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Number doses hepatitis A vaccine received


SHOTHEPANO is a 2-digit numeric variable. The number of shots begins at 1and is continuous. In 2017 the responses were top-coded at 95 and in 2018 the responses were top-coded at 4. Special codes are as follows:

96: Received all shots
97: Unknown - Refused
98: Unknown - Not ascertained
99: Unknown - Don't know


Among sample adults who have ever received a hepatitis vaccine, this variable indicates how many hepatitis A shots the respondent received the hepatitis A vaccine. The question did not require verification of the shot(s). See comparability tab for details on changes in response categories.

Added in 2008, the question for SHOTHEPANO was part of the Adult Immunization Supplement (part of the Adult Access to Health Care and Utilization section). This supplement included a set of questions designed to measure the receipt of relatively new vaccines. In addition to the question for SHOTHEPANO, other questions added in the supplement and available for 2008 forward (except SHOTET10Y) include:

  • SHOTET05: received tetanus shot in 2005 or later

  • SHOTETPERT: if the tetanus shot (given in 2005 or later) included pertussis
  • SHOTET10Y: had tetanus shot, past 10 years (1991, 1993-1995, 1998-1999, 2008-2009)
  • TRAVLDC95: traveled outside U.S. and MDCs since 1995
  • LIVERCHRON: ever had any chronic liver condition


This variable is completely comparable over time. Responses are top-coded at 95 through 2017. In 2018 forward, responses are top-coded at 4.


  • 2008-2018: Sample adults age 18+ who have had a hepatitis A vaccination.


  • 2008-2018
