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For sample adults and sample children in 2007 who had taken two or more vitamin supplements during the past 30 days (VITMO), VIT2TREAT indicates whether the second vitamin was taken to treat or cure a specific disease or health problem.
VIT2TREAT is part of a series of variables dealing with vitamin and herbal supplements, based on questions fielded in 1992, 2000, 2002, 2005, or 2007. For more information on the purpose of these variables, along with a list of all vitamin supplements that respondents could report using and a discussion of related vitamin supplement variables, see VITYR, VITANY, and VITMO.
Follow-Up Questions[show more]
Persons who reported using a second vitamin supplement to treat a specific disease or health problem were asked follow-up questions about combining the vitamin supplement with conventional medical treatment:
- Got no conventional treatment for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TNOCONV)
- Got counseling for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TCOUN)
- Got nonprescription meds for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TNPMED)
- Got prescription meds for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TPMED)
- Got physical therapy for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TPT)
- Got surgery for 2nd vitamin supplement condition treated (VIT2TSURG)
Persons who had used their second vitamin supplement to treat a specific disease or problem were also asked what the condition was. There are 116 variables for specific conditions that respondents could indicate were treated with a vitamin supplement: 57 for adults only, 29 for children only, and 30 for both children and adults.
Sample adults only could indicate that they used a second vitamin supplement to treat:
- excessive alcohol or tobacco use (VIT2TALCTOB)
- angina (VIT2TANGINA)
- back pain or problem (VIT2TBACPAIN)
- bipolar disorder (VIT2TBIPOL)
- birth defect (VIT2TBIRTHD)
- anemia and blood disorders--adults (VIT2TBLOOD)
- chronic bronchitis (VIT2TCBRON)
- cholesterol (VIT2TCHOL)
- coronary heart disease (VIT2TCORON)
- other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (VIT2TCTS)
- benign tumors or cysts (VIT2TCYST)
- dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (VIT2TDEMENT)
- dental pain (VIT2TDENPAIN)
- emphysema (VIT2TEMPH)
- excessive sleepiness during the day (VIT2TESLEEPY)
- fibromyalgia (VIT2TFIBRO)
- fracture, bone or joint injury (VIT2TFRACT)
- gout (VIT2TGOUT)
- gynecologic problem (VIT2TGYN)
- heart attack (VIT2THATT)
- hernia (VIT2THERN)
- hypertension (VIT2THYPER)
- inflammatory bowel disease (VIT2TINFB)
- stomach or intestinal illness (VIT2TINTEST)
- irritable bowel (VIT2TIRRB)
- jaw pain (VIT2TJAWPAIN)
- joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition (VIT2TJNTPAIN)
- weak or failing kidneys (VIT2TKIDNEY)
- poor circulation in legs (VIT2TLCIRC)
- liver problem (VIT2TLIVER)
- lupus (VIT2TLUPUS)
- mania or psychosis (VIT2TMANIA)
- memory loss or loss of other cognitive function (VIT2TMEMLOS)
- menopause (VIT2TMENOP)
- missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (VIT2TMLIMB)
- neck pain or problem (VIT2TNECPAIN)
- circulation problems (other than in the legs) (VIT2TNLCIRC)
- other allergies--adults (VIT2TOALLA)
- other heart condition or disease (VIT2TOHART)
- other infectious diseases (VIT2TOINF)
- other injury (VIT2TOINJ)
- knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (VIT2TOKNEE)
- osteoporosis, tendinitis (VIT2TOSTEO)
- polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (VIT2TPOLIO)
- prostate trouble or impotence (VIT2TPROST)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (VIT2TRHEUM)
- schizophrenia (VIT2TSCHIZ)
- senility (VIT2TSENILE)
- skin problems--adults (VIT2TSKINA)
- sprain or strain (VIT2TSPRAIN)
- stress (VIT2TSTRESS)
- stroke (VIT2TSTROKE)
- substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco (VIT2TSUBST)
- ulcer (VIT2TULCER)
- varicose veins, hemorrhoids (VIT2TVEIN)
Persons responding for sample children could indicate that the child had used a second vitamin supplement to treat:
- abdominal pain (VIT2TABDOM)
- acne (VIT2TACNE)
- anemia -- children (VIT2TANEMC)
- back or neck pain (VIT2TBNPAIN)
- colitis (VIT2TCOLIT)
- congenital heart disease (VIT2TCONGHD)
- Down syndrome (VIT2TDOWN)
- ear infections (VIT2TEARINF)
- eczema or skin allergy (VIT2TECZEM)
- allergy to food (VIT2TFALL)
- fatigue (VIT2TFATIG)
- fever (VIT2TFEVER)
- cystic fibrosis (VIT2TFIBROS)
- incontinence (VIT2TINCON)
- muscular dystrophy (VIT2TMUSCD)
- neurological problems (VIT2TNEUROL)
- other allergies -- children (VIT2TOALLC)
- other heart conditions -- children (VIT2TOHARTC)
- other chronic pain (VIT2TOTHPAIN)
- cerebral palsy (VIT2TPALSY)
- chicken pox (VIT2TPOX)
- respiratory allergy (VIT2TRALL)
- sickle cell anemia (VIT2TSICKL)
- other skin problems--children (VIT2TSKINC)
- non-strep sore throat (VIT2TSORET)
- stammering or stuttering (VIT2TSTAM)
- strep throat or tonsillitis (VIT2TSTREP)
- nausea or vomiting (VIT2TVOMIT)
- warts (VIT2TWART)
For both sample adults and sample children, respondents could indicate use of a second vitamin supplement to treat:
- attention deficit disorder (VIT2TADD)
- anxiety (VIT2TANX)
- arthritis (VIT2TARTH)
- asthma (VIT2TASTH)
- autism (VIT2TAUT)
- cancer (VIT2TCANC)
- head or chest cold (VIT2TCOLD)
- constipation needing medication (VIT2TCONST)
- depression (VIT2TDEPRES)
- diabetes (VIT2TDIAB)
- influenza or pneumonia (VIT2TFLU)
- gum disease (VIT2TGUM)
- hay fever (VIT2THAY)
- hearing problem (VIT2THEAR)
- insomnia (VIT2TINSOM)
- menstrual problems (VIT2TMENST)
- migraine or severe headache (VIT2TMIG)
- other developmental problem (VIT2TODD)
- other lung or breathing problem (VIT2TOLUNG)
- other musculoskeletal problem (VIT2TOMUSC)
- phobias (VIT2TPHOBIA)
- acid reflux (VIT2TREFLUX)
- regular headaches (VIT2TREGHEAD)
- mental retardation (VIT2TRET)
- seizures (VIT2TSEIZ)
- sinusitis (VIT2TSINUS)
- urinary problem (VIT2TURIN)
- vision problem (VIT2TVISION)
- weight problem (VIT2TWEIGHT)
- other (VIT2TOTH1)
The aforementioned variables indicating which conditions respondents treated via a second vitamin supplement provide a "yes" or "no" response for each condition. Analysts interested in the conditions that a second vitamin supplement was used to treat may wish to consult the following summary variables, as well:
- Condition for which 2nd vitamin supplement was taken to treat most (VIT2TCONMOST)
- Condition count for 2nd vitamin supplement used to treat a condition (VIT2TCONNO)
Researchers may also be interested in the following related variables:
- Took 1st vitamin supplement to treat specific health problem (VIT1TREAT)
- Took 1st herbal supplement to treat specific health problem (HER1TREAT)
- Took 2nd herbal supplement to treat specific health problem (HER2TREAT)
- Took 1st vitamin supplement to prevent specific health problem (VIT1PREV)
- Took 2nd vitamin supplement to prevent specific health problem (VIT2PREV
- Took 1st herbal supplement to prevent specific health problem (HER1PREV)
- Took 2nd herbal supplement to prevent specific health problem (HER2PREV)
- Took herbal supplements to treat specific health problem, past 12 months (HERYTREAT)
- Took vitamins or minerals to treat specific health problem, past 12 months (VITYTREAT)
VIT2TREAT is only available for 2007. The question wording differed slightly for sample adults and sample children.
For sample adults, interviewers asked, "Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons? ... To treat or cure a specific disease or health problem?"
For sample children, interviewers asked, "Did [fill: sample child's name] take [fill2: 2nd vitamin/mineral of two] to treat a specific health problem or condition?"
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children under 18 who have taken two or more vitamin supplements during the past 30 days.
- 2007
