Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X |
1 | No | X | X |
2 | Yes | X | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | · | · |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | · | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | · | · |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
CHEUSHCREC indicates whether sample adults had used chelation therapy because "a conventional medical professional suggested you try [it]" (2002) or because "it was recommended by a health care provider" (2007). Only sample adults who had seen a practitioner for chelation therapy during the past 12 months (CHEYR) and, in 2002, had used chelation therapy for a specific health problem or condition (CHETREAT) were asked their reasons for using chelation therapy.
Other reasons for using chelation therapy that were recorded by the survey, and the associated IPUMS NHIS variables, are:
- CHEUSCOMBO (Helps combined w. conventional med)
- CHEUSENERGY (Enhanced energy)
- CHEUSWELL (General wellness)
- CHEUSMEDCOST (Medical treatments expensive)
- CHEUSMEDFAIL (Medical treatment not help)
- CHEUSINTER (Interesting to try)
- CHEUSIMMUN (Improved immune function)
- CHEUSRELREC (Family or friends recommended)
For information about the full range of variables related to chelation therapy, including definitions, see CHEYR.
- 2002: Sample adults age 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy during the past 12 months and have used chelation therapy for a specific health problem or condition.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy during the past 12 months.
- 2002, 2007
Survey Text
2007 |
2002 |
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
CHE_EXPS Conventional medical treatments were too expensive
CHE_COMB Chelation combined with conventional medical treatments would help you
CHE_SUGG A conventional medical professional suggested you try chelation
CHE_INTS You thought it would be interesting to try chelation
- 2002, 2007 : SAMPWEIGHT