Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | Not mentioned | X |
2 | Mentioned | · |
7 | Unknown-refused | X |
8 | Unknown-not mentioned | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X |
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For sample adults and sample children in 2007 who had taken one or more vitamin supplements during the past 30 days (VITMO) and had taken the first vitamin supplement to treat a specific health problem or condition (VIT1TREAT), VIT1TRET indicates whether the person had used a vitamin supplement to treat mental retardation.
Related Variables
Mental retardation was one of 30 possible specific conditions that both sample adults and sample children could report treating with vitamin supplements.
[show more]The other such conditions are:
- attention deficit disorder (VIT1TADD)
- anxiety (VIT1TANX)
- arthritis (VIT1TARTH)
- asthma (VIT1TASTH)
- autism (VIT1TAUT)
- cancer (VIT1TCANC)
- head or chest cold (VIT1TCOLD)
- constipation needing medication (VIT1TNCONST)
- depression (VIT1TDEPRES)
- diabetes (VIT1TDIAB)
- influenza or pneumonia (VIT1TFLU)
- gum disease (VIT1TGUM)
- hay fever (VIT1THAY)
- hearing problem (VIT1THEAR)
- insomnia (VIT1TINSOM)
- menstrual problems (VIT1TMENST)
- migraine or severe headache (VIT1TMIG)
- other developmental problem (VIT1TODD)
- other lung or breathing problem (VIT1TOLUNG)
- other musculoskeletal problem (VIT1TOMUSC)
- phobias (VIT1TPHOBIA)
- acid reflux (VIT1TREFLUX)
- regular headaches (VIT1TREGHEAD)
- seizures (VIT1TSEIZ)
- sinusitis (VIT1TSINUS)
- urinary problem (VIT1TURIN)
- vision problem (VIT1TVISION)
- weight problem (VIT1TWEIGHT)
- other (VIT1TOTH1)
Additionally, there are 57 other conditions sample adults only could report treating with vitamin supplements, and 29 other conditions that could be reported for sample children only. For the full list of conditions, see VIT1TREAT.
Persons taking more than one vitamin supplement during the past 30 days were also asked whether their second vitamin supplement was used to treat a specific problem or condition (VIT2TREAT) and, if so, what was that condition. Similarly, persons taking herbal supplements during the past 30 days (HERMO) were asked whether those herbal supplements were used to treat a specific condition (see HER1TREAT and HER2TREAT).
VIT1MOST reports the specific first vitamin supplement (out of 20 possible vitamins) that was taken most often by the respondent. Analysts interested in the treatment of mental retardation by other vitamin or herbal supplements should see the related variables VIT2TRET, HER1TRET, and HER2TRET. The corresponding variables VIT2MOST, HER1MOST, and HER2MOST indicate which vitamin or herbal supplement was taken.
Sample adults, but not sample children, were also asked about their use of vitamin supplements to prevent (rather than to treat) health problems or conditions (VIT1PREV and VIT2PREV). Researchers interested in the use of vitamin supplements to prevent mental retardation should see VIT1PRET and VIT2PRET. For more information on the full range of variables related to the use of vitamin supplements, see VITMO.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children under 18 who have taken one or more vitamin supplements during the past 30 days and took the first supplement to treat or cure a specific health problem or condition.
- 2007
