Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | Not mentioned | X |
2 | Mentioned | · |
7 | Unknown-refused | · |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | · |
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For sample adults age 18+ in 2007 who had seen a practitioner for a therapeutic movement technique during the past 12 months (MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, MOVTRAGYR) and had used a movement technique to treat a specific health problem or condition (MOVTREAT), MOVTSCHIZ indicates whether the person had used a movement technique to treat schizophrenia.
Related Variables
Schizophrenia was one of 57 possible specific conditions that sample adults (but not sample children) could report treating with a movement technique.
[show more]The other such conditions are:
- angina (MOVTANGINA, 2007 only)
- excessive alcohol or tobacco (MOVTALCTOB, 2007 only)
- back pain or problem (MOVTBACPAIN, 2007 only)
- birth defect (MOVTBIRTHD, 2007 only)
- bipolar disorder (MOVTBIPOL, 2007 only)
- anemia and blood disorders (adults) (MOVTBLOOD, 2007 only)
- chronic bronchitis (MOVTCBRON, 2007 only)
- cholesterol (MOVTCHOL, 2007 only)
- coronary heart disease (MOVTCORON, 2007 only)
- other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (MOVTCTS, 2007 only)
- benign tumors or cysts (MOVTCYST, 2007 only)
- dementia (MOVTDEMENT, 2007 only)
- dental pain (MOVTDENPAIN, 2007 only)
- emphysema (MOVTEMPH, 2007 only)
- excessive sleepiness during the day (MOVTESLEEPY, 2007 only)
- fracture, bone or joint injury (MOVTFRACT, 2007 only)
- fibromyalgia (MOVTFIBRO, 2007 only)
- gynecologic problem (MOVTGYN, 2007 only)
- gout (MOVTGOUT, 2007 only)
- heart attack (MOVTHATT, 2007 only)
- hernia (MOVTHERN, 2007 only)
- hypertension (MOVTHYPER, 2007 only)
- inflammatory bowel disease (MOVTINFB, 2007 only)
- stomach or intestinal illness (MOVTINTEST, 2007 only)
- irritable bowel (MOVTIRRB, 2007 only)
- jaw pain (MOVTJAWPAIN, 2007 only)
- joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition (MOVTJNTPAIN, 2007 only)
- weak or failing kidneys (MOVTKIDNEY, 2007 only)
- poor circulation in legs (MOVTLCIRC, 2007 only)
- liver problem (MOVTLIVER, 2007 only)
- lupus (MOVTLUPUS, 2007 only)
- mania or psychosis (MOVTMANIA, 2007 only)
- memory loss or loss of other cognitive function (MOVTMEMLOS, 2007 only)
- menopause (MOVTMENOP, 2007 only)
- missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (MOVTMLIMB, 2007 only)
- neck pain or problem (MOVTNECPAIN, 2007 only)
- circulation problems (other than in the legs) (MOVTNLCIRC, 2007 only)
- other allergies (adults) (MOVTOALLA, 2007 only)
- other heart condition or disease (MOVTOHART)
- other infectious diseases (MOVTOINF, 2007 only)
- other injury (MOVTOINJ, 2007 only)
- knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (MOVTOKNEE, 2007 only)
- osteoporosis, tendinitis (MOVTOSTEO, 2007 only)
- polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (MOVTPOLIO, 2007 only)
- prostate trouble or impotence (MOVTPROST, 2007 only)
- rheumatoid arthritis (MOVTRHEUM, 2007 only)
- senility (MOVTSENILE, 2007 only)
- skin problems--adults (MOVTSKINA, 2007 only)
- sprain or strain (MOVTSPRAIN, 2007 only)
- stress (MOVTSTRESS, 2007 only)
- stroke (MOVTSTROKE, 2007 only)
- substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco (MOVTSUBST, 2007 only)
- ulcer (MOVTULCER, 2007 only)
- varicose veins, hemorrhoids (MOVTVEIN, 2007 only)
Additionally, there are 30 other conditions that both sample adults and sample children could report treating with a movement technique. For the full list of conditions, see MOVTREAT.
Movement techniques is one of 16 modalities of alternative medicine that were included in the 2002 and 2007 Alternative Health Supplements. In both 2002 and 2007, information about movement techniques was collected on many topics (such as the cost of treatment); however, only the 2007 survey included questions about using a movement technique to treat a standard list of specific conditions. (See MOVALEXYR for more information.)
Persons could report treating schizophrenia by 15 of the 16 alternative health modalities. The omitted alternative treatment is prayer, which was included as a treatment for specific health problems in the 2002 survey only; however, schizophrenia was not a specific condition recognized in 2002. (See PRASELFEV for more information about the treatment of specific conditions by prayer.) Analysts interested in the treatment of schizophrenia by alternative therapies other than movement techniques should see MOVALEXYR for the full list of alternative medicine treatments, as well as for a summary of other movement technique-related questions and definitions.
MOVTSCHIZ is only available for 2007. Survey participants were not asked about using movement techniques to treat most specific health conditions in 2002, and schizophrenia was not a condition covered by the CAM supplement in 2002.
In 2007, sample adults were asked, "For what health problems or conditions did you use [fill: type of movement technique]?"
MOVTSCHIZ should be interpreted in conjunction with MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, and MOVTRAGYR, which indicate the specific movement technique (i.e., Alexander Technique, Feldenkreis, Pilates, or Trager Integration) used by the survey participant.
[show more]Sample adults who had used more than one type of movement technique in the past year were asked to choose which movement technique they had used the most (MOVTYPMOST). The survey form instructed field representatives, "If respondent cannot choose one movement technique, probe for the one most important for health." Field representatives then filled in the above survey question for MOVTSCHIZ with the movement technique indicated by MOVTYPMOST.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have seen a practitioner for movement technique during the past 12 months and have used movement technique for a specific health problem or condition.
- 2007
Survey Text
2007 |
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use [fill: type of movement technique]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(82) [goto MOV_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]
Question Text:
probe for condition most important for using [fill: type of movement technique].
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(Refused,Don't know) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto MOV_CONM]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto MOV_MED]; else [goto MOV_ENG]