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Used energy healing for: Cataracts

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For what health problems or conditions did you use energy healing therapy/Reiki?


(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
EHPCON01 (01) Allergic reaction to food
EHPCON02 (02) Allergic reaction to medication
EHPCON03 (03) Angina
EHPCON04 (04) Anxiety/depression
EHPCON05 (05) Arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia
EHPCON06 (06) Asthma
EHPCON07 (07) Benign tumors, cysts
EHPCON08 (08) Birth defect
EHPCON09 (09) Bowel problems or constipation
EHPCON10 (10) Cancer
EHPCON11 (11) Cataracts
EHPCON12 (12) Cholesterol
EHPCON13 (13) Chronic bronchitis
EHPCON14 (14) Recurring pain
EHPCON15 (15) Circulation problems (other than in the legs)
EHPCON16 (16) Congestive heart failure
EHPCON17 (17) Coronary heart disease
EHPCON18 (18) Diabetes
EHPCON19 (19) Diabetic retinopathy
EHPCON20 (20) Emphysema
EHPCON21 (21) Excessive sleepiness during the day
EHPCON22 (22) Jaw pain
EHPCON23 (23) Fracture, bone/joint injury
EHPCON24 (24) Glaucoma
EHPCON25 (25) Gynecologic problems
EHPCON26 (26) Hay fever
EHPCON27 (27) Hearing problem
EHPCON28 (28) Heart attack
EHPCON29 (29) Heart condition or disease
EHPCON30 (30) Hernia
EHPCON31 (31) Hypertension
EHPCON32 (32) Irregular heartbeat
EHPCON33 (33) Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury)
EHPCON34 (34) Lung/breathing problem (not already listed)
EHPCON35 (35) Macular degeneration
EHPCON36 (36) Menopause
EHPCON37 (37) Menstrual problems
EHPCON38 (38) Mental retardation
EHPCON39 (39) Joint pain or stiffness
EHPCON40 (40) Missing limbs (fingers, toes, or digits), amputee
EHPCON41 (41) Multiple sclerosis
EHPCON42 (42) Neuropathy
EHPCON43 (43) Osteoporosis, tendinitis
EHPCON44 (44) Other developmental problem
EHPCON45 (45) Other injury
EHPCON46 (46) Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
EHPCON47 (47) Parkinson's
EHPCON48 (48) Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
EHPCON49 (49) Poor circulation in your legs
EHPCON50 (50) Insomnia or trouble sleeping
EHPCON51 (51) Liver problem
EHPCON52 (52) Dental pain
EHPCON53 (53) Prostate trouble or impotence
EHPCON54 (54) Seizures
EHPCON55 (55) Senility
EHPCON56 (56) Sinusitis
EHPCON57 (57) Skin problems
EHPCON58 (58) Sprain or strain
EHPCON59 (59) Stroke
EHPCON60 (60) Text of first other specify
EHPCON61 (61) Text of second other specify
EHPCON62 (62) Thyroid problem
EHPCON63 (63) Ulcer
EHPCON64 (64) Urinary problem
EHPCON65 (65) Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
EHPCON66 (66) Vision problems (not already listed)
EHPCON67 (67) Weak or failing kidneys
EHPCON68 (68) Weight problems
EHPCON69 (69) Back pain or problem
EHPCON70 (70) Head or chest cold
EHPCON71 (71) Neck pain or problem
EHPCON72 (72) Severe headache or migraine
EHPCON73 (73) Stomach or intestinal illness
EHPCON74 (74) Other, specify