1971-1982 Occupation Codes (OCC)

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This page presents the occupational classification system recorded in OCC from 1971-1982 that was informed by the 1970 Classified Index of Occupation. The page shows each occupation category and its corresponding OCC code. In addition to these contemporary systems, IPUMS NHIS codes all survey years into the 1995 revised Standard Occupational Classification scheme, recording them in the variable OCC1995.

Occupation Categories

Code Occupation Title
Not in Universe
00 Not in universe
Professional, Technical, and Kindred Workers
01 Engineers and architects
02 Scientists
03 Health workers
04 Teachers, including college
05 Engineering and science technicians
06 All other professional, technical, and kindred workers
Managers and Administrators, Except Farm
07 Managers and administrators, except farm
Sales Workers
10 Sales workers
Clerical and Kindred Workers
11 Bookkeepers
12 Office machine operators
13 Mail handlers, postal clerks, and telegraph messengers
14 Secretaries, stenographers, typists, and receptionists
15 All other clerical workers
Craftsmen and Kindred Workers
20 Carpenters
21 Other construction craftsmen
22 Mechanics and repairmen
23 Metal craftsmen, except mechanics
24 All other craftsmen
30 Operatives, except transport
31 Transport equipment operatives
40 Laborers, except farm
51 Farm laborers and farm foremen
Farmers and Farm Managers
50 Farmers and farm managers
Service Workers
60 Cleaning service
61 Food service
62 Health and personal service
63 Protective service
64 Private household workers
Unknown Occupation or New Worker
70 Unknown Occupation
80 New worker

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