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2007 NHIS Questionnaire - Sample Adult
Adult Identification
Document Version Date: 28 - May-08

Question ID: : AID.005_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: SADULT
Question Text:
* The sample adult person is [fill: ALIAS of Sample Adult]. The next questions must be answered by this person. Probe
as necessary to determine the availability of [fill: ALIAS of Sample Adult].
* If refused enter CTRL-R
1 Available
2 Not available
3 Physical or mental condition prohibits responding
7 Refused
Universe Text: This is the Sample Adult and (the Sample Adult section has not been started or completed).
Skip Instructions:
(1) if Sample Adult = demographics.hhc.RELRESP_A
goto beginning of adult.asd
elseif Sample Adult = demographics.hhc.HHRESP
goto beginning of adult.asd
(2) goto callbk.ACALLBK1
(3) goto PROX1
(R) store '4' in ASTAT
if recontact.RCIFLAG ne '1'
goto recontact.RCI_BEGIN procedure
goto back.OUTCOMEB1 procedure

Question ID: : AID.010_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PROX1
Question Text:
* Proxy interviews can be done for sample adults that have a mental or physical condition that prevents them from responding for themselves.
Is a family member or caregiver that is knowledgeable about [fill: ALIAS of Sample Adult]'s health available?
1 Yes
2 No
Universe Text: The Sample Adult's physical or mental condition prohibits responding.
Skip Instructions:
(1) goto PROX2
(2) goto PROX3


Question ID: :AID.015_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PROX2
Question Text:
* Ask if necessary.
What is this person's relationship to [fill: ALIAS of Sample Adult]?
1 Relative who lives in household
2 Relative who doesn't live in household
3 Other caregiver
4 Other
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Knowledgeable proxy is available.
Skip Instructions:
(1-4) goto AIDVERF_S

Question ID: : AID.020_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PROX3
Question Text:
*Ask if necessary.
Can a callback with someone knowledgeable about [fill: ALIAS of Sample Adult]'s health be arranged?
1 Yes
2 No
Universe Text: Knowledgeable proxy is not available.
Skip Instructions:
(1) goto callbk.ACALLBK1
(2) store '3' in ASTAT
if recontact.RCIFLAG ne '1'
goto recontact.RCI_BEGIN procedure
goto back.OUTCOMEB1 procedure

Question ID: : AID.030_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDVERF_S
Question Text:
* Please verify the following information about the sample adult before proceeding:
I have recorded your sex as [fill: Sex of Sample Adult]. Is this correct?
*If respondent "refuses" or says "don't know", enter "1" for "yes".
1 Yes
2 No
Universe Text: Sample Adult is not the person entered in HHRESP or RELRESP_A. Or PROX1 = 'Yes'.
Skip Instructions:
(1) goto AIDVERF_A
(2) goto AIDSEX


Question ID: : AID.040_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDSEX
Question Text:
* Ask if appropriate; otherwise, enter your best guess of the person's sex.
Are you Male or Female?
1 Male
2 Female
Universe Text: Respondent said his/her sex is not correct.
Skip Instructions:
(1,2) store AIDSEX in SEX

Question ID: : AID.045_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDVERF_A
Question Text:
* Please verify the following information about the sample adult before proceeding:
I have recorded your age as [fill: Age of Sample Adult] old. Is this correct?
*If respondent "refuses" or says "don't know", enter "1" for "yes".
1 Yes
2 No
Universe Text: Sample Adult said his/her sex is correct.
Skip Instructions:
(1) goto AIDVERF_D
(2) goto AIDAGE

Question ID: : AID.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDAGE
Question Text:
How old are you?
000-120 Age in years
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Respondent said his/her age is not correct
Skip Instructions:
(0-120, Refused, Don't know)
if AIDAGE = 'Refused' or AIDAGE = 'Don't know' or AIDAGE = AGE
store AIDAGE in AGE


Question ID: : AID.055_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDVERF_D
Question Text:
* Please verify the following information about the sample adult before proceeding:
I have recorded your birthday as [fill: Birthday of Sample Adult]. Is this correct?
*If respondent "refuses" or says "don't know", enter "1" for "yes".
1 Yes
2 No
Universe Text: Sample Adult said his/her age is correct.
Skip Instructions:
(1) if AGE of Sample Adult le '17'
goto NoMORE
goto beginning of adult.asd
(2) goto AIDDOB_M

Question ID: : AID.060_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDDOB_M
Question Text:
1 of 3
What is your birthday?
*Enter month of birth.
01 January
02 February
03 March
04 April
05 May
06 June
07 July
08 August
09 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Respondent said his/her date of birth is not correct or his/her age is not correct
Skip Instructions:
(01-12, Refused, Don't know) goto AIDDOB_D


Question ID: : AID.060_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDDOB_D
Question Text:
2 of 3
*Enter day of birth.
01-31 Day of the month
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Respondent said his/her date of birth is not correct or his/her age is not correct
Skip Instructions:
(01-31,Refused,Don't know) goto AIDDOB_Y
If days not valid, goto ERR_AIDDOB_D

Question ID: : AID.060_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: AIDDOB_Y
Question Text:
3 of 3
*Enter year of birth.
1880-2020 Year of Birth
Universe Text: Respondent said his/her date of birth is not correct or his/her age is not correct
Skip Instructions:
(1880-2020, Refused, Don't know) if AIDVERF_A = '2' (No) then reset AIDVERF_A to empty
elseif AIDVERF_D = '2' (No) then reset AIDVERF_D to empty
(if year GT current year) or (if year = current year and month GT current month) or (if year = current year and
month = current month and day GT current day)
(if birth month = '02' and birth day = '29' and this is not a leap year)
(if AIDDOB_M = 'Ref' or 'DK') or (if AIDDOB_D = 'Re'f or 'DK') or (if AIDDOB_Y = 'Ref' or 'DK')
store AIDDOB_M in DOBM
store AIDDOB_D in DOBD
store AIDDOB_Y in DOBY
if AIDVERF_A = '2' (No) then reset AIDVERF_A to empty
elseif AIDVERF_D = '2' (No) then reset AIDVERF_D to empty
Calculate age from AIDDOB_M, AIDDOB_D, and AIDDOB_Y.
if age from AIDDOB items is ne AGE and age from AIDDOB items is valid


2007 NHIS Questionnaire - Adult CAM

Question ID: : ALT.010_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
Now I am going to ask you about some health services you may have used. First I will ask you about some services for
which you would have seen a practitioner. Then I will ask you about some other health practices you may have done on
your own.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself? Please say yes or no to
... Acupuncture (AK-you-punk-chur)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto AYU_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.012_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
...Ayurveda (eye-yur-VAY-duh)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto BIO_EVER]


Question ID: : ALT.014_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto CHE_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.016_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
...Chelation (key-LAY-shun) Therapy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto COM_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.018_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
...Chiropractic (kye-row-PRAK-tik) or Osteopathic Manipulation
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto EHT_EVER]


Question ID: : ALT.020_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
...Energy Healing Therapy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto HYP_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.022_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto MAS_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.024_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D)[goto NAT_EVER]


Question ID: : ALT.026_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT1 ?[F1]
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER seen a provider or practitioner for any of the following therapies for yourself?
...Naturopathy (nay-chur-AH-puh-thee)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

*Cycle through list of modalities to determine follow-up questions.
elseif ACU_EVER = 2 goto ACU_NNOT
elseif AYU_EVER = 1 goto AYU_USEM
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.028_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for acupuncture?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried acupuncture
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto ACU_NUMB] (2)[goto ACU_MNOT] (R,D)[goto AYU_USEM or next modality respondent has
used---see table below for determination:
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.030_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for acupuncture?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto ACU_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.032_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for acupuncture?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto ACU_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.034_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use acupuncture for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto ACU_COND] (2,R,D)[goto ACU_ENG]

[p.6] 6 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.036_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use acupuncture?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use acupuncture for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto ACU_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto ACU_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto ACU_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.037_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which acupuncture was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most
important for using acupuncture.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used acupucture to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto ACU_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto ACU_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto ACU_MED]; else [goto ACU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.038_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use acupuncture the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using acupuncture.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used acupuncture for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto ACU_MED],
(Refused,Don't know) [goto ACU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.040_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which acupuncture used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who receive acupuncture for particular medical condition
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto ACU_TIM1]
(2) [goto ACU_TIM2]
(3) [goto ACU_TIM3]
(4) [goto ACU_TIM4]
(5) [goto ACU_TIM5]
(0, Refused,Don't know) [goto ACU_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.042_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from ACU_MOST or ACU_COND or ACU_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying acupuncture?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used acupuncture for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _ACU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.042_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from ACU_MOST or ACU_COND or ACU_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying acupuncture?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used acupuncture for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _ACU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.042_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from ACU_MOST or ACU_COND or ACU_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying acupuncture?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used acupuncture for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _ACU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.042_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from ACU_MOST or ACU_COND or ACU_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying acupuncture?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used acupuncture for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _ACU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.042_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from ACU_MOST or ACU_COND or ACU_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying acupuncture?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used acupuncture for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto ACU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.044_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.046_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
... For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.048_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
... To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_NOHP]


Question ID: : ALT.050_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.052_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.054_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.056_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use acupuncture for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto ACU_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.058_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of acupuncture?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for acupuncture in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto ACUPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AYU_USEM or next modality which respondent has used. If no more, [goto cycle
hrough reference table below:
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.060_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACUPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of acupuncture
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,Refused,Don't know)[goto Table below]
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER]
[p .17}

Question ID: : ALT.062_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_MNOT
Question Text:
(book) ALT4
Please tell me the reasons why you have not used acupuncture in the PAST 12 MONTHS.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the last 12 months
04 It didn't work for me Before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have not used acupuncture in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(6) goto ACU_SDEF
(1-5,7-9,'R', 'D')[goto AYU_USEM or next modality that respondent has used; ---see table below for _
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.064_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_SDEF
Question Text:
What kinds of side effects did you have?
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from acupuncture
Skip Instructions:
(allow 75 characters, 'Refused', 'Don't know') [goto ACU_ATT]


Question ID: : ALT.066_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_ATT
Question Text:
Did any of these require medical attention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from acupuncture
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto AYU_USEM or next modality respondent has used; ---see table below for determination:
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.068_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ACU_NNOT
Question Text:
(book) ALT5
Please tell me the reasons why you have never used acupuncture.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never heard of it/don't know much about it
02 Never thought about it
03 No reason
04 Don't need it
05 Don't believe in it/it doesn't work
06 It costs too much
07 It is not safe to use
08 A health care provider told me not to use it
09 Medical science has not shown that it works
10 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have never used acupuncture
Skip Instructions:

(1-10,R,D)If AYU_EVER = 1 goto AYU_USEM
elseif BIO_EVER = 1 goto BIO_USEM
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.070_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for ayurveda?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried ayurveda
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto AYU_NUMB] (2, 'R', 'D' [goto BIO_USEM or next modality respondent has used--see table below for
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.072_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for ayurveda?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto AYU_PAY]


Question ID: : ALT.074_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for ayurveda?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto AYU_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.076_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use ayurveda for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto AYU_COND] (2,R,D)[goto AYU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.078_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use ayurveda?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use ayurveda for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto AYU_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto AYU_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto AYU_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.079_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which ayurveda was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most
important for using ayurveda.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used ayurveda to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AYU_MOST]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AYU_MOST]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected, [goto AYU_MED]; else [goto AYU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.080_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use ayurveda the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using ayurveda.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used ayurveda for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto AYU_MED],
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AYU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.082_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which ayurveda used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received ayurveda for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto AYU_TIM1]
(2) [goto AYU_TIM2]
(3) [goto AYU_TIM3]
(4) [goto AYU_TIM4]
(5) [goto AYU_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto AYU_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.084_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from AYU_MOST or AYU_COND or AYU_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying ayurveda?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used ayurveda for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _AYU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.084_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from AYU_MOST or AYU_COND or AYU_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying ayurveda?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used ayurveda for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto AYU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.084_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from AYU_MOST or AYU_COND or AYU_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying ayurveda?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used ayurveda for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _AYU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.084_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from AYU_MOST or AYU_COND or AYU_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying ayurveda?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used ayurveda for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _AYU_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.084_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from AYU_MOST or AYU_COND or AYU_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying ayurveda?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used ayurveda for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto AYU_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.086_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.088_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.090_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_NOHP]


Question ID: : ALT.092_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.094_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.096_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.098_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ayurveda for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto AYU_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.100_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYU_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your use of ayurveda?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for ayurveda in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto AYUPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto BIO_USEM or next modality which respondent has used. Cycle through table below:
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.102_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AYUPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of ayurveda
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below]
elseif CHE_EVER = 1 goto CHE_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.104_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for biofeedback?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried biofeedback
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto BIO_NUMB] (2,'R', 'D' [goto CHE_USEM or next modality respondent has used--see table below for
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.106_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for biofeedback?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto BIO_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.108_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for biofeedback?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto BIO_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.110_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use biofeedback for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto BIO_COND] (2,R,D)[goto BIO_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.112_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use biofeedback?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use biofeedback for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto BIO_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto BIO_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto BIO_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.113_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which biofeedback was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most
important for using biofeedback.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used biofeedback to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto BIO_MOST]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto BIO_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto BIO_MED]; else [goto BIO_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.114_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use biofeedback the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using biofeedback.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used biofeedback for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto BIO_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto BIO_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.116_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition for which biofeedback used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received biofeedback for particular condition
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto BIO_TIM1]
(2) [goto BIO_TIM2]
(3) [goto BIO_TIM3]
(4) [goto BIO_TIM4]
(5) [goto BIO_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto BIO_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.118_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from BIO_MOST or BIO_COND or BIO_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying biofeedback?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used biofeedback for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,'R','D') [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.118_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from BIO_MOST or BIO_COND or BIO_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying biofeedback?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used biofeedback for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto BIO_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.118_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from BIO_MOST or BIO_COND or BIO_SPEC] before, at about the same time, or after trying biofeedback?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used biofeedback for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto BIO_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.118_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from BIO_MOST or BIO_COND or BIO_SPEC] before, at about the
same time, or after trying biofeedback?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used biofeedback for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto BIO_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.118_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from BIO_MOST or BIO_COND or BIO_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying biofeedback?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used biofeedback for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto BIO_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.120_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.122_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.124_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_NOHP]


Question ID: : ALT.126_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.128_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.130_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.132_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use biofeedback for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto BIO_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.134_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIO_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of the CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of Biofeedback?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for biofeedback in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto BIOPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto CHE_USEM or next modality which respondent has used by cycling through table below:
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.136_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BIOPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of biofeedback
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below]
elseif COM_EVER = 1 goto COM_USEM
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.138_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for chelation therapy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried chelation therapy
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto CHE_NUMB] (2, 'R' , 'D' )[goto COM_USEM or next modality respondent has used, see flow from
able below:
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.140_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for chelation therapy?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,R,D)[goto CHE_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.142_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for chelation therapy?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto CHE_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.144_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use chelation therapy for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto CHE_COND] (2,R,D)[goto CHE_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.146_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use chelation therapy?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use chelation therapy for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto CHE_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto CHE_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto CHE_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.147_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which chelation therapy was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using chelation therapy.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used chelation therapy to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto CHE_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto CHE_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto CHE_MED]; else [goto CHE_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.148_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use chelation therapy the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using chelation therapy.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used chelation therapy for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto CHE_MED],
(Refused,Don't know) [goto CHE_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.150_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which chelation therapy used the
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received chelation therapy for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto CHE_TIM1]
(2) [goto CHE_TIM2]
(3) [goto CHE_TIM3]
(4) [goto CHE_TIM4]
(5) [goto CHE_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto CHE_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.152_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from CHE_MOST or CHE_COND or CHE_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying chelation therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used chelation therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto CHE_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.152_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from CHE_MOST or CHE_COND or CHE_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying chelation therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used chelation therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto CHE_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.152_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from CHE_MOST or CHE_COND or CHE_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying chelation therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used chelation therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto CHE_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.152_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from CHE_MOST or CHE_COND or CHE_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying chelation therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used chelation therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto CHE_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.152_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from CHE_MOST or CHE_COND or CHE_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying chelation therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used chelation therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto CHE_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.154_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.156_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.158_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_NOHP]


Question ID: : ALT.160_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.162_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.164_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.166_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chelation therapy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto CHE_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.168_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHE_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of the CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of chelation therapy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chelation therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto CHEPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto CHE_USEM or next modality which respondent has used.--see table below:
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.170_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CHEPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of chelation therapy
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below]
elseif COM_EVER = 2 goto COM_NNOT
elseif EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.172_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto COM_NUMB] (2)[goto COM_MNOT] (R,D)[goto EHT_USEM or next modality respondent has
used.--see table below for determination:
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.174_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto COM_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.176_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto COM_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.178_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto COM_COND] (2,R,D)[goto COM_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.180_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto COM_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto COM_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto COM_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.181_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation was used. If respondent gives more than one
condition, probe for condition most important for using chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto COM_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto COM_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto COM_MED]; else [goto COM_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.182_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using chiropractic or osteopathic
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto COM_MED],
(Refused,Don't know) [goto COM_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.184_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition for which chiropractic or osteopathic
manipulation used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto COM_TIM1]
(2) [goto COM_TIM2]
(3) [goto COM_TIM3]
(4) [goto COM_TIM4]
(5) [goto COM_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto COM_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.186_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from COM_MOST or COM_COND or COM_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used chiropractic or osteopathic _
manipulation for the most_
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _COM_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.186_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from COM_MOST or COM_COND or COM_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used chiropractic or osteopathic
manipulation for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _COM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.186_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from COM_MOST or COM_COND or COM_SPEC] before, at about the
same time, or after trying chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _COM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.186_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from COM_MOST or COM_COND or COM_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for
the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _COM_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.186_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from COM_MOST or COM_COND or COM_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used chiropractic or osteopathic _
manipulation for the most_
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto COM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.188_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.190_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_IMM]


Question ID: : ALT.192_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_NOHP]

Question ID: : ALT.194_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons? .
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.196_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_SUGG]


Question ID: : ALT.198_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_FFC]

Question ID: : ALT.200_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto COM_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.202_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto COMPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto EHT_USEM or next modality which respondent has used.--see table below for determination:
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else gotoTRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.204_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COMPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of chiropractic or osteopathic
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below for determination:
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.206_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_MNOT
Question Text:
(book) ALT4
Please tell me the reasons why you have not used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in the PAST 12 MONTHS.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the last 12 months_
04 It didn't work for me Before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have not used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(6) goto COM_SDEF_
(1-5,7-9, 'R', 'D' )[goto EHT_USEM or next modality that respondent has used;--see table below for _
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.208_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_SDEF
Question Text:
What kinds of side effects did you have?
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation
Skip Instructions:
(allow 75 characters, 'R', 'D' ) [goto COM_ATT]


Question ID: : ALT.210_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_ATT
Question Text:
Did any of these require medical attention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto EHT_USEM or next modality respondent has used -- see table below for determination:
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.212_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: COM_NNOT
Question Text:
(book) ALT5
Please tell me the reasons why you have never used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never heard of it/don't know much about it
02 Never thought about it
03 No reason
04 Don't need it
05 Don't believe in it/it doesn't work
06 It costs too much
07 It is not safe to use
08 A health care provider told me not to use it
09 Medical science has not shown that it works
10 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have never used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation
Skip Instructions:

(1-10,R,D) If EHT_EVER = 1 goto EHT_USEM
elseif HYP_EVER = 1 goto HYP_USEM
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.214_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for energy healing therapy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried energy healing therapy
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto EHT_NUMB] (2,R,D)[cycle through other modalities respondant has used -- see table below for
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.216_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for energy healing therapy?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto EHT_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.218_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for energy healing therapy?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto EHT_TRET]


Question ID: : ALT.220_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use energy healing therapy for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto EHT_COND] (2,R,D)[goto EHT_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.222_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use energy healing therapy?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use energy healing therapy for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto EHT_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto EHT_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto EHT_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.223_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which energy healing therapy was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for
condition most important for using energy healing therapy.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used energy healing therapy to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto EHT_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto EHT_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto EHT_MED]; else [goto EHT_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.224_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use energy healing therapy the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using energy healing therapy.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used energy healing therapy for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto EHT_MED],
(Refused,Don't know) [goto EHT_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.226_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which energy healing therapy used
the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received energy healing therapy for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto EHT_TIM1]
(2) [goto EHT_TIM2]
(3) [goto EHT_TIM3]
(4) [goto EHT_TIM4]
(5) [goto EHT_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto EHT_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.228_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from EHT_MOST or EHT_COND or EHT_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying energy healing therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used energy healing therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto EHT_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.228_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from EHT_MOST or EHT_COND or EHT_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying energy healing therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used energy healing therapy for the
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto EHT_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.228_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from EHT_MOST or EHT_COND or EHT_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying energy healing therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used energy healing therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto EHT_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.228_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from EHT_MOST or EHT_COND or EHT_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying energy healing therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used energy healing therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto EHT_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.228_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from EHT_MOST or EHT_COND or EHT_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying energy healing therapy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used energy healing therapy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto EHT_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.230_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.232_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_IMM]


Question ID: : ALT.234_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_NOHP]

Question ID: : ALT.236_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.238_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_SUGG]


Question ID: : ALT.240_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_FFC]

Question ID: : ALT.242_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use energy healing therapy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto EHT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.244_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHT_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your use of Energy Healing Therapy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for energy healing therapy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto EHTPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto HYP_USEM or next modality which respondent has used -- see table below for determination:
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.246_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: EHTPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of energy healing therapy
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below for determination:
elseif MAS_EVER = 1 goto MAS_USEM
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.248_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for hypnosis?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried hypnosis
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto HYP_NUMB] (2,R,D)[cycle through other modalities respondant has used --see table below for
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER


Question ID: : ALT.250_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for hypnosis?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto EHT_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.252_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for hypnosis?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto HYP_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.254_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use hypnosis for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto HYP_COND] (2,R,D)[goto HYP_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.256_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use hypnosis?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use hypnosis for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto HYP_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto HYP_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto HYP_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.257_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which hypnosis was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most
important for using hypnosis.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used hypnosis to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto HYP_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto HYP_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto HYP_MED]; else [goto HYP_ENG]

[p 87.]

Question ID: : ALT.258_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use hypnosis the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using hypnosis.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used hypnosis for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto HYP_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto HYP_ENG]

[p. 89]

Question ID: : ALT.260_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which hypnosis used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received hypnosis for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto HYP_TIM1]
(2) [goto HYP_TIM2]
(3) [goto HYP_TIM3]
(4) [goto HYP_TIM4]
(5) [goto HYP_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto HYP_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.262_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from HYP_MOST or HYP_COND or HYP_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying hypnosis?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used hypnosis for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.262_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from HYP_MOST or HYP_COND or HYP_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying hypnosis?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used hypnosis for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _


Question ID: : ALT.262_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from HYP_MOST or HYP_COND or HYP_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying hypnosis?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used hypnosis for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.262_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from HYP_MOST or HYP_COND or HYP_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying hypnosis?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used hypnosis for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.262_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from HYP_MOST or HYP_COND or HYP_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying hypnosis?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used hypnosis for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto HYP_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.264_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.266_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.268_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_NOHP]


Question ID: : ALT.270_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.272_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.274_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.276_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use hypnosis for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto HYP_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.278_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYP_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of hypnosis?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for hypnosis in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto HYPPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto MAS_USEM or next modality which respondent has used --see table below for determination:
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.280_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HYPPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of hypnosis
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,R,D)[goto see table below for determination:
elseif NAT_EVER = 1 goto NAT_USEM
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.282_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_USEM
Question Text:
[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for massage?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried massage
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto MAS_NUMB] (2,R,D)[cycle through other modalities respondant has used --see table below for
else goto TRD_EVER


Question ID: : ALT.284_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for massage?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto MAS_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.286_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for massage?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto MAS_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.288_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use massage for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto MAS_COND] (2,R,D)[goto MAS_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.290_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_COND
Question Text:
?[F1] For what health problems or conditions did you use massage?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use massage for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto MAS_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto MAS_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto MAS_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.291_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which massage was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most important for using massage.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used massage to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto MAS_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto MAS_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto MAS_MED]; else [goto MAS_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.292_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use massage the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using massage.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used massage for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) goto MAS_MED
(Refused, Don't know) goto MAS_ENG


Question ID: : ALT.294_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which massage used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None_
1 Prescription medications_
2 Over-the-counter medications_
3 Surgery_
4 Physical therapy_
5 Mental health counseling_
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received massage for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto MAS_TIM1]
(2) [goto MAS_TIM2]
(3) [goto MAS_TIM3]
(4) [goto MAS_TIM4]
(5) [goto MAS_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto MAS_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.296_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from MAS_MOST or MAS_COND or MAS_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying massage?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used massage for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.296_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from MAS_MOST or MAS_COND or MAS_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying massage?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used massage for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _


Question ID: : ALT.296_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from MAS_MOST or MAS_COND or MAS_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying massage?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used massage for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.296_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from MAS_MOST or MAS_COND or MAS_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying massage?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used massage for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.296_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from MAS_MOST or MAS_COND or MAS_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying massage?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used massage for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto MAS_ENG]


Question ID: : ALT.298_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.300_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.302_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_NOHP]

[p.] 104 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.304_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.306_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.308_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_FFC]


Question ID: : ALT.310_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use massage for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto MAS_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.312_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MAS_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of massage?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for massage in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1)[goto MASPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto NAT_USEM or next modality which respondent has used --see table below for determination:
else goto TRD_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.314_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MASPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of massage
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,R,D) If NAT_EVER = 1 [ goto NAT_USEM]
else goto TRD_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.316_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for naturopathy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever tried naturopathy
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto NAT_NUMB]
(2,R,D)[goto TRD_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.318_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for naturopathy?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,3,4,5,6,R,D)[goto NAT_PAY]


Question ID: : ALT.320_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for naturopathy?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto NAT_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.322_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use naturopathy for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto NAT_COND] (2,R,D)[goto NAT_ENG]

[p.] 108 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.324_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_COND
Question Text:
?[F1] For what health problems or conditions did you use naturopathy?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who use naturopathy for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) If more than one condition selected, [goto NAT_MOST], elseif only one condition selected, [goto
(82) [goto NAT_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) goto NAT_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.325_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which naturopathy was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition most
important for using naturopathy.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used naturopathy to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto NAT_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto NAT_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto NAT_MED]; else [goto NAT_ENG]

[p.] 111 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.326_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use naturopathy the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using naturopathy.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used naturopathy for more than 1 condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) goto NAT_MED
(Refused, Don't know) goto NAT_ENG

[p.] 113 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.328_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [Fill: condition for which naturopathy used the most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who received naturopathy for particular condition
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto NAT_TIM1]
(2) [goto NAT_TIM2]
(3) [goto NAT_TIM3]
(4) [goto NAT_TIM4]
(5) [goto NAT_TIM5]
(0, 'R','D') [goto NAT_ENG]]

Question ID: : ALT.330_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from NAT_MOST or NAT_COND or NAT_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying naturopathy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used naturopathy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.330_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from NAT_MOST or NAT_COND or NAT_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying naturopathy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used naturopathy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

[p.] 114 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.330_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from NAT_MOST or NAT_COND or NAT_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying naturopathy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used naturopathy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.330_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from NAT_MOST or NAT_COND or NAT_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying naturopathy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used naturopathy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected [goto _

Question ID: : ALT.330_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from NAT_MOST or NAT_COND or NAT_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying naturopathy?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used naturopathy for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto NAT_ENG]

[p.] 115 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.332_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.334_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.336_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_NOHP]

[p.] 116 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.338_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.340_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.342_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_FFC]

[p.] 117 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.344_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use naturopathy for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,D,R) [goto NAT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.346_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAT_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of naturopathy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for naturopathy in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1)[goto NATPROF]
(2,D,R)[goto TRD_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.348_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NATPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have let a conventional medical prof. know about use of naturopathy
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,R,D)[goto TRD_EVER]

[p.] 118 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.350_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT6 ?[F1]
Have you ever seen any of the following practitioners for health reasons?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
00 None
01 Curandero
02 Espiritista
03 Hierbero or Yerbera
04 Shaman
05 Botanica
06 Native American Healer/Medicine man
07 Sobador
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
cycle through "USEM" questions for all selected practitioners: (1) [goto CUR_USEM] (2) [goto ESP_USEM]
(3) [goto YER_USEM] (4) [goto SHA_USEM] (5) [goto BOT_USEM] (6) [goto NAH_USEM] (7) [goto
SBD_USEM] (0,R,D) [goto FELD_EVE]
If TRD_EVER includes 1 goto CUR_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 2 goto ESP_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 3 goto YER_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 4 goto SHA_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
else goto FELD_EVE_

[p.] 119 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.364_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CUR_USEM
Question Text:
?[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Curandero (kuhr-ran-DEH-roh)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Curandera
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto ESP_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent has
only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past
12 months.]
If TRD_EVER includes 2 goto ESP_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 3 goto YER_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 4 goto SHA_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif CUR_USEM = 1 goto TRD_NUMB_
else goto FELD_EVE_

Question ID: : ALT.366_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ESP_USEM
Question Text:
?[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see an Espiritista (esp-ee-ree-TEE-sta)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen an Espiritista
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto YER_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent
has only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months, TRD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1
raditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12
If TRD_EVER includes 3 goto YER_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 4 goto SHA_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif more than one of CUR_USEM and ESP_USEM = 1 goto TRD_M0ST
elseif only one of CUR_USEM and ESP_USEM = 1 goto TRD_NUMB
else goto FELD_EVE
[p.] 120 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.368_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YER_USEM
Question Text:
?[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Hierbero (yair-BAIR-roe) or Yerbera (yehr-BEH-ra) for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen an Hierbero/Yerbera
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto SHA_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent _
has only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months, TRD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1 _
raditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12 _
If TRD_EVER includes 4 goto SHA_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif more than one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, and YER_USEM = 1 goto TRD_M0ST
elseif only one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, and YER_USEM = 1 goto TRD_NUMB
else goto FELD_EVE

Question ID: : ALT.370_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: SHA_USEM
Question Text:
?[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Shaman (SHAH-man)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a Shaman
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto BOT_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent
has only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months, TRD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1
raditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12
If TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif more than one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, and SHA_USEM = 1 goto TRD_M0ST
elseif only one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, and SHA_USEM = 1 goto TRD_NUMB
else goto FELD_EVE
[p.] 121 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.372_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: BOT_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Botanica (boh-TAN-ik-ah) for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a Botanica
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto NAH_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent
has only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months, TRD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1
raditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12
If TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif more than one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, SHA_USEM, and BOT_USEM = 1 goto
elseif only one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, SHA_USEM, and BOT_USEM = 1 goto
else goto FELD_EVE

Question ID: : ALT.374_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: NAH_USEM
Question Text:
?[F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Native American Healer or Medicine Man?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a Native American Healer/Medicine Man
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto SBD_USEM or next healer respondent has used. If no more, goto TRD_NUMB if respondent has
only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months, TRD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1
raditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12
if TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
elseif more than one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, SHA_USEM, BOT_USEM, and NAH_USEM
= 1 goto TRD_M0ST
elseif only one of CUR_USEM, ESP_USEM, YER_USEM, SHA_USEM, BOT_USEM, and NAH_USEM = 1
else goto FELD_EVE
[p.] 122 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.376_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: SBD_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a Sobador (soh-bah-DOOR)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a Sobador
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,R,D) [goto TRD_NUMB if respondent has only used 1 traditional healer/practioner in past 12 months,
RD_MOST if respondent has used more than 1 traditional healer/practioner in the past 12 months, or
FELD_EVE if respondent has used none in the past 12 months.]
SBD_USEM = 1 goto TRD_M0ST
else goto FELD_EVE

Question ID: : ALT.378_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_MOST
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, which practitioner did you see the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one traditional healer, probe for the one most important for health.
01 Curandero
02 Espiritista
03 Hierbero or Yerbera
04 Shaman
05 Botanica
06 Native American Healer/Medicine man
07 Sobador
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen multiple traditional healers in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-7) [goto TRD_NUMB]
(Refused, Don't know) goto TRD_ENG

[p.] 123 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.380_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see [fill: type of traditional healer]?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.382_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to [ fill: type of traditional healer ]?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.384_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TRET
Question Text:
Did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer] for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto TRD_COND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_ENG]

[p.] 124 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.386_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_COND
Question Text:
?[F1] For which health problems or conditions did you see [fill: type of traditional healer]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer for a specific health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, [goto TRD_CONM]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(82) [goto TRD_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_ENG]
Question ID: : ALT.387_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: type of traditional healer] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe
for condition most important for using [fill: type of traditional healer].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used a traditional healer to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto TRD_CONM]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto TRD_CONM]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto TRD_MED]; else [goto TRD_ENG]

[p.] 127 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.388_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_CONM
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you see [fill: type of traditional healer] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using a traditional healer.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer for more than one condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto TRD_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_ENG]

[p.] 129 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.390_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(0,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_ENG]
(1) [goto TRD_TIM1]
(2) [goto TRD_TIM2]
(3) [goto TRD_TIM3]
(4) [goto TRD_TIM4]
(5) [goto TRD_TIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.392_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill1: condition from TRD_CONM or TRD_COND or TRD_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after seeing [fill2: type of traditional healer]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used traditional healer for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto TRD_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.392_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill1: condition from TRD_CONM or TRD_COND or TRD_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after seeing [fill2: type of traditional healer]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used traditional healer for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto TRD_ENG]

[p.] 130 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.392_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill1: condition from TRD_CONM or TRD_COND or TRD_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after seeing [fill2: type of traditional healer]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used traditional healer for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto TRD_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.392_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill1: condition from TRD_CONM or TRD_COND or TRD_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after seeing [fill2: type of traditional healer]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used traditional healer for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto TRD_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.392_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill1: condition from TRD_CONM or TRD_COND or TRD_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after seeing [fill2: type of traditional healer]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used traditional healer for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_ENG]

[p.] 131 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.394_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons? Please say yes
or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.396_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.398_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_NOHP]

[p.] 132 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.400_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.402_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.404_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_FFC]

[p.] 133 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.406_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see [ fill: type of traditional healer ] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRD_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.408_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRD_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of (fill: type of traditional healer)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a traditional healer in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto TRDPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) [goto FELD_EVE]

Question ID: : ALT.410_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRDPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D. O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician Assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/Social Worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who told conventional medical professionals about their use of traditional healers
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) [goto FELD_EVE]

[p.] 134 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.412_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: FELD_EVE
Question Text:
?[F1] Have you ever seen a practitioner or teacher for any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.
...Feldenkreis (FELL-den-krice)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+_
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto ALEX_EVE]

Question ID: : ALT.414_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ALEX_EVE
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you ever seen a practitioner or teacher for any of the following?
...Alexander Technique
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto PIL_EVE]

Question ID: : ALT.416_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PIL_EVE
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you ever seen a practitioner or teacher for any of the following?
...Pilates (pi-LAH-teez)
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRAG_EVE]

[p.] 135 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.418_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRAG_EVE
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you ever seen a practitioner or teacher for any of the following?
...Trager (TRAY-gur) Psychophysical Integration
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through FELD_USE-TRAG_USE for yes responses to FELD_EVE-
RAG_EVE; if no, refused, don't know to all _EVE, goto AHB_EVER._
If FELD_EVE = 1 goto FELD_use
elseif ALEX_EVE = 1 goto ALEX_use
elseif PIL_EVE = 1 goto PIL_use
elseif TRAG_EVE = 1 goto TRAG_use
else goto AHB_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.420_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: FELD_USE
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner or teacher for Feldenkreis?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Feldenkreis
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto ALEX_USE or next modality respondent has used. If no more, goto _
If ALEX_EVE = 1 goto ALEX_use
elseif PIL_EVE = 1 goto PIL_use
elseif TRAG_EVE = 1 goto TRAG_use
elseif FELD_USE = 1 goto MOV_NUMB_
else goto AHB_EVER
[p.] 136 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.422_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: ALEX_USE
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner or teacher for Alexander Technique?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used the Alexander Technique
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto PIL_USE or next modality respondent has used. If no more, goto MOV_NUMB
if respondent has only used 1 modality in past 12 months, goto MOV_MOST if respondent has used more than 1
in the past 12 months, or AHB_EVER if respondent has used none in the past 12 months.]
If PIL_EVE = 1 goto PIL_USE
elseif TRAG_EVE = 1 goto TRAG_USE
elseif more than one of FELD_USE and ALEX_USE = 1 goto MOV_MOST
elseif only one of FELD_USE and ALEX_USE = 1 goto MOV_NUMB
else goto AHB_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.424_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PIL_USE
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner or teacher for Pilates?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Pilates
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto TRAG_USE or next modality respondent has used. If no more, goto
MOV_NUMB if respondent has only used 1 modality in past 12 months, goto MOV_MOST if respondent has
used more than 1 in the past 12 months, or AHB_EVER if respondent has used none in the past 12 months.]
elseif more than one of FELD_USE, ALEX_USE, and PIL_USE = 1 goto MOV_MOST
elseif only one of FELD_USE, ALEX_USE, and PIL_USE = 1 goto MOV_NUMB
else goto AHB_EVER
[p.] 137 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.426_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: TRAG_USE
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner or teacher for Trager Psychophysical Integration?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Trager Psychophysical Intergration
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_NUMB if respondent has only used 1 modality in past 12 months, goto
MOV_MOST if respondent has used more than 1 in the past 12 months, or AHB_EVER if respondent has used
none in the past 12 months.]
If more than one of FELD_USE, ALEX_USE, PIL_USE, and TRAG_USE = 1 goto MOV_MOST
elseif only one of FELD_USE, ALEX_USE, PIL_USE, and TRAG_USE = 1 goto MOV_NUMB
else goto AHB_EVER

Question ID: : ALT.428_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_MOST
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, for which technique did you see a practitioner or teacher the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one movement technique, probe for the one most important for health
1 Feldenkreis
2 Alexander Technique
3 Pilates
4 Trager Psychophysical Integration
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for more than one movement technique in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-4)[goto MOV_NUMB]
(Refused, Don't know) goto MOV_ENG

[p.] 138 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.430_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner or teacher for [fill type of movement
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.432_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner or teacher for [ fill: type of movement
technique ]?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a movement practitioner in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_TRET]

Question ID: : ALT.434_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use [ fill: type of movement technique ] for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a movement practitioner in past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto MOV_COND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]

[p.] 139 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.436_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use [fill: type of movement technique]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a movement practitioner to treat a problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, [goto MOV_CONM]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(82) [goto MOV_SPEC]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]
Question ID: : ALT.437_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: type of movement technique] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition,
probe for condition most important for using [fill: type of movement technique].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used movement technique to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto MOV_CONM]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto MOV_CONM]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto MOV_MED]; else [goto MOV_ENG]

[p.] 142 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.438_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_CONM
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health conditions did you use [fill: type of movement technique] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using a movement technique.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a movement practitioner to treat more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto MOV_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]

[p.] 144 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.440_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:

(0,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]
(1) [goto MOV_TIM1]
(2) [goto MOV_TIM2]
(3) [goto MOV_TIM3]
(4) [goto MOV_TIM4]
(5) [goto MOV_TIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.442_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill1: condition from MOV_CONM or MOV_COND or MOV_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: type of movement technique]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used movement technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto MOV_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.442_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill1: condition from MOV_CONM or MOV_COND or MOV_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: type of movement technique]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used movement technique for the
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto MOV_ENG]

[p.] 145 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.442_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill1: condition from MOV_CONM or MOV_COND or MOV_SPEC] before, at about the
same time, or after trying [fill2: type of movement technique]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used movement technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto MOV_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.442_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill1: condition from MOV_CONM or MOV_COND or MOV_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying [fill2: type of movement technique]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used movement technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto MOV_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.442_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill1: condition from MOV_CONM or MOV_COND or MOV_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: type of movement technique]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used movement technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_ENG]

[p.] 146 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.444_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons? Please say
yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.446_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.448_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_NOHP]

[p.] 147 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.450_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.452_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.454_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_FFC]

[p.] 148 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.456_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto MOV_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.458_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOV_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of (fill: type of movement technique)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used movement technique in the last 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto MOVPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.460_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MOVPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who disclosed use of movment therapy
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_EVER]

[p.] 149 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.470_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT7 ?[F1]
Now I am going to ask you about some additional health practices. The first practice I'll ask about is herbal supplements,
then later I'll ask about vitamins and minerals.
People take herbs and other non-vitamin supplements for a variety of reasons. By herbal supplement we mean pills,
capsules or tablets that have been labeled as a dietary supplement. This does NOT include drinking herbal or green tea.
Have you EVER taken any herbal supplements listed on this card for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHB_USEM] (2) [goto AHB_NEVR] (Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.472_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_USEM
Question Text:
(book) ALT7 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken any herbal supplements listed on this card for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever taken herbal supplements
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHB_MO]
(2) [goto AHB_NYR]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.474_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_MO
Question Text:
(book) ALT7
DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS, did you take any of these herbal supplements?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken herbal supplements in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHRBTAKE] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 150 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.476_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHRBTAKE
Question Text:
(book) ALT7
Please tell me which of these supplements you took in the PAST 30 DAYS. If you take more than one herb in a single
supplement, select "combination herb pill."
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Combination herb pill
02 Androstenedione
03 Black cohosh
04 Carnitine
05 Chasteberry
06 Condroitin
07 Coenzyme Q-10
08 Comfrey
09 Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA)
10 Cranberry (pills, gelcaps)
11 Creatine
13 Echinacea
14 Ephedra
15 Evening primrose
16 Feverfew
17 Fiber or Psyllium (pills or powder)
18 Fish oil or omega 3 or DHA fatty acid supplements
19 Flaxseed Oil or Pills
20 Garlic supplements (pills, gelcaps)
21 Ginger pills or gelcaps
22 Ginkgo biloba
23 Ginseng
24 Glucosamine
25 Goldenseal
26 Guarana
27 Grape Seed Extract
28 Green tea pills (not brewed tea)
29 EGCG (pills)
30 Hawthorn
31 Horny Goat Weed
32 Kava kava
33 Lecithin
34 Lutein
35 Lycopene
36 Melatonin
37 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
38 Milk thistle
39 Prebiotics or Probiotics
40 SAM-e
41 Saw palmetto
42 Senna
43 Soy supplements or soy isoflavones
44 St. John's wort
45 Valerian
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken herbal supplements in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHB_COMN
(2-45) if more than 2 herbs chosen [goto AHB_TOP2]; else if 1 or 2 herbs chosen (and herbs chosen do not
include (1)) [goto AHB_R1A]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]

Question ID: : ALT.478_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_COMN
Question Text:
How many different "combination herb pills" did you take?
*Enter '50' for 50 or more.
01- 50 1-50 pills
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken combination herb pills in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-50,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_COM1]

[p.] 152 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.480_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_COM1
Question Text:
If AHB_COMN=Refused or Don't know, fill:
Which herbs are included in the combination herb pill or pills?
If AHB_COMN=1 fill:
Which herbs are included in the combination herb pill?
Else if AHB_COMN=2 fill:
Which herbs are included in the first combination herb pill?
Else if AHB_COMN=3-50, fill:
thinking of the two combination herb pills you take most often, what herbs are included in the first combination herb pill?
02 Androstenedione
03 Black cohosh
04 Carnitine
05 Chasteberry
06 Condroitin
07 Coenzyme Q-10
08 Comfrey
09 Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA)
10 Cranberry (pills, gelcaps)
11 Creatine
13 Echinacea
14 Ephedra
15 Evening primrose
16 Feverfew
17 Fiber or Psyllium (pills or powder)
18 Fish oil or omega 3 or DHA fatty acid supplements
19 Flaxseed Oil or Pills
20 Garlic supplements (pills, gelcaps)
21 Ginger pills or gelcaps
22 Ginkgo biloba
23 Ginseng
24 Glucosamine
25 Goldenseal
26 Guarana
27 Grape Seed Extract
28 Green tea pills (not brewed tea)
29 EGCG (pills)
30 Hawthorn
31 Horny Goat Weed
32 Kava kava
33 Lecithin
34 Lutein
35 Lycopene
36 Melatonin
37 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
38 Milk thistle
39 Prebiotics or Probiotics
40 SAM-e
41 Saw palmetto
42 Senna
43 Soy supplements or soy isoflavones
44 St. John's wort
45 Valerian
46 Other
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken combination herb pills in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(2-46,R,D) if AHB_COMN=1,Refused,Don't know and AHRBTAKE=one or two herbs [goto AHB_R1A]; else if
AHB_COMN=1,Refused, Don't know and AHRBTAKE=more than two herbs [goto AHB_TOP2]; else if

[p.] 154 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.482_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_COM2
Question Text:
If AHB_COMN=2, fill:
Which herbs are included in the second combination herb pill?
Else if AHB_COMN=3-50, fill:
*Read if necessary.
thinking of the two combination herb pills you take most often, what herbs are included in the second combination herb
02 Androstenedione
03 Black cohosh
04 Carnitine
05 Chasteberry
06 Condroitin
07 Coenzyme Q-10
08 Comfrey
09 Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA)
10 Cranberry (pills, gelcaps)
11 Creatine
13 Echinacea
14 Ephedra
15 Evening primrose
16 Feverfew
17 Fiber or Psyllium (pills or powder)
18 Fish oil or omega 3 or DHA fatty acid supplements
19 Flaxseed Oil or Pills
20 Garlic supplements (pills, gelcaps)
21 Ginger pills or gelcaps
22 Ginkgo biloba
23 Ginseng
24 Glucosamine
25 Goldenseal
26 Guarana
27 Grape Seed Extract
28 Green tea pills (not brewed tea)
29 EGCG (pills)
30 Hawthorn
31 Horny Goat Weed
32 Kava kava
33 Lecithin
34 Lutein
35 Lycopene
36 Melatonin
37 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
38 Milk thistle
39 Prebiotics or Probiotics
40 SAM-e
41 Saw palmetto
42 Senna
43 Soy supplements or soy isoflavones
44 St. John's wort
45 Valerian
46 Other
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken two or more combination herb pills
Skip Instructions:
(2-46,R,D) if AHRBTAKE=one herb [goto AHB_R1A]; else if AHRBTAKE includes more than two herbs [goto

[p.] 156 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.484_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TOP2
Question Text:
Which TWO of these herbal supplements did you take the most in the PAST 30 DAYS?
*Enter two answers, separate with commas.
*If respondent cannot choose two herbs used most often, probe for the two most important for health.
01 First combination herb pill
02 Androstenedione
03 Black cohosh
04 Carnitine
05 Chasteberry
06 Condroitin
07 Coenzyme Q-10
08 Comfrey
09 Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA)
10 Cranberry (pills, gelcaps)
11 Creatine
13 Echinacea
14 Ephedra
15 Evening primrose
16 Feverfew
17 Fiber or Psyllium (pills or powder)
18 Fish oil or omega 3 or DHA fatty acid supplements
19 Flaxseed Oil or Pills
20 Garlic supplements (pills, gelcaps)
21 Ginger pills or gelcaps
22 Ginkgo biloba
23 Ginseng
24 Glucosamine
25 Goldenseal
26 Guarana
27 Grape Seed Extract
28 Green tea pills (not brewed tea)
29 EGCG (pills)
30 Hawthorn
31 Horny Goat Weed
32 Kava kava
33 Lecithin
34 Lutein
35 Lycopene
36 Melatonin
37 MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)
38 Milk thistle
39 Prebiotics or Probiotics
40 SAM-e
41 Saw palmetto
42 Senna
43 Soy supplements or soy isoflavones
44 St. John's wort
45 Valerian
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken more than 2 herbal supplements in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-45,47) [goto AHB_R1A] (Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]

Question ID: : ALT.486_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R1A
Question Text:
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...For general health or wellness?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R2A]

Question ID: : ALT.488_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R2A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...Prescription or over-the-counter drugs are too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R3A]

[p.] 158 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.490_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R3A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To treat or cure a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R4A]

Question ID: : ALT.492_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R4A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To prevent a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R5A]

Question ID: : ALT.494_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R5A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve physical performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R6A]

[p.] 159 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.496_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R6A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sports performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R7A]

Question ID: : ALT.498_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R7A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve immune system function?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R8A]

Question ID: : ALT.500_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R8A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sexual performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R9A]

[p.] 160 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.502_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R9A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve mental ability or memory?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R10A]

Question ID: : ALT.504_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R10A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R11A]

Question ID: : ALT.506_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R11A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R12A]

[p.] 161 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.508_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R12A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R13A]

Question ID: : ALT.510_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R13A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st herb] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
8 Not asceratained
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) IF AHB_R3A=1 [goto AHB_CTRA]; else if AHB_R4A=1 and AHB_R3A NE 1 [goto _
AHB_CNPA]; else if another herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 162 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.512_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CTRA
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st herb]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used first selected herb to treat or cure a specific disease or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CONA]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(82) [goto AHB_SPT1]
(Refused,Don't know) if 2nd herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
Question ID: : ALT.514_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SPT1
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 1st herb] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 1st herb].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took first herb to treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CONA]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected, [goto AHB_CONA]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected, [goto AHB_MEDA]; elseif 2nd herb chosen, [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 165 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.516_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CONA
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st herb] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 1st herb].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st herb to treat or cure more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto AHB_MEDA]
(Refused,Don't know) if 2nd herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 167 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.518_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_MEDA
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st herb to treat or cure a specific problem or condition
Skip Instructions:

(0,Refused,Don't know) if 2nd herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
(1) [goto AHB_TM1A]
(2) [goto AHB_TM2A]
(3) [goto AHB_TM3A]
(4) [goto AHB_TM4A]
(5) [goto AHB_TM5A]

Question ID: : ALT.520_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM1A
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used herb 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected and if 2nd herb
chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]]

Question ID: : ALT.522_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM2A
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used herb 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected and if 2nd herb
chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]]

[p.] 168 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.524_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM3A
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used herb 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected and if 2nd herb
chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]]

Question ID: : ALT.526_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM4A
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used herb 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected and if 2nd herb
chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]]

Question ID: : ALT.528_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM5A
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used herb 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) if 2nd herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 169 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.530_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CNPA
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st herb] to prevent?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st herb to prevent but not treat or cure a condition or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition chosen [goto AHB_CMPA]; elseif only one condition chosen and 2nd herb
chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
(82) [goto AHB_SPP1]
(Refused,Don't know) if second herb chosen [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
Question ID: : ALT.532_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SPP1
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 1st herb] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 1st herb].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took 1st herb to prevent but not treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CMPA]; elseif 2nd herb was selected [goto _
AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AHB_CMPA]; elseif 2nd herb was _
selected [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 172 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.534_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CMPA
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st herb] the most to prevent?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using herbs.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st herb to prevent more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82,Refused,Don't know) if 2nd herb selected [goto AHB_SAME]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 174 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.535_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SAME
Question Text:
Did you take [fill: second herb] for all the same reasons you took [fill2: first herb] or for different reasons?
1 Same reasons
2 Different reasons
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC] (2) [goto AHB_R1B]

Question ID: : ALT.536_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R1B
Question Text:
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...For general health or wellness?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R2B]

Question ID: : ALT.538_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R2B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...Prescription or over-the-counter drugs are too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R3B]

[p.] 175 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.540_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R3B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...To treat or cure a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R4B]

Question ID: : ALT.542_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R4B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...To prevent a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R5B]

Question ID: : ALT.544_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R5B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve physical performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R6B]

[p.] 176 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.546_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R6B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sports performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R7B]

Question ID: : ALT.548_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R7B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...To improve immune system function?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R8B]

Question ID: : ALT.550_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R8B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
,,,To improve sexual performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R9B]

[p.] 177 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.552_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R9B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
,,,To improve mental ability or memory?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R10B]

Question ID: : ALT.554_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R10B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R11B]

Question ID: : ALT.556_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R11B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R12B]

[p.] 178 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.558_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R12B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
,,,It was recommended by a health care provider?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_R13B]

Question ID: : ALT.560_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_R13B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd herb] for any of these reasons?
,,,It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two herbs from AHRBTAKE or selected two herbs at AHB_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) IF AHB_R3B=1 [goto AHB_CTRB]; else if AHB_R4B=1 and AHB_R3B NE 1 [goto
AHB_CNPB]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 179 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.562_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CTRB
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd herb]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used second selected herb to treat or cure a specific disease or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CONB]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(82) [goto AHB_SPT2]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]
Question ID: : ALT.564_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SPT2
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 2nd herb] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 2nd herb].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took second herb to treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CONB]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AHB_CONB]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto AHB_MEDB]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 182 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.566_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CONB
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd herb] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 2nd herb].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd herb to treat or cure more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto AHB_MEDB];
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 184 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.568_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_MEDB
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None_
1 Prescription medications_
2 Over-the-counter medications_
3 Surgery_
4 Physical therapy_
5 Mental health counseling_
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd herb to treat or cure a specific problem or condition
Skip Instructions:

(0,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]
(1) [goto AHB_TM1B]
(2) [goto AHB_TM2B]
(3) [goto AHB_TM3B]
(4) [goto AHB_TM4B]
(5) [goto AHB_TM5B]

Question ID: : ALT.570_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM1B
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used herb 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected, goto _

Question ID: : ALT.572_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM2B
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used herb 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected, goto _

[p.] 185 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.574_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM3B
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used herb 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected, goto

Question ID: : ALT.576_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM4B
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used herb 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected, goto

Question ID: : ALT.578_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_TM5B
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd herb]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used herb 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,R,D) AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 186 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.580_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CNPB
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd herb] to prevent?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd herb to prevent but not treat or cure a condition or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition chosen [goto AHB_CMPB]; elseif only one condition chosen [goto
(82) [goto AHB_SPP2]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]
Question ID: : ALT.582_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SPP2
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 2nd herb] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 2nd herb].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took 2nd herb to prevent but not treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AHB_CMPB]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AHB_CMPB]; else [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 189 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.584_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_CMPB
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd herb] the most to prevent?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using herbs.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd herb to prevent more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PRAC]

[p.] 191 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.586_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_PRAC
Question Text:
Have you EVER seen a practitioner for herbal medicines?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used herbs in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHB_PR12] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.588_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_PR12
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for herbal medicines?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen an herbal practitioner
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHB_PRTM] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.590_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_PRTM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for herbal medicines?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen an herbal practitioner in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_PAY]

[p.] 192 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.592_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for herbal medicines?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen an herbal practitioner in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't konw) [goto AHB_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.594_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of herbs?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used herbs in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AHBPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) if AHB_MO=2 [goto AHB_N30]; else [goto AVT_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.596_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHBPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who let conventional medical professionals know of their use of herbs
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) if AHB_MO=2 [goto AHB_N30]; else [goto AVT_EVER]

[p.] 193 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.598_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_N30
Question Text:
(book) ALT8
Please tell me the reasons why you have not used any of these natural herbs in the PAST 30 DAYS?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the past 30 days
04 It didn't work for me before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have not used herbs in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-5,7-9,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER] (6) [goto AHB_SIDE]

Question ID: : ALT.600_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_NYR
Question Text:
(book) ALT4
Please tell me the reasons why you have not used any of these natural herbs in the PAST 12 MONTHS?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the past 12 months
04 It didn't work for me before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have not used herbs in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-5,7-9,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER] (6) [goto AHB_SIDE]

[p.] 194 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.602_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SIDE
Question Text:
What kinds of side effects did you have?
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects the last time they took natural herbs
Skip Instructions:
(allow 75,Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_SMED]

Question ID: : ALT.604_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_SMED
Question Text:
Did any of these require medical attention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects the last time they took natural herbs
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.606_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_NEVR
Question Text:
(book) ALT5
Please tell me the reasons why you have never used any of these natural herbs?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never heard of it/don't know much about it
02 Never thought about it
03 No reason
04 Don't need it
05 Don't believe in it/It doesn't work
06 It costs too much
07 It is not safe to use
08 A health care provider told me not to use it
09 Medical science has not shown that it works
10 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have never used herbs
Skip Instructions:
(1-10,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_EVER]

[p.] 195 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.608_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_EVER
Question Text:
(book) ALT9
the next questions are about any vitamins and minerals you may take.
Have you EVER taken any vitamins or minerals listed on this card for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+_
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AVT_USEM] (2,Refused,Don't know) if AHB_MO=1 [goto AHB_OFTN]; else [goto HOM_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.610_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_USEM
Question Text:
(book) ALT9
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken any vitamins or minerals listed on this card for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever taken vitamin supplements
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AVT_MO]
(2,Refused,Don't know) if AHB_MO=1 [goto AHB_OFTN]; else [goto HOM_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.612_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_MO
Question Text:
(book) ALT9
DURING THE PAST 30 DAYS, did you take any of these vitamins or minerals?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken vitamin supplements in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AVITTAKE] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 196 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.614_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVITTAKE
Question Text:
(book) ALT9
Please tell me which of these vitamins or minerals you took in the PAST 30 days. If you take a multi-vitamin or mineral,
include it as one supplement.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Multivitamin and/or mineral combination
02 Calcium
03 Chromium
04 Coral Calcium
05 Folic acid/folate
06 Iron
07 Magnesium
08 Niacin
09 Potassium
10 Selenium
11 Vitamin A
12 Vitamin B complex
13 Vitamin B6
14 Vitamin B12
15 Vitamin C
16 Vitamin D
17 Vitamin E
18 Vitamin K
19 Zinc
20 Vitamin Packet
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken vitamins or minerals in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-20) if more than 2 vitamins chosen [goto AVT_TOP2]; else [goto AVT_R1A];_
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 197 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.616_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TOP2
Question Text:
Which two of these vitamin supplements did you take the most in the PAST 30 DAYS?
*Enter two answers, separate with commas.
*If respondent cannot choose two vitamins/minerals used most often, probe for the two most important for health.
01 Multivitamin and/or mineral combination
02 Calcium
03 Chromium
04 Coral Calcium
05 Folic acid/folate
06 Iron
07 Magnesium
08 Niacin
09 Potassium
10 Selenium
11 Vitamin A
12 Vitamin B complex
13 Vitamin B6
14 Vitamin B12
15 Vitamin C
16 Vitamin D
17 Vitamin E
18 Vitamin K
19 Zinc
20 Vitamin Packet
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken more than 2 vitamin supplements in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-20) [goto AVT_R1A]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.618_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R1A
Question Text:
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...For general health or wellness?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R2A]

[p.] 198 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.620_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R2A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Prescription or over-the-counter drugs are too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R3A]

Question ID: : ALT.622_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R3A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To treat or cure a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R4A]

Question ID: : ALT.624_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R4A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To prevent a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R5A]

[p.] 199 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.626_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R5A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve physical performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R6A]

Question ID: : ALT.628_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R6A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sports performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R7A]

Question ID: : ALT.630_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R7A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve immune system function?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R8A]

[p.] 200 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.632_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R8A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sexual performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R9A]

Question ID: : ALT.634_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R9A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve mental ability or memory?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R10A]

Question ID: : ALT.636_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R10A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R11A]

[p.] 201 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.638_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R11A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R12A]

Question ID: : ALT.640_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R12A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R13A]

Question ID: : ALT.642_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R13A
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 1st vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen one or two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) If AVT_R3A=1 [goto AVT_CTRA]; else if AVT_R4A=1 and AVT_R3A NE 1 [goto
AVT_CNPA]; else if 2nd vitamin used [goto AVT_SAME] else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 202 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.644_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CTRA
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st vitamin]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used first selected vitamin to treat or cure a specific disease or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CONA]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitamin used [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
(82) [goto AVT_SPT1]
Question ID: : ALT.646_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_SPT1
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 1st vitamin] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 1st vitamin].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took first vitamin to treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CONA]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AVT_CONA]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto AVT_MEDA]; elseif 2nd vitamin used [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 205 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.648_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CONA
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st vitamin] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 1st vitamin].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st vitamin to treat or cure more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto AVT_MEDA]
(Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 207 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.650_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_MEDA
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st vitamin to treat or cure one problem or condition or used vitamin to treat one
condition the most
Skip Instructions:

(0,Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
(1) [goto AVT_TM1A]
(2) [goto AVT_TM2A]
(3) [goto AVT_TM3A]
(4) [goto AVT_TM4A]
(5) [goto AVT_TM5A]

Question ID: : ALT.652_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM1A
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used vitamin 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected,
if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.654_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM2A
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used vitamin 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected,
if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 208 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.656_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM3A
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used vitamin 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected,
if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.658_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM4A
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used vitamin 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected,
if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.660_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM5A
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 1st vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used vitamin 1 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitiamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 209 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.662_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CNPA
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st vitamin] to prevent?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st vitamin to prevent but not treat a condition or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition chosen [goto AVT_CMPA]; elseif only one condition chosen and 2nd vitamin
chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
(82) [goto AVT_SPP1]
(Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitamin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
Question ID: : ALT.664_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_SPP1
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 1st vitamin] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 1st vitamin].
97 Refused
98 Not acertained
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took 1st vitamin to prevent but not treat other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CMPA]; elseif 2nd vitamin was selected [goto _
AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AVT_CMPA]; elseif 2nd vitamin was _
selected [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 212 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.666_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CMPA
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 1st vitamin] the most to prevent?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 1st vitamin].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 1st vitamin to prevent more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82,Refused,Don't know) if 2nd vitimin chosen [goto AVT_SAME]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 214 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.667_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_SAME
Question Text:
Did you take [fill: second vitamin] for all the same reasons you took [fill2: first vitamin] or for different reasons?
1 Same reasons
2 Different reasons
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC] (2) [goto AVT_R1B]

Question ID: : ALT.668_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R1B
Question Text:
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to each.
...For general health or wellness?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) ) [goto AVT_R2B]

Question ID: : ALT.670_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R2B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Prescription or over-the-counter drugs are too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R3B]

[p.] 215 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.672_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R3B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To treat or cure a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R4B]

Question ID: : ALT.674_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R4B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To prevent a specific disease or health problem?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R5B]

Question ID: : ALT.676_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R5B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve physical performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R6B]

[p.] 216 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.678_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R6B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sports performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R7B]

Question ID: : ALT.680_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R7B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve immune system function?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R8B]

Question ID: : ALT.682_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R8B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve sexual performance?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R9B]

[p.] 217 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.684_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R9B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...To improve mental ability or memory?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R10B]

Question ID: : ALT.686_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R10B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R11B]

Question ID: : ALT.688_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R11B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R12B]

[p.] 218 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.690_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R12B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_R13B]

Question ID: : ALT.692_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_R13B
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Did you use [fill: 2nd vitamin] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have chosen two vitamins from AVITTAKE or selected two vitamins at AVT_TOP2
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) IF AVT_R3B=1 [goto AVT_CTRB]; else if AVT_R4B=1 and AVT_R3B NE 1 [goto
AVT_CNPB]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 219 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.694_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CTRB
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd selected vitamin to treat or cure a specific disease or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CONB]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(82) [goto AVT_SPT2]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]
Question ID: : ALT.696_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_SPT2
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 2nd vitamin] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 2nd vitamin].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took 2nd vitamin to treat or cure other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CONB]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AVT_CONB]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto AVT_MEDB]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 222 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.698_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CONB
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd vitamin] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 2nd vitamin]
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd vitamin to treat or cure more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto AVT_MEDB]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 224 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.700_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_MEDB
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd vitamin to treat or cure one problem or condition or used vitamin to treat one
condition the most
Skip Instructions:

(0,(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]
(1) [goto AVT_TM1B]
(2) [goto AVT_TM2B]
(3) [goto AVT_TM3B]
(4) [goto AVT_TM4B]
(5) [goto AVT_TM5B]

Question ID: : ALT.702_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM1B
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used vitamin 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.704_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM2B
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used vitamin 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 225 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.706_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM3B
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used vitamin 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.708_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM4B
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used vitamin 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto AVT_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.710_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_TM5B
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling before, at about the same time, or after you began taking [fill: 2nd vitamin]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used vitamin 2 for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 226 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.712_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CNPB
Question Text:
For what specific health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd vitamin] to prevent?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd vitamin to prevent but not treat or cure a condition or health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition chosen [goto AVT_CMPB]; elseif only one condition chosen [goto
(82) [goto AVT_SPP2]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_DISC]
Question ID: : ALT.714_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_SPP2
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: 2nd vitamin] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for condition
most important for using [fill: 2nd vitamin].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who took 2nd vitamin to prevent but not treat or cure other specified health problem or
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto AVT_CMPB]; else [goto AVT_DISC]
(Refused,Don't know) if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto AVT_CMPB]; else [goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 229 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.716_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_CMPB
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you take [fill: 2nd vitamin] the most to prevent?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: 2nd vitamin].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used 2nd vitamin to prevent more than one problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82,Refused,Don't know)[goto AVT_DISC]

[p.] 231 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.718_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of vitamins?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used vitamins/minerals in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto AVTPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) if AHB_MO=1 [goto AHB_OFTN]; else if AVT_MO=1 [goto AVT_OFTN]; else [goto

Question ID: : ALT.720_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVTPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who let conventional medical professionals know of their use of vitamins
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know); if AHB_MO=1 [goto AHB_OFTN]; else if AVT_MO=1 [goto AVT_OFTN]; else
[goto HOM_EVER]

[p.] 232 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.722_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_OFTN
Question Text:
1 of 2
Now I am going to ask you about how much you spend on [fill1: herbs/herbs and vitamins]. [fill2: First I will ask about
herbs and then about vitamins.]
About how often do you buy herbal supplements?
* If necessary prompt with: how many times per day, per week, per month or per year do you buy herbal supplements?
*Enter '0' if respondent does not buy herbal supplements.
000 Never
001-995 1-995 times
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken herbal supplements in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-995) [goto AHB_OFTT]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AHB_COST]
(0) If AVT_MO=1 [goto AVT_OFTN]; else [goto HOM_EVER]
Question ID: : ALT.722_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_OFTT
Question Text:
2 of 2
* Enter time period for how often herbal supplements are bought.
0 Never
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Year
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have bought herbal supplements
Skip Instructions:
(1-4) if (AHB_OFTN gt (4) and AHB_OFTT eq (1)) or
(AHB_OFTN gt (28) and AHB_OFTT eq (2)) or
(AHB_OFTN gt (31) and AHB_OFTT eq (3)) or
(AHB_OFTN gt (365) and AHB_OFTT eq (4)) goto ERR1_AHB_OFTT]
else [goto AHB_COST]

[p.] 233 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.724_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AHB_COST
Question Text:
About how much did you spend the last time you bought herbal supplements?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Under $15
2 $15-$29
3 $30-$59
4 $60-$89
5 $90-$119
6 $120 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken herbal supplements in the past 30 days and have bought herbal supplements
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) if AVT_MO=1 [goto AVT_OFTN]; else [goto HOM_EVER]

Question ID: : ALT.726_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_OFTN
Question Text:
1 of 2
About how often do you buy vitamins or minerals?
* If necessary prompt with: how many times per day, per week, per month or per year do you buy vitamins or minerals?
*Enter '0' if respondent does not buy vitamins or minerals.
000 Never
001-995 1-995 times
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken vitamins or minerals in the past 30 days
Skip Instructions:
(1-995) [goto AVT_OFTT]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto AVT_COST]
(0) [goto HOM_EVER]
Question ID: : ALT.726_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_OFTT
Question Text:
2 of 2
* Enter time period for how often vitamins or minerals are bought.
0 Never
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Year
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have bought vitamins or minerals
Skip Instructions:
(1-4) if (AVT_OFTN gt (4) and AVT_OFTT eq (1)) or
(AVTB_OFTN gt (28) and AVT_OFTT eq (2)) or
(AVT_OFTN gt (31) and AVT_OFTT eq (3)) or
(AVT_OFTN gt (365) and AVT_OFTT eq (4)) goto ERR1_AVT_OFTT]
else [goto AVT_COST]

Question ID: : ALT.728_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: AVT_COST
Question Text:
About how much did you spend the last time you bought vitamins or minerals?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Under $15
2 $15-$29
3 $30-$59
4 $60-$89
5 $90-$119
6 $120 or more
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken vitamins or minerals in the past 30 days and have bought vitamins or minerals
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_EVER]

[p.] 235 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.730_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_EVER
Question Text:
People who use homeopathy (hoh-mee-AH-puh-thee) to treat health problems take small pills or drops that are placed
under the tongue. These pills or drops are often prescribed by practitioners of homeopathy.
Have you EVER used homeopathic (hoh-mee-oh-PA-thik) treatment for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOM_USEM] (2,Refused,Don't know) goto DITEVER1

Question ID: : ALT.732_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_USEM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used homeopathy
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOMNO]
(2,Refused,Don't know) goto DITEVER1_

Question ID: : ALT.734_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOMNO
Question Text:
1 of 2
About how often do you buy homeopathic medicine?
* If necessary prompt with: how many times per day, per week, per month or per year do you buy homeopathic medicine?
*Enter '0' if respondent does not buy homeopathic medicine.
000 Do not buy
001-995 1-995 times
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-995) goto HOMTP
(0) goto HOM_TRET
(Refused,Don't know) goto HOM_SPEN
Question ID: : ALT.736_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOMTP
Question Text:
2 of 2
* Enter time period for buying homeopathic medicine
0 Do not buy
1 Day
2 Week
3 Month
4 Year
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have bought homeopathic medicine
Skip Instructions:
(1-4) if (HOMNO gt (4) and HOMTP eq (1)) or
(HOMNO gt (28) and HOMTP eq (2)) or
(HOMNO gt (31) and HOMTP eq (3)) or
(HOMNO gt (365) and HOMTP eq (4)) goto ERR1_HOMTP]
else [goto HOM_SPEN]

Question ID: : ALT.738_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_SPEN
Question Text:
About how much did you spend the last time you bought homeopathic medicine?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy in the past 12 mos and have bought homeopathic medicine
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) goto HOM_TRET

Question ID: : ALT.740_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use homeopathic treatment for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOM_COND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_ENG]

[p.] 237 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.742_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use homeopathic treatment?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, go to HOM_MOST, elseif only one condition selected go to
(82) goto HOM_SPEC
(Refused,Don't know) goto HOM_ENG
[p.] 239 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.743_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which homeopathic treatment was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for
condition most important for using homeopathic treatment.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used homeopathic treatment to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto HOM_MOST]; else if only one condition selected [goto
(R,D) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto HOM_MOST]; elseif only one condition (1-81) selected
[goto HOM_MED]; else [goto HOM_ENG]

[p.] 240 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.744_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you use homeopathic treatment the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using homeopathic treatment.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive functions
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problems
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problems
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto HOM_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_ENG]

[p.] 242 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.746_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:

(0, Refused, Don't know) [goto HOM_ENG]
(1) [goto HOM_TIM1]
(2) [goto HOM_TIM2]
(3) [goto HOM_TIM3]
(4) [goto HOM_TIM4]
(5) [goto HOM_TIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.748_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill: condition from HOM_MOST or HOM_COND or HOM_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying homeopathic treatment?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used homeopathic treatment for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto HOM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.748_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill: condition from HOM_MOST or HOM_COND or HOM_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying homeopathic treatment?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used homeopathic treatment for the
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto HOM_ENG]

[p.] 243 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.748_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill: condition from HOM_MOST or HOM_COND or HOM_SPEC] before, at about the
same time, or after trying homeopathic treatment?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used homeopathic treatment for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto HOM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.748_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill: condition from HOM_MOST or HOM_COND or HOM_SPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying homeopathic treatment?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used homeopathic treatment for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto HOM_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.748_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill: condition from HOM_MOST or HOM_COND or HOM_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying homeopathic treatment?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used homeopathic treatment for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_ENG]

[p.] 244 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.750_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons? Please say yes or no to
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.752_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_WEL
Question Text:
* Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.754_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_IMM
Question Text:
* Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_NOHP]

[p.] 245 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.756_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_NOHP
Question Text:
* Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.758_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_EXPS
Question Text:
* Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.760_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_SUGG
Question Text:
* Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_FFC]

[p.] 246 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.762_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use homeopathic treatment for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know)[goto HOM_PRAC]

Question ID: : ALT.764_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_PRAC
Question Text:
Have you EVER seen a practitioner for homeopathic treatment?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOM_YR] (2,Refused,Don't know)[goto HOM_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.766_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_YR
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for homeopathic treatment?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a practitioner for homeopathic medicine
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOM_NUMB] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_DISC]

[p.] 247 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.768_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_NUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for homeopathic treatment?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for homeopathic medicine in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.770_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_PAY
Question Text:
On average how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for homeopathic treatments?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have seen a practitioner for homeopathic medicine in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto HOM_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.772_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOM_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of homeopathic treatment?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used homeopathy past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto HOM_PROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER1]

[p.] 248 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.774_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: HOMPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D. O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician Assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/Social Worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have told conventional providers about homeopathy use
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER1]

Question ID: : ALT.776_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER1
Question Text:
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons? Please say yes or no to
*Include vegan
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER2]

[p.] 249 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.778_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER2
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER3]

Question ID: : ALT.780_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER3
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER4]

Question ID: : ALT.782_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER4
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER5]

[p.] 250 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.784_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER5
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER6]

Question ID: : ALT.786_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER6
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DITEVER7]

[p.] 251 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.788_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITEVER7
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons?
...South Beach?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif DITEVER2 = 1 goto DITUSEM2
elseif DITEVER3 = 1 goto DITUSEM3
elseif DITEVER4 = 1 goto DITUSEM4
elseif DITEVER5 = 1 goto DITUSEM5
elseif DITEVER6 = 1 goto DITUSEM6
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
else goto YTQE_YOG

Question ID: : ALT.790_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM1
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use a vegetarian diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used vegetarian
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
If DITEVER2=1 goto DITUSEM2 else if DITEVER3 = 1 goto DITUSEM3
elseif DITEVER4 = 1 goto DITUSEM4
elseif DITEVER5 = 1 goto DITUSEM5
elseif DITEVER6 = 1 goto DITUSEM6
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
elseif DITUSEM1 = 1 and DITUSEM2 = 1 goto DitDMST
elseif (DITUSEM1 =1 and DITUSEM2 ne 1) or (DITUSEM1 ne 1 and DITUSEM2 = 1) goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG
[p.] 252 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.792_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM2
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use a macrobiotic diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used macrobiotic diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif DITEVER4 = 1 goto DITUSEM4
elseif DITEVER5 = 1 goto DITUSEM5
elseif DITEVER6 = 1 goto DITUSEM6
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
elseif DITUSEM1 = 1 and DITUSEM2 = 1 goto DitDMST
elseif (DITUSEM1 =1 and DITUSEM2 ne 1) or (DITUSEM1 ne 1 and DITUSEM2 = 1) goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG

Question ID: : ALT.794_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM3
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the Atkins diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used Atkins diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif DITEVER5 = 1 goto DITUSEM5
elseif DITEVER6 = 1 goto DITUSEM6
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
elseif more than one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, and DITUSEM3 = 1 goto DitDMST
elseif only one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, and DITUSEM3 = 1 goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG
[p.] 253 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.796_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM4
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use a Pritikin diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used Pritikin diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif DITEVER6 = 1 goto DITUSEM6
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
elseif more than one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, and DITUSEM4 = 1 goto DitDMST
elseif only one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, and DITUSEM4 = 1 goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG

Question ID: : ALT.798_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM5
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use an Ornish diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used Ornish diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif DITEVER7 = 1 goto DITUSEM7
elseif more than one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, DITUSEM4, and DITUSEM5 = 1 goto
elseif only one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, DITUSEM4, and DITUSEM5 = 1 goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG
[p.] 254 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.800_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM6
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use a Zone diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used zone diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through DITUSEM1-7 for yes responses to DITEVER1-7; if no, refused, don't
know to all DITEVER1-7, goto YTQE_YOG
elseif more than one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, DITUSEM4, DITUSEM5, and DITUSEM6 = 1
goto DitDMST
elseif only one of DITUSEM1, DITUSEM2, DITUSEM3, DITUSEM4, DITUSEM5, and DITUSEM6 = 1 goto
else goto YTQE_YOG

Question ID: : ALT.802_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITUSEM7
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the South Beach diet for two weeks or more for health reasons?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used South Beach diet
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) if no, refused, or don't know to all DITUSEM1-7, goto YTQE_YOG; if more than one
yes response in DITUSEM1-7, goto DitDMST, else goto DitWGHT
DITUSEM7 = 1 goto DitDMST
DITUSEM7 = 1 goto DitWGHT
else goto YTQE_YOG
[p.] 255 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.804_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitDMST
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, which diet did you use the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one special diet, probe for the one most important for health.
01 Vegetarian
02 Macrobiotic
03 Atkins
04 Pritikin
05 Ornish
06 Zone
07 South Beach
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used more than one special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-7) goto DitWGHT
(Refused, Don't know) goto DitENG

Question ID: : ALT.806_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitWGHT
Question Text:
Did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for weight control or weight loss?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't Know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitTRET]

Question ID: : ALT.808_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTRET
Question Text:
Did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet to treat a specific health problem or condition[fill2:]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't Know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto DitCOND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitENG]

[p.] 256 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.810_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitCOND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, goto DitMOST; elseif only one condition selected goto DitMED
(82) goto DitSPEC
(Refused,Don't know) goto DitENG_
Question ID: : ALT.811_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitSPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which the [fill: diet used most] diet was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for
condition most important for using the [fill: diet used most] diet.
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used special diet to treat other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto DitMOST]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto DitMOST]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto DitMED]; else [goto DitENG]

[p.] 259 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.812_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitMOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using the [fill: diet used most] diet.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) goto DitMED
(Refused, Don't know) goto DitENG

[p.] 261 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.814_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitMED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical Therapy
5 Mental Health Counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet to treat health condition
Skip Instructions:

(0, Refused, Don't know) [goto DitENG]
(1) [goto DitTIM1]
(2) [goto DitTIM2]
(3) [goto DitTIM3]
(4) [goto DitTIM4]
(5) [goto DitTIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.816_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill1: condition from DitMOST or DitCOND or DitSPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying the [fill2: diet used most] diet?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used a special diet for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto DitENG]

Question ID: : ALT.816_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill1: condition from DitMOST or DitCOND or DitSPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying the [fill2: diet used most] diet?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used a special diet for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto DitENG]

[p.] 262 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.816_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill1: condition from DitMOST or DitCOND or DitSPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying the [fill2: diet used most] diet?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used a special diet for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto DitENG]

Question ID: : ALT.816_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill1: condition from DitMOST or DitCOND or DitSPEC] before, at about the
same time, or after trying the [fill2: diet used most] diet?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used a special diet for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto DitENG]

Question ID: : ALT.816_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill1: condition from DitMOST or DitCOND or DitSPEC] before, at
about the same time, or after trying the [fill2: diet used most] diet?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used a special diet for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitENG]

[p.] 263 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.818_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons? Please say yes or
no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitWEL]

Question ID: : ALT.820_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitWEL
Question Text:
* Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitIMM]

Question ID: : ALT.822_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitIMM
Question Text:
* Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
... To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitNOHP]

[p.] 264 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.824_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitNOHP
Question Text:
* Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitEXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.826_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitEXPS
Question Text:
* Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitSUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.828_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitSUGG
Question Text:
* Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
... It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitFFC]

[p.] 265 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.830_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitFFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use the [fill: diet used most] diet for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitPRAC]

Question ID: : ALT.832_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitPRAC
Question Text:
Have you EVER seen a practitioner for the [fill: diet used most] diet?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto DitYR] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitDISC]

Question ID: : ALT.834_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitYR
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner for the [fill: diet used most] diet?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever seen a practitioner for a special diet
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto DitTYPE] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitDISC]

[p.] 266 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.836_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitTYPE
Question Text:
What type of practitioner did you see?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Medical doctor
2 Nurse
3 Dietician/Nutritionist
4 Alternate provider such as Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Massage Therapist, Naturopath, etc.
5 Other
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who saw practitioner for a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-5,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitNUMB]

Question ID: : ALT.838_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitNUMB
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times did you see a practitioner for the [fill: diet used most] diet?
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who saw practitioner for a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitPAY]

Question ID: : ALT.840_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitPAY
Question Text:
On average how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner for the [fill: diet used most] diet?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who saw practitioner for a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto DitDISC]

[p.] 267 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.842_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DitDISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of the [fill: diet used most] diet?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto DITPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQE_YOG]

Question ID: : ALT.844_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: DITPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have told a conventional provider about using a special diet in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQE_YOG]

Question ID: : ALT.846_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_YOG
Question Text:
Have you EVER practiced any of the following? Please say yes or no to each.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+_
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQE_TAI]

[p.] 268 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.848_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_TAI
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER practiced any of the following?
...Tai Chi (tie-CHEE)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+_
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQE_QIG]

Question ID: : ALT.850_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQE_QIG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER practiced any of the following?
...Qi Gong (chee-KUNG)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through YTQU for yes responses to YTQE; if no to YTQE_YOG, goto
[YTQ_NEVU]; if no, refused, don't know to all other YTQE and refused, don't know to YTQE_YOG goto
If YTQE_YOG = 1 goto YTQU_YOG_
elseif YTQE_TAI = 1 goto YTQU_TAI_
elseif YTQE_QIG = 1 goto YTQU_QIG_
elseif YTQE_YOG = 2 goto YTQ_NEVU_
else goto RELE_MED_
[p.] 269 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.852_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_YOG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Yoga for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Yoga
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through YTQU for yes responses to YTQE; if no to YTQE_YOG, goto
[YTQ_NEVU]; iif no, refused, don't know to all other YTQE and refused, don't know to YTQE_YOG goto
If YTQE_TAI = 1 goto YTQU_TAI_
elseif YTQE_QIG = 1 goto YTQU_QIG_
elseif YTQU_YOG = 1 goto YTQ_TRET_
elseif YTQU_YOG = 2 goto YTQ_NOTU_
else goto RELE_MED_

Question ID: : ALT.854_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_TAI
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Tai Chi for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Tai Chi
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through YTQU for yes responses to YTQE; if no to YTQE_YOG, goto
[YTQ_NEVU]; iif no, refused, don't know to all other YTQE and refused, don't know to YTQE_YOG goto
elseif more than one of YTQU_YOG and YTQU_TAI = 1 goto YTQ_MOST
elseif only one of YTQU_YOG and YTQU_TAI = 1 goto YTQ_TRET
elseif YTQU_YOG = 2 goto YTQ_NOTU
else goto RELE_MED
[p.] 270 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.856_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQU_QIG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice Qi Gong for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Qi Gong
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through YTQU for yes responses to YTQE; if no to YTQE_YOG, goto
[YTQ_NEVU]; iif no, refused, don't know to all other YTQE and refused, don't know to YTQE_YOG goto
If more than one of YTQU_YOG, YTQU_TAI, and YTQU_QIG = 1 goto YTQ_MOST
elseif only one of YTQU_YOG, YTQU_TAI, and YTQU_QIG = 1 goto YTQ_TRET
elseif YTQU_YOG = 2 goto YTQ_NOTU
else goto RELE_MED

Question ID: : ALT.858_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_MOST
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, which practice did you use the MOST?
*If respondent cannot choose one practice, probe for the one most important for health.
1 Yoga
2 Tai Chi
3 Qi Gong
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used more than 1 exercise in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-3) [goto YTQ_TRET]
(Refused,Don't know) goto YTQ_ENG

Question ID: : ALT.860_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TRET
Question Text:
Did you practice (fill: practice used most) for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto YTQ_COND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_ENG]

[p.] 271 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.862_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you practice [fill: practice used most]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months for a specific health problem
or condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, goto YTQ_CONM; elseif only one condition selected, goto
(82) goto YTQ_SPEC
(Refused,Don't know) goto YTQ_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.863_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: practice used most] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition, probe for
condition most important for using [fill: practice used most].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used yoga ai chi/qi gong to treat other health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto YTQ_CONM]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto YTQ_CONM]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto YTQ_MED]; else [goto YTQ_ENG]

[p.] 274 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.864_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_CONM
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you practice [fill: practice used most] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using [fill: practice used most].
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used yoga ai chi/qi gong for a specific condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) [goto YTQ_MED]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_ENG]

[p.] 276 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.866_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill: condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who practice exercise for a specific health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:

(0, Refused, Don't know) [goto YTQ_ENG]
(1) [goto YTQ_TIM1]
(2) [goto YTQ_TIM2]
(3) [goto YTQ_TIM3]
(4) [goto YTQ_TIM4]
(5) [goto YTQ_TIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.867_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill1: condition] before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: practice
used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used yoga ai chi/qi gong for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto YTQ_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.867_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill1: condition] before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2:
practice used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used yoga ai chi/qi gong for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto YTQ_ENG]

[p.] 277 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.867_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill1: condition] before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: practice used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used yoga ai chi/qi gong for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto YTQ_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.867_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill1: condition] before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: practice used
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used yoga ai chi/qi gong for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto YTQ_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.867_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill1: condition] before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2:
practice used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used yoga ai chi/qi gong for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_ENG]

[p.] 278 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.876_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice (fill: practice used most) for any of these reasons? Please say yes or
no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.877_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.878_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_NOHP]

[p.] 279 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.879_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.880_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_SUGG]

Question ID: : ALT.881_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_FFC]

[p.] 280 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.882_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you practice [fill: practice used most] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family, friends, or co-workers?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_CLAS]

Question ID: : ALT.883_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_CLAS
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you take a class or in some way receive formal training for [fill: practice used
most]? Attending only one session does not count.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto YTQ_CLSO] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.884_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_CLSO
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, on average, how often did you take a class or in some way receive formal training for
[fill: practice used most]?
01 2-11 times a year
02 Monthly
03 2-3 times per month
04 Weekly
05 2-3 times per week
06 4-6 times per week
07 Daily
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken a class or received formal training for a practice in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) [goto YTQ_PAY]

[p.] 281 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.885_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each class or other formal training for [fill: practice used most]?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have taken a class or received formal training for a practice in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) goto [YTQ_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.886_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of these CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
practice of (fill: practice used most)?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1) [goto YTQPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) if YTQE_YOG=2 [goto YTQ_NEVU];
else if YTQU_YOG=2 [goto YTQ_NOTU];
else [goto RELE_MED]

Question ID: : ALT.887_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant
04 Psychiatrist
05 Dentist (including specialists)
06 Psychologist/social worker
07 Pharmacist
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have told a conventional medical professional about their use of Yoga, Tai Chi, or Qi
Gong in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:

(1-7,Refused,Don't know) if YTQE_YOG=2 [goto YTQ_NEVU];
else if YTQU_YOG=2 [goto YTQ_NOTU];
else [goto RELE_MED]
[p.] 282 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.888_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_NOTU
Question Text:
(book) ALT4
Please tell me the reasons why you have not practiced yoga in the PAST 12 MONTHS.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the last 12 months
04 It didn't work for me before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have practiced yoga, but not in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-5,7-9,Refused,Don't know) goto RELE_MED
(6) goto YTQ_SDEF

Question ID: : ALT.889_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_SDEF
Question Text:
What kinds of side effects did you have?
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from practicing yoga
Skip Instructions:
(allow 75,Refused,Don't know) goto YTQ_ATT

Question ID: : ALT.890_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_ATT
Question Text:
Did any of these require medical attention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effects from practicing yoga
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) goto [RELE_MED]

[p.] 283 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.891_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: YTQ_NEVU
Question Text:
(book) ALT5
Please tell me the reasons why you have never practiced yoga.
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never heard of it/don't know much about it
02 Never thought about it
03 No reason
04 Don't need it
05 Don't believe in it/it doesn't work
06 It costs too much
07 It is not safe to use
08 A health care provider told me not to use it
09 Medical science has not shown that it works
10 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have never practiced yoga
Skip Instructions:
(1-10,Refused,Don't know) goto [RELE_MED]

Question ID: : ALT.894_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_MED
Question Text:
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself? Please say yes or no
to each.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto RELE_GIM]

[p.] 284 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.896_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_GIM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself?
...Guided imagery
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto RELE_PRO]

Question ID: : ALT.898_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_PRO
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself?
...Progressive relaxation
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto RELE_DBE]

Question ID: : ALT.900_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_DBE
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself?
...Deep breathing exercises
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto RELE_SUP]

[p.] 285 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.902_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_SUP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself?
...Support group meeting
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto RELE_STR]

Question ID: : ALT.904_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELE_STR
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
Have you EVER used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself?
...Stress management class
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
elseif RELE_GIM = 1 goto RELU_GIM
elseif RELE_PRO = 1 goto RELU_PRO
elseif RELE_DBE = 1 goto RELU_DBE
elseifRELE_SUP = 1 goto RELU_SUP
elseif RELE_STR = 1 goto RELU_STR
elseif RELE_MED = 2 goto RELNOUSE
else goto END
[p.] 286 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.906_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_MED
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use meditation for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used meditation
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
If RELE_GIM = 1 goto RELU_GIM_
elseif RELE_PRO = 1 goto RELU_PRO_
elseif RELE_DBE = 1 goto RELU_DBE_
elseif RELE_SUP = 1 goto RELU_SUP_
elseif RELE_STR = 1 goto RELU_STR_
elseif RELU_MED = 1 goto REL_TRET_
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR_
else goto END_

Question ID: : ALT.908_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_GIM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use guided imagery for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used guided imagary
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
elseif RELE_DBE = 1 goto RELU_DBE
elseif RELE_SUP = 1 goto RELU_SUP
elseif RELE_STR = 1 goto RELU_STR
elseif more than one of RELU_MED and RELU_GIM = 1 goto REL_RMST
elseif only one of RELU_MED and RELU_GIM = 1 goto REL_TRET
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR
else goto END
[p.] 287 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.910_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_PRO
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use progressive relaxation for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used progressive relaxation
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
elseif RELE_SUP = 1 goto RELU_SUP
elseif RELE_STR = 1 goto RELU_STR
elseif more than one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, and RELU_PRO = 1 goto REL_RMST
elseif only one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, and RELU_PRO = 1 goto REL_TRET
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR
else goto END

Question ID: : ALT.912_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_DBE
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use deep breathing exercises for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used deep breathing
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
elseif RELE_STR = 1 goto RELU_STR
elseif more than one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, and RELU_DBE = 1 goto REL_RMST
elseif only one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, and RELU_DBE = 1 goto REL_TRET
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR
else goto END
[p.] 288 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.914_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_SUP
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use support group meetings for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used support group meeting
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
elseif more than one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, RELU_DBE, and RELU_SUP = 1 goto
elseif only one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, RELU_DBE, and RELU_SUP = 1 goto REL_TRET
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR
else goto END

Question ID: : ALT.916_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_STR
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use stress management classes for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used stress management class
Skip Instructions:

(1,2,Refused,Don't know) cycle through RELU_MED-RELU_STR for yes responses to RELE_MED-
RELE_STR ; if no to RELE_MED, goto RELNOUSE; if no, refused, don't know to all other RELE and refused,
don't know to RELE_MED goto END
If more than one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, RELU_DBE, RELU_SUP, and RELU_STR = 1
elseif only one of RELU_MED, RELU_GIM, RELU_PRO, RELU_DBE, RELU_SUP, and RELU_STR = 1 goto
elseif RELU_MED = 2 goto RELNOYR
else goto END
[p.] 289 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.918_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_RMST
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, which relaxation technique did you use the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one relaxation technique, probe for the one most important for health.
1 Meditation
2 Guided imagery
3 Progressive relaxation
4 Deep breathing exercises
5 Support group meeting
6 Stress management class
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used 2 or more relaxation techniques in past 12 mos
Skip Instructions:
(1-6) [goto RELE_TRET]
(Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.920_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TRET
Question Text:
Did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for a specific health problem or condition?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used at least one relaxation technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto REL_COND] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_ENG]

[p.] 290 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.922_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_COND
Question Text:
For what health problems or conditions did you use (fill: relaxation technique used most)?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used relaxation techniques for health problem
Skip Instructions:
(1-81) if more than one condition selected, goto REL_MOST; elseif only one condition selected, goto REL_MED
(82) goto REL_SPEC
(Refused,Don't know) got REL_ENG
Question ID: : ALT.923_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_SPEC
Question Text:
*Enter condition for which [fill: relaxation technique used most] was used. If respondent gives more than one condition,
probe for condition most important for using [fill: relaxation technique used most].
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used relaxation technique to treat other specified health problem or condition
Skip Instructions:
(Allow 75) if more than one condition selected [goto REL_MOST]; elseif only one condition selected [goto
(Refused,Don't know) [if more than one condition (1-81) selected [goto REL_MOST]; elseif only one condition
(1-81) selected [goto REL_MED]; else [goto REL_ENG]

[p.] 293 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.924_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_MOST
Question Text:
For which ONE of these health problems or conditions did you use (fill: relaxation technique used most] the most?
*If respondent cannot choose one condition, probe for condition most important for using (fill: relaxation technique used
01 Acid reflux or heartburn
02 Angina
03 Anxiety
04 Asthma
05 Arthritis
06 Attention Deficit Disorder/Hyperactivity
07 Autism
08 Benign tumors, cysts
09 Bipolar Disorder
10 Birth defect
11 Cancer
12 Cholesterol
13 Chronic Bronchitis
14 Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
15 Constipation severe enough to require medication
16 Coronary heart disease
17 Dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease
18 Dental pain
19 Depression
20 Diabetes
21 Emphysema
22 Excessive sleepiness during the day
23 Excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
24 Fibromyalgia
25 Fracture, bone/joint injury
26 Gout
27 Gum disease
28 Gynecologic problem
29 Hay fever
30 Hearing problem
31 Heart attack
32 Other heart condition or disease
33 Hernia
34 Hypertension
35 Inflammatory bowel disease
36 Influenza or pneumonia
37 Insomnia or trouble sleeping
38 Irritable bowel
39 Jaw pain
40 Joint pain or stiffness/other joint condition
41 Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
42 Liver problem
43 Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
44 Lupus
45 Mania or psychosis
46 Memory loss or loss of other cognitive function
47 Menopause
48 Menstrual problems
49 Mental retardation
50 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
51 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
52 Other developmental problem
53 Other injury
54 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
55 Phobia or fears
56 Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
57 Poor circulation in legs
58 Prostate trouble or impotence
59 Regular headaches
60 Rheumatoid arthritis
61 Schizophrenia
62 Seizures
63 Senility
64 Sinusitis
65 Skin problems
66 Sprain or strain
67 Stroke
68 Substance abuse, other than alcohol or tobacco
69 Filled problem
70 Filled problem
71 Ulcer
72 Urinary problem
73 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
74 Vision problem
75 Weak or failing kidneys
76 Weight problem
77 Back pain or problem
78 Head or chest cold
79 Neck pain or problem
80 Severe headache or migraine
81 Stomach or intestinal illness
82 Other - specify
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have used a relaxation technique for more than one condition
Skip Instructions:
(1-82) goto REL_MED
(Refused,Don't know) goto REL_ENG

[p.] 295 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.926_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_MED
Question Text:
(book) ALT2 ?[F1]
Did you receive any of these conventional medical treatments for [fill condition]?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
0 None
1 Prescription medications
2 Over-the-counter medications
3 Surgery
4 Physical therapy
5 Mental health counseling
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used relaxation technique for health condition
Skip Instructions:

(0, Refused, Don't know) [goto REL_ENG]
(1) [goto REL_TIM1]
(2) [goto REL_TIM2]
(3) [goto REL_TIM3]
(4) [goto REL_TIM4]
(5) [goto REL_TIM5]

Question ID: : ALT.928_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TIM1
Question Text:
Did you receive prescription medications for [fill1: condition from REL_MOST or REL_COND or REL_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: relaxation technique used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used prescription medications for condition they used a relaxation technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto REL_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.928_02.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TIM2
Question Text:
Did you receive over-the-counter medications for [fill1: condition from REL_MOST or REL_COND or REL_SPEC]
before, at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: relaxation technique used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who used over-the-counter medications for condition they used a relaxation technique for the
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto REL_ENG]

[p.] 296 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.928_03.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TIM3
Question Text:
Did you receive surgery for [fill1: condition from REL_MOST or REL_COND or REL_SPEC] before, at about the same
time, or after trying [fill2: relaxation technique used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had surgery for condition they used a relaxation technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto REL_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.928_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TIM4
Question Text:
Did you receive physical therapy for [fill1: condition from REL_MOST or REL_COND or REL_SPEC] before, at about
the same time, or after trying [fill2: relaxation technique used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had physical therapy for condition they used a relaxation technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto to next selected conventional medical treatment. If no more treatments selected
[goto REL_ENG]

Question ID: : ALT.928_05.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_TIM5
Question Text:
Did you receive mental health counseling for [fill1: condition from REL_MOST or REL_COND or REL_SPEC] before,
at about the same time, or after trying [fill2: relaxation technique used most]?
1 Before
2 At about the same time
3 After
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had mental health counseling for condition they used a relaxation technique for the most
Skip Instructions:
(1-3,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_ENG]

[p.] 297 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.930_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_ENG
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons? Please
say yes or no to each.
...To improve or enhance energy
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_WEL]

Question ID: : ALT.932_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_WEL
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...For general wellness or general disease prevention
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_IMM]

Question ID: : ALT.934_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_IMM
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...To improve or enhance immune function
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_COP]

[p.] 298 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.936_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_COP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...To cope with having an illness
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_NOHP]

Question ID: : ALT.938_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_NOHP
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments did not help
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_EXPS]

Question ID: : ALT.940_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_EXPS
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...Because medical treatments were too expensive
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_SUGG]


Question ID: : ALT.942_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_SUGG
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by a health care provider
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_FFC]

Question ID: : ALT.944_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_FFC
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use [fill relaxation technique used most] for any of these reasons?
...It was recommended by family friends or coworkers
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_PRAC]

Question ID: : ALT.946_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_PRAC
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you see a practitioner or take a class for [fill relaxation technique used most]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto REL_YR] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_BKS]

[p.300] 300 of 304

Question ID: : ALT.948_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_YR
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how often did you see a practitioner or take a class for [fill relaxation technique used
*Read categories if necessary.
1 Only one time
2 2-5 times
3 6-10 times
4 11-15 times
5 16-20 times
6 More than 20 times
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who saw practitioner or took a class for relaxation technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-6,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_PAY]

Question ID: : ALT.950_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_PAY
Question Text:
On average, how much did you pay out-of-pocket for each visit to a practitioner or to take a class for [fill relaxation
technique used most]?
*Enter '500' for $500 or more.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who saw practitioner or took a class for relaxation technique in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_BKS]

Question ID: : ALT.952_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_BKS
Question Text:
Did you buy a self-help book or other materials to learn about [fill relaxation technique used most]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto REL_BPAY] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_DISC]


Question ID: : ALT.954_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_BPAY
Question Text:
How much did you pay for these materials?
* Enter 500 for more than 500.
000-499 $0-$499
500 $500 or more
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who bought self-help book
Skip Instructions:
(0-500,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_DISC]

Question ID: : ALT.956_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_DISC
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you let any of the CONVENTIONAL medical professionals know about your
use of [fill relaxation technique used most]?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample Adult 18+ who used a relaxation technique past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1) [goto RELPROF]
(2,Refused,Don't know) if RELE_MED=2 [goto RELNOUSE];
elseif RELU_MED=2 [goto RELNOYR];
else [goto PRA_SLFE]

Question ID: : ALT.958_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELPROF
Question Text:
(book) ALT3 ?[F1]
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Medical doctor (including specialists)_
02 Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.)_
03 Nurse practitioner/Physician assistant_
04 Psychiatrist_
05 Dentist (including specialists)_
06 Psychologist/social worker_
07 Pharmacist_
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who told conventional provider about use of relaxation techniques
Skip Instructions:
(1-7,Refused,Don't know) if RELE_MED=2 [goto RELNOUSE];_
elseif RELU_MED=2 [goto RELNOYR]; _
else [goto PRA_SLFE]


Question ID: : ALT.960_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELNOYR
Question Text:
(book) ALT4
Please tell me the reasons why you have not used meditation in the PAST 12 MONTHS?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never thought about it
02 No reason
03 Didn't need it in the last 12 months
04 It didn't work for me before
05 It costs too much
06 I had side effects last time
07 A health care provider told me not to use it
08 Medical science has not shown that it works
09 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have not used meditation in the past 12 months
Skip Instructions:
(1-5,7-9,Refused,Don't know) [goto PRA_SLFE] (6) [goto REL_SDEF]

Question ID: : ALT.962_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_SDEF
Question Text:
What kinds of side effects did you have?
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Verbatim Verbatim response
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effect from using relaxation technique
Skip Instructions:
(allow 75,Refused,Don't know) [goto REL_ATT]

Question ID: : ALT.964_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: REL_ATT
Question Text:
Did any of these require medical attention?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had side effect from using relaxation technique
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto PRA_SLFE]


Question ID: : ALT.966_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELNOUSE
Question Text:
(book) ALT5
Please tell me the reasons why you have never used meditation?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Never heard of it/don't know much about it
02 Never thought about it
03 No reason
04 Don't need it
05 Don't believe in it/it doesn't work
06 It costs too much
07 It is not safe to use
08 A health care provider told me not to use it
09 Medical science has not shown that it works
10 Some other reason
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have never used meditation
Skip Instructions:
(1-10,Refused,Don't know) [goto PRA_SLFE]

Question ID: : ALT.968_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PRA_SLFE
Question Text:
Now I am going to ask you about your use of prayer for your own health.
Have you EVER prayed specifically for the purpose of your OWN health?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1 ) [goto PRA_SLFM] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto PRA_OTHE]

Question ID: : ALT.970_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PRA_SLFM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you pray specifically for the purpose of your OWN health?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever prayed for own health
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto PRA_OTHE]


Question ID: : ALT.972_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PRA_OTHE
Question Text:
Have you EVER asked or had OTHERS pray for your OWN health?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1 ) [goto PRA_OTHM] (2,Refused,Don't know) [goto SASSN]

Question ID: : ALT.974_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: PRA_OTHM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you ask or have OTHERS pray for your OWN health?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who ever had others pray for their health
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,Refused,Don't know) [goto SASSN]