Codes and Frequencies
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For persons age 18+ who have at least one activity limitation (LANY), CLIMLUNG reports whether the person identified, from an interviewer-provided flashcard listing possible causes of activity limitations, a lung or breathing problem as a cause of any activity limitation.
Data Collection
CLIMLUNG is one of a set of variables in the Health Status and Limitation of Activities section of the NHIS Family Core. The question, "What conditions or health problems cause [person's] limitations?," (with "lung or breathing problem" as a possible answer) comes only if there is at least one affirmative answer in a series of preceding questions that vary according to the age of the subject.
[show more]These questions, and the necessary answers, are:
Other possible causes of activity limitations listed on the flashcard provided to respondents included:
- Vision/problem seeing (CLIMVISION)
- Hearing problem (CLIMHEAR)
- Arthritis/rheumatism (CLIMARTH
- Back or neck problems (CLIMBACK
- Fractures, bone/joint injury (CLIMFRACT)
- Other injury (CLIMOTHINJ)
- Heart problem (CLIMHEART)
- Stroke problem (CLIMSTROKE)
- Hypertension/high blood pressure (CLIMHYPER)
- Diabetes (CLIMDIABET)
- Birth defect (CLIMBIRTH)
- Mental retardation (CLIMRET)
- Other developmental problem (e.g., cerebral palsy) (CLIMOTHDEV)
- Senility (CLIMSENILE)
- Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (CLIMDEPRES)
- Weight problem (CLIMWEIGHT)
Other possible causes of activity limitations for persons age 18+, not listed on the flashcard provided to respondents, but based on "other" responses provided by respondents to the question, "What conditions or health problems cause [person's] limitations?," include:
- Alcohol or drug problem (CLIMALC)
- Benign tumor (CLIMBENIGN)
- Blood problem (CLIMBLOOD)
- Circulatory problem (CLIMCIRC)
- Digestive problem (CLIMDIGEST)
- Endocrine problem (CLIMENDO)
- Other mental problem (CLIMENTAL)
- Fatigue (CLIMFATIG)
- Genitourinary problem (CLIMGENITO)
- Missing limb or finger (CLIMLIMB)
- Muscularskeletal problem (CLIMMUSCLE)
- Nervous system condition (CLIMNERVES)
- Old age (CLIMOLDAGE)
- Pregnancy (CLIMPREG)
- Skin problem (CLIMSKIN)
- Surgical after-effects (CLIMSURGRY)
- First unclassified problem for adults (CLIMANEC1)
- Second unclassified problem for adults (CLIMANEC2)
The following definitions provide information about various concepts used in the sequence of questions identified above:
For 2002 forward, the variable is completely comparable.
For 1997-2001, a small number of cases were coded as "no condition at all" (IPUMS NHIS code 6) for the cause of activity limitation. If researchers are interested in only persons (age 18+) with at least one condition causing an activity limitation, then the response of "no condition at all" can be recoded as "not in universe" (IHIS code 0). Using this recode, the variable is completely comparable for 1997 forward.
- 1997-2013; 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018: Persons age 18+ with at least 1 limitation.
- 1997-2018

- 1997-2018 : PERWEIGHT