplements | |
TINTTMJ | Treatment used for ear ringing: TMJ treatment | |
TINTCAM | Treatment used for ear ringing: Alternative medicine | |
TINTOTHER | Treatment used for ear ringing: Other | |
Appropriate treatments include masking or sound therapy, cognitive therapy, tinnitus retraining therapy, psychiatric treatment, drugs/medications, nutritional supplements, or surgery. |
ENT-VSL-11. Increase percent of adults with balance or dizziness problems in the past 12 months who have ever seen a health care provider for their balance or dizziness problems | BALDIZYR | Had problem with dizziness or balance, past 12 months |
BALSVERTIGO | Balance symptoms: Spinning or vertigo sensation | |
BALSFLOAT | Balance symptoms: Floating or spacey sensation | |
BALSLIGHT | Balance symptom: Felt lightheaded | |
BALSFAINT | Balance symptom: Felt like fainting | |
BALSBLURVIS | Balance symptom: Blurred vision when moved head | |
BALSUNSTEADY | Balance symptoms: Felt off-balance or unsteady | |
BALSBOTHER | Balance symptom: Most bothersome balance problem symptom | |
BALGOHOSPEV | Ever gone to hospital or ER about balance problem | |
ENT-VSL-12 Increase the proportion of adults with moderate to severe balance or dizziness problems who have seen or been referred to a health care specialist for evaluation or treatment | BALAMTPROBYR | How much of a problem from balance, past 12 months |
BALSAWHPEV | Ever saw health professional about balance problem | |
BALSAWCARD | HP seen for balance: Cardiologist | |
BALSAWEARMD | HP seen for balance: Ear, nose, or throat doctor | |
BALSAWNEUR | HP seen for balance: Neurologist | |
BALSAEWYEDR | HP seen for balance: Eye doctor | |
BALSAWFOOT | HP seen for balance: Foot Doctor | |
BALSAWPSYCH | HP seen for balance: Psychologist | |
BALSAWTHER | HP seen for balance: Occupational or physical therapist | |
BALSAWRADI | HP seen for balance: Radiologist | |
The numerator includes adults (18+ years) for whom dizziness or imbalance is a moderate, big, or very big problem who have seen or been referred to appropriate specialty provider (per the list above). Researchers should use the variables above indicating dizziness or balance problems when constructing the ENT-VSL-12 HP2020 measure. | ||
ENT-VSL-13.2 Increase the proportion of adults who have tried recommended methods for treating their balance or dizziness problem | BALTRET | Took or tried anything to treat dizziness or balance problem |
Respondents who tried any treatment are asked about 23 types of treatments, and these are provided as 23 seperate variables which are listed on the variable description for BALTRET. Treatments include physical therapy, certain exercises, avoiding certain foods, taking medicine, surgery, or wearing magnets or wristbands. |
ENT-VSL-14.1 Reduce percent of adults with balance and dizziness problems in the past 12 months who reported their condition got worse or did not improve | BALCHANGYR | Balance problem, same, or better, past 12 months |
ENT-VSL-14.2 Reduce the proportion of adults with balance and dizziness problems in the past 12 months who were prevented from doing regular activities within the home or outside | BALEFPREV | Balance problem prevents doing things |
BALEFWORK | Balance problem affects: Work or school activities | |
BALEFRIDE | Balance problem affects: Riding in cars, plane, boat, or train | |
BALEFEXER | Balance problem affects: Exercising | |
BALEFSTAND | Balance problem affects: Standing for 30 minutes | |
BALEFDSTAIR | Balance problem affects: Walking down stairs | |
BALEFUSTAIR | Balance problem affects: Walking up stairs | |
Balance problem affects: Social activities | ||
BALEFSHOP | Balance problem affects: Going outside to shop | |
BALEFADL | Balance problem affects: ADL | |
ENT-VSL-14.3 Reduce the proportion of adults who have missed days of work or school in the past 12 months because of balance and dizziness problems | BALWKLOSYRNO | Year time missed from work or school cuz balance: Number units |
BALWKLOSYRTP | Year time missed from work or school cuz balance: Time period | |
The numerator should include adults (18+ years) who missed days of work or school in the past 12 months because of dizziness or balance problems; the denominator should include all adults with dizzines or balance problems in the past 12 months. (see indicators above). | ||
ENT-VSL-15.1 Reduce percent of adults with balance problems who have fallen in past 5 years while experiencing symptoms of dizziness or imbalance | FEL5YR | Fell at least one time, past 5 years |
FELARBLURV | Fall occurred around feeling: Blurred vision | |
FELARFLOAT | Fall occurred around feeling: Floating or spacey | |
FELARLIGHT | Fall occurred around feeling: Lightheaded | |
FELARSPIN | Fall occurred around feeling: Sense of spinning | |
FELARUNSTED | Fall occurred around feeling: Unsteady | |
FELARPASSO | Fall occurred around feeling: About to pass out | |
FELMONTHLYR | Fell once a month on average, past 12 months | |
The numerator should include adults (18+ years) with dizziness or balance problems who have fallen in the past 5 years while having dizziness, vertigo, or imbalance just before or around the time they fell; the denominator should include all adults with dizzines or balance problems in the past 12 months who have fallen in the past 5 years (see indicators above). | ||
ENT-VSL-15.2 Reduce the proportion of adults with balance and dizziness problems who have been injured as a result of a fall for any reason in the past 12 months | FELINJURYR | Had injury from fall, past 12 months |
X. Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS) The overall goal is to improve cardiovascular health through prevention, detection, and treatment of risk factors for heart attack and stroke. |
HDS-4 Increase the proportion of adults who have had their blood pressure measured within the preceding 2 years and can state whether their blood pressure was normal or high | HYPLEVEL | Level of blood pressure at most recent check |
HYPCHECKNO | Duration since last blood pressure check: Number of units | |
HYPCHECKTP | Duration since last blood pressure check: Time period | |
HDS-6 Increase the proportion of adults who have had their blood cholesterol checked within the preceding 5 years | CHOLCHEKTP | Time since last cholesterol check: Time period |
CHOLCHEKNO | Time since last cholesterol check: Number of units | |
HDS-16.1 Increase the proportion of adults aged 20 years and older who are aware of the early warning symptoms and signs of a heart attack and the importance of accessing rapid emergency care by calling 9–1–1 or another emergency number | HAKARM | Heart attack knowledge: Arm pain a symptom |
HAKBREATH | Heart attack knowledge: Shortness of breath a symptom | |
HAKCHEST | Heart attack knowledge: Chest pain a symptom | |
HAKJAW | Heart attack knowledge: Pain in jaw a symptom | |
HAKWEAK | Heart attack knowledge: Weakness a symptom | |
HAKBEST | Hear attack knowledge: Best thing to do for victim | |
For objective HDS-16.2, "Increase the proportion of adults aged 20 years and older who are aware of the early warning symptoms and signs of a heart attack" researchers can use the variables listed above that indicate knowledge about symptoms and signs of a heart attack for the numerator. The number of persons aged 20 years and over is the denominator. |
HDS-16.3 Increase the proportion of adults aged 20 years and older who are aware of the importance of accessing rapid emergency care for a heart attack by calling 9–1–1 or another emergency number | HAKBEST | Hear attack knowledge: Best thing to do for victim |
XI.Immunization and Infectious Diseases (IID) The overall goal is to increase immunization rates and reduce preventable infectious diseases. The following variables can be used to monitor specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
IID-1.10 Reduce cases of varicella (chicken pox) among persons aged 17 years of age or under | CPOXYR | Identifies sample children who had chicken pox within the past 12 months |
IID-12.2 Increase the percentage of children aged 2 to 4 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | VACFLUSH12M and VACFLUSP12M | Had flu shot, past 12 months and Had flu spray vaccine, past 12 months |
IID-12.3 Increase the percentage of children aged 5 to 12 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | ||
IID-12.4 Increase the percentage of children aged 13 to 17 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | ||
IID-12.5 Increase the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults aged 18 to 64 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | ||
IID-12.6 Increase the percentage of noninstitutionalized high-risk adults aged 18 to 64 years who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | ||
IID-12.7 Increase the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults aged 65 years and older who are vaccinated annually against seasonal influenza | ||
The variables VACFLUSH12M and VACFLUSP12M can be used with for variables age and health conditions, to asses objectives 12.2-12.7. A high-risk person is someone with at least one health condition (except for skin cancer). High-risk adults are defined by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The variable WORKVOLHCSET, which indicates whether the person currently works or volunteers in health care setting, can be used in conjunction with VACFLUSH12M and VACFLUSP12M to monitor objective 12.9. The variable PREGNANTNOW can be used with VACFLUSH12M and VACFLUSP12M to monitor objective 12.10. | ||
IID-13.1 Increase the percentage of noninstitutionalized adults aged 65 years and older who are vaccinated against pneumococcal disease and IID-13.2 Increase the percentage of noninstitutionalized high-risk adults aged 18 to 64 years who are vaccinated against pneumococcal disease and | SHOTPNUEV | Ever had pneumonia shot |
IID-14 Increase the percentage of adults who are vaccinated against zoster (shingles) | SHOTZOSTEV | Indicates whether sample adult ever had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine |
IID-15.3 Increase percent of Hepatitis B vaccine coverage among high-risk populations: Health care personnel | OCCUPN104 | Detailed occupational classification (2004 forward) |
WORKVOLHCSET | Currently work or volunteer in health care setting | |
SHOTHEPBEV | Ever received hepatitis B vaccine | |
SHOTHEPBNO | Number doses of hepatitis B vaccine received | |
XII. Mental Health and Mental Disorders (MHMD) The overall goal is to improve mental health through prevention and by ensuring access to appropriate, quality mental health services. The following variable can be used to monitor one specific objective under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
MHMD-6 Increase the proportion of children with mental health problems who receive treatment | LASPED | Receives special education or early intervention services |
LASPEDEM | Receives special education due to emotional problems | |
DREMOPROB | Saw/talked to doctor for emotional/behavioral problem | |
EMODIFF | Difficulties with emotions, concentration, or behavior, past 6 months | |
EMODIFFYN | Difficulties with emotions, concentration, or behavior, past 6 months | |
The denominator for this question are children with definite or severe difficulties with emotions, concentration, behavior, or being able to get along with people. |
XIII. Older Adults The overall goal is to health, function, and quality of life of older adults. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
OA-6 Increase the proportion of older adults with reduced physical or cognitive function who engage in light, moderate, or vigorous leisure-time physical activities | MOD10DMIN | Duration of moderate activity 10+ minutes: Minutes |
VIG10DMIN | Duration of vigorous activity 10+ minutes: Minutes | |
XIV. Physical Activity (PA) The overall goal is to improve the health, fitness, and quality of life through daily physical activity. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
PA-1 Reduce the proportion of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity; PA2.1 Percent of adults who engage in no leisure-time physical activity; PA-2.2 Increase the proportion of adults who engage in aerobic physical activity of at least moderate intensity for more than 300 minutes/week, or more than 150 minutes/week of vigorous intensity, or an equivalent combination and PA-2.4 Increase the proportion of adults who meet the objectives for aerobic physical activity and for muscle-strengthening activity | VIG10DMIN and MOD10DMIN | Duration of vigorous activity 10+ minutes: Minutes and Duration of moderate activity 10+ minutes: Minutes |
PA-2.3 Increase the proportion of adults who perform muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days of the week | STRONGFWK | Frequency of strengthening activity: Times per week |
Adults were classified as doing strengthening activities if they did stregthening activities 2 to 28 times per week. For objective PA 2.4, respondents must do at least either moderate activity (150 minutes) or vigorous activity (75 minutes) or a combination of 150 minutes of activity, or strength training 2-28 times per week. |
XV. Respiratory Diseases (RD) The overall goal is to promote respiratory health through better prevention, detection, treatment, and education efforts. The following variables can be used to monitor several specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
RD-4 Reduce activity limitations among persons with current asthma | ASTHMAEV | Ever told have asthma |
ASTHMASTIL | Still have asthma | |
CLIMASTHMA | Activity limitation from: Asthma/breathing problem | |
CLIMLUNG | Activity limitation from lung/breathing problem | |
RD-5.1 Reduce the proportion of children aged 5 to 17 years with asthma who miss school days and RD-5.2 Reduce the proportion of adults aged 18 to 64 years with asthma who miss work days | ASTHDAYR | Reports the number of days of school, preschool, daycare or work (for adults) that were missed due to asthma in the past 12 months |
ASTHATAKYR | Had asthma attack/episode, past 12 months | |
The denominator for objectives 5.1 and 5.2 should include children or adults who had an episode of asthma or an asthma attack in the past year. |
RD-6 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who receive formal patient education | ASTHCLASS | Indicates whether sample adults and sample children (or family members of sample children) with asthma have ever taken a course on managing asthma |
RD-7.1 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who receive written asthma management plans from their health care provider according to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines | ASTHPLAN | Indicates whether sample adults or sample children with current asthma have ever been given an asthma management plan by a doctor or other health professional |
RD-7.2 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma with prescribed inhalers who receive instruction on their use NAEPP guidelines | ASTHINSHOW | Indicates whether sample adults or sample children with current asthma who have ever used prescription inhalers were shown how to by health professionals |
ASTHPINEV | Ever used prescription inhaler | |
RD-7.3 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who receive education about appropriate response to an asthma episode, including recognizing early signs and symptoms or monitoring peak flow results, according to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines | ASTHRESPOND | Ever taught how to respond to asthma episode |
ASTHSIGNS | Ever taught to recognize early signs of asthma episode | |
ASTHPEAK | Ever taught how to monitor peak flow for daily therapy | |
Persons are classified as having education on early signs, symptoms and response to asthma episodes if they responded “yes” to being taught how to respond to an episode of asthma and either how to recognize early signs and symptoms of an asthma episode or how to monitor peak flow. |
RD-7.4 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who do not use more than one canister of short-acting inhaled beta agonist per month according to National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines | ASTHPINQUICK | Used prescription inhaler for quick relief, past 3 months |
ASTHCANGT3 | Used more than 3 cans prescription inhaler, past 3 months | |
RD-7.5 Increase the proportion of persons with current asthma who have been advised by a health professional to change things in their home, school, and work environments to reduce exposure to irritants or allergens to which they are sensitive according to NAEPP guidelines | ASTHCHEN | Indicates whether sample adults or sample children with current asthma have ever been advised to change things in their home, school, and work environments to improve their asthma |
RD-9 Reduce activity limitations among adults (45 years and over) with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) | EMPHYSEMEV | Ever told had emphysema |
CRONBRONYR | Told had chronic bronchitis, past 12 month | |
CLIMLUNG | Activity limitation from: Lung/breathing problem | |
CLIMASTHMA | Activity limitation from: Asthma/breathing problem | |
The denominator should include adults 45 years and over who report having emphysema or chronic bronchitis. The numerator is adults with emphysema or chronic bronchitis who have an activity limitation due to a respiratory problem. |
XVI. Sleep Health (SH) The overall goal to increase public knowledge of how adequate sleep and treatment of sleep disorders improve health, productivity, wellness, quality of life, and safety on roads and in the workplace. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
SH-4 Increase the proportion of adults who get sufficient sleep | HRSLEEP | Usual hours sleep per day |
Sufficient sleep is 8 or more hours for persons age 18-21 years and 7 or more hours for those aged 22 years and over. |
XVII. Tobacco Use (TU) The overall goal is to reduce illness, disability, and death related to tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
TU-1.1 Reduce cigarette smoking by adults (age 18 and over) | SMOKEV | Ever smoked 100 cigarettes |
SMOKFREQNOW | Smoke every day, some days, or not at all | |
Persons are considered as using cigarettes if smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and now report smoking cigarettes everyday or some days. |
TU-1.2 Reduce use of smokeless tobacco products by adults (age 18 and over) | SNUFFEV | Ever used snuff |
SNUFFREQNOW | Frequency of using snuff: Everyday/some days/not at all | |
CHEW20LIFE | Used chewing tobacco at least 20 times in entire life | |
CHEWFREQNOW | Frequency of chewing tobacco: Everyday/some days/not at all | |
TU-1.3 Reduce use of cigars by adults | CIGAREV | Ever smoked a cigar |
CIGAR50LIFE | Smoked at least 50 cigars in entire life | |
CIGARFREQNOW | Frequency of cigar smoking: Everyday/some days/not at all | |
TU-4.1 Increase smoking cessation attempts by adult smokers | CSQTRYYR | Tried to quit smoking 1+ days, past 12 months |
The denominator should include adults (aged 18 and over) who are current smokers, or those report currently smoking cigarettes "everyday" or "some days." |
TU-5.1 Increase recent smoking cessation success by adult smokers | SMOKAGEREG | Age first smoked fairly regularly |
QUITNO | Time since quit smoking: Number of units | |
QUITTP | Time since quit smoking: Time period | |
QUITYRS | Time since quit smoking: Years | |
The numerator for objective 5.1 should include persons eligible to quit smoking with recent success in smoking cessation, defined as persons who stopped smoking 6 months to 1 year ago. Those eligible to quit smoking are the denominator, defined as persons who have ever smoked 100 cigarettes who reported that they stopped smoking within the past 1 year as well as current (everyday or someday) smokers who initiated smoking 2 or more years ago. Time since initiation is determined by subtracting the age reported for when the respondent first started smoking regularly from the respondent’s current age. If the difference is 2 years or greater these persons are considered to be eligible to be a recent quitter. |
XVIII. Vision (V) The overall goal is to improve the visual health of the Nation through prevention, early detection, timely treatment, and rehabilitation. The following variables can be used to monitor several specific objectives under this goal. |
HP 2020 objective | Variable name | Variable description |
V-1 Increase the proportion of preschool children aged 5 years and under who receive vision screening | EYEXAMEV | Identifies sample children under the age of six who have ever had their visor tested by a doctor or other health professional |
V-2 Reduce blindness and visual impairment in children and adolescents aged 17 years and under | VISIONPROB | Has trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses for children age 2 and over. |
V-4 Increase the proportion of adults who have a comprehensive eye examination, including dilation, within the past 2 years | DIAEYEXAMO | Months since last eye exam with pupils dilated. |
V-5.2 Reduce visual impairment due to diabetic retinopathy | DIABETICEV | Ever told had diabetes |
DIARETINEV | Ever told had diabetic retinopathy | |
DIARETINVLOS | Lost vision because of diabetic retinopathy | |
V-5.3 Reduce visual impairment due to glaucoma | GLAUCOMVLOS | Indicates whether respondent lost any vision because of glaucoma |
GLAUCOMAEV | Ever told had glaucoma | |
V-5.4 Reduce rate of visual impairment due to cataract | CATARACTVLOS | Lost vision because of cataracts |
CATARACTEV | Ever told had cataracts | |
V-5.5 Reduce visual impairment due to age-related macular degeneration(AMD) | MACDEGVLOS | Indicates whether respondent lost any vision because of macular degeneration |
MACDEGENEV | Ever told had macular degeneration | |
V-6.1 Increase the use of personal protective eyewear in recreational activities and hazardous situations around the home among children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years and V-6.2 Increase the use of protective eyewear in recreational activities and hazardous situations around the home among adults aged 18 years and older | EYEPROTECT | Indicates how often sample adults or sample children who participated in activities or hobbies that can cause eye injury wore eye protection |
EYEINJACT | Engage in acts that can cause eye injury | |
V-7.1 Increase the use of vision rehabilitation services by persons with visual impairment | VISIONREHAB | Indicates whether sample adults who have trouble seeing used any vision rehabilitation services |
V-7.2 Increase the use of assistive and adaptive devices by persons with visual impairment | VDEVICE | Indicates whether sample adults use adaptive device for vision problem |
Trouble seeing is defined as trouble seeing, even when wearing glasses. |
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