Survey Text


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Question ID: REL.0010.00.1
Variable: WHOPAR
Interview Module: Roster
Content Type: Annual Core

Question Text:

Which people living in this household are ^ALIASNAME's parents? Please include biological, step, or adoptive parents, but not foster parents or other relatives who may act as parents.

If respondent is a foster parent or relative who acts as a parent, probe "Does ^ALIASNAME have any biological, step, or adoptive parents living in this household?"

Enter '0' if no biological, step, or adoptive parents live in the household.

Legal guardians who are not biological, step, or adoptive parents should not be selected at this question.

Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
Description: {Value of ALIAS}
Instruction: Fill value from ALIAS
00 - No biological, step, or adoptive parents
01 - Name of person 1
02 - Name of person 2
03 - Name of person 3
04 - Name of person 4
05 - Name of person 5
06 - Name of person 6
07 - Name of person 7
08 - Name of person 8
09 - Name of person 9
10 - Name of person 10
11 - Name of person 11
12 - Name of person 12
13 - Name of person 13
14 - Name of person 14
15 - Name of person 15
16 - Name of person 16
17 - Name of person 17
18 - Name of person 18
19 - Name of person 19
20 - Name of person 20
21 - Name of person 21
22 - Name of person 22
23 - Name of person 23
24 - Name of person 24
25 - Name of person 25
97 - Refused
99 - Do not know
All persons with age less than 18 years old or age was guessed or reported to be less than 18
Skip Instructions:
If 0 selected with any other value [goto ERR4_WHOPAR] If AGEDIFF LT 15 [goto ERR1_WHOPAR]
elseif AGEDIFF GE 50 [goto ERR2_WHOPAR] elseif AGEDIFF LE 0 [goto ERR3_WHOPAR]
0, RF, DK = [goto FOSTPAR]
1-25 = If last non-deleted child on roster [goto next section] else [goto WHOPAR for next non-deleted child on roster]
Hard Edit:
Check Text: ERR4_WHOPAR
Check Description: 0 and another entry
Check text:
{check ERR4_WHOPAR}

Invalid entry. Cannot mark 0 and a valid line number.

Please correct.
Soft Edit:
Check Text: ERR1_WHOPAR
Check Description: Age difference between parent selected and child less than 15 years
Check text:
{signal ERR1_WHOPAR}

Age difference between parent and child is
^AGEDIFF years.

I have recorded the parent ^PARENTNAME is
^PARENTAGE years old and the child ^CHILDNAME is ^CHILDAGE years old.
Are these ages and relationships correct? Please correct relationship code or age.
Check Text: Parent is younger than child
Check Description: 0 and another entry
Check text:
{signal ERR3_WHOPAR}

Please verify. Parent is younger than child.

I have recorded the parent ^PARENTNAME is
^PARENTAGE years old and the child ^CHILDNAME is ^CHILDAGE years old. Are these ages and relationships correct?

Please correct relationship code or age
Check Text: ERR2_WHOPAR
Check Description: Age difference GE 50 years
Check text:
{signal ERR2_WHOPAR}

Age difference between parent and child is greater than or equal to 50 years.

I have recorded the parent ^PARENTNAME is
^PARENTAGE years old and the child ^CHILDNAME is ^CHILDAGE years old. Are these ages and relationships correct?

Please correct relationship code or age.