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Took Bladder wrack or kelp, past 12 months

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For sample adults in 2002 who had used natural herbs for their own health during the past 12 months (HERYR), HERYKELP indicates whether the person had taken bladder wrack or kelp during the past 12 months.

Questions for Collecting Information on Use of Specific Herbs

In 2002, interviewers showed respondents a flash card listing the names of 35 herbs and asked, "During the past 12 months, did you use any of the following natural herbs for health reasons?" Interviewers were instructed to "mark all that apply."


The 2000 NHIS also inquired about respondents' use of herbs. The 2000 survey included some, but not all, of the same herbs as the 2002 survey, as well as some additional herbs not included in 2000. See HERYALOE for a description of how that information was collected in 2002.

Specific Herbs Identified in NHIS

Bladder wrack/kelp is one of 46 possible specific herbal supplements that respondents could report using during the past year in 2000 and/or 2002.


The other such supplements, along with the years available, are:

  • Bee pollen or royal jelly (HERYBEEP, 2002 only)
  • Cascara sagrada (HERYCASC, 2000 and 2002)
  • Chasteberry or vitex (HERYCHAS, 2002 only)
  • Black cohosh (HERYCOH, 2002 only)
  • Echinacea (HERYECH, 2000 and 2002)
  • Evening primrose (HERYEVE, 2000 and 2002)
  • Feverfew (HERYFEV, 2000 and 2002)
  • Fish oils or omega fatty acids (HERYFISH, 2002 only)
  • Garlic supplements (HERYGAR, 2000 and 2002)
  • Ginger supplements (HERYGIG, 2000 and 2002)
  • Gingko biloba (HERYGIK, 2000 and 2002)
  • Siberian ginseng (HERYGIS, 2000 only)
  • Glucosamine with or without chondroitin (HERYGLUC, 2002 only)
  • Grapeseed extract (HERYGRA, 2000 only)
  • St. John's wort (HERYJOH, 2000 and 2002 only)
  • Kava kava (HERYKAV, 2000 and 2002 only)
  • Melatonin (HERYMEL, 2000 and 2002)
  • Milk thistle (HERYMIL, 2000 and 2002)
  • Progesterone cream (HERYPROG, 2002 only)
  • Saw palmetto (HERYSAW, 2000 and 2002)
  • Soy supplements (HERYSOY, 2002 only)
  • Valerian (HERYVAL, 2000 and 2002)
  • Other herbal supplement (HERYOTH, 2000 only)

For more information on the full range of variables related to herbs, see HERYR.


HERYKELP is only available for 2002.


  • 2002: Sample adults age 18+ who have used natural herbs for their health during the past 12 months.


  • 2002
