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Referred to audiologist, past 5 years

Codes and Frequencies

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For sample adults who have seen a doctor or other health professional about hearing or ear problems within the previous 1-4 years, HRAUD indicates whether a doctor or other health professional referred the respondent to an audiologist or "hearing aid dispenser" (within the past five years).

Related Variables

Other hearing related variables are included in the 2007 survey.


These include:

  • Quality of hearing (HEARING, 1997-2009)
  • Referred to a hearing specialist, past 5 years (HRSPEC, 2007 only)
  • Cause of hearing loss (HRCAUSE1,2007, 2003)


  • Hearing loss sudden or gradual (HRSUDDEN, 2007)
  • Frustrated with hearing loss (HRFRUST, 2007 )
  • Frequency hearing causes worry about safety (HRSAFETY, 2007)
  • Told of hearing problem by friends or relatives (HRFAM, 2007)
  • Age at beginning of adult's hearing loss (HEARDAAGE, 1999, 2002, 2007)


  • Hearing without hearing aid, left ear (HRLEFT ,1971, 1977, 1990-1991, 1999, 2007-2008)
  • Hearing without hearing aid, right ear (HRRIGHT, 1971, 1977, 1990-1991, 1999, 2007-2008)

  • Can hear and understand someone who whispers from across a quiet room (HRWHISP, 2007 only)
  • Can hear and understand someone who shouts from across a quiet room (HRSHOUT 2007 only)
  • Can hear and understand if someone speaks loudly in the "better ear" from across a quiet room (HRSPEAK, 2007 only)
  • Can hear and understand if someone talks in a normal voice from across a room (HRSPEAK, 2007 only)
  • Trouble with hearing in presence of background noise (HRBACK, 2007 only)

In 2007 hearing problem related variables were part of Sample Adult Hearing Supplement, (sponsored by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The hearing supplement questions were included to address the Healthy People 2010 program initiatives.

Questions included:

  • hearing loss related to noise exposure: see HRISKWRKEV, ever regularly exposed to loud noise on the job
  • access to hearing services and assistive devices: see HRALDUSE, used assistive-listening device
  • reasons for not using hearing devices when recommended: see HRAREC, hearing aid ever recommended but never used


This variable is only available for 2007.


  • 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have seen doctor or other health professional about hearing or ear problems 1 to 4 years ago.


  • 2007
