1992-1994 Industry Codes (IND)

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This page presents the industrial classification system recorded in IND from 1992-1994 that was informed by the 1992 revised Standard Industrial Classification. The page shows each industry category and its corresponding IND code. In addition to these contemporary systems, IPUMS NHIS codes all survey years into the 1995 revised Standard Industrial Classification scheme, recording them in the variable IND1995.

Industry Categories

Code Industry
Not in Universe
00 Not in Universe
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
01 Agriculture
02 Forestry and fisheries
10 Mining
20 Construction
Nondurable goods
30 Food and kindred products
31 Textile mill and finished textile products
32 Printing, publishing, and allied industries
33 Chemicals and allied products
34 Other nondurable products
Durable goods
40 Furniture, lumber, and wood
41 Primary metal industries
42 Fabricated metal industries, including ordnance
43 Machinery, except electrical
44 Electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies
45 Transportation equipment
46 Other and not specified durable goods
Transportation, Communication, and Other Public Utilities
50 Railroads
51 Trucking service and warehousing
52 Other transportation
53 Communications
54 Utilities and sanitary
Wholesale and Retail Trade
Wholesale trade
60 Wholesale trade
Retail trade
61 General merchandise stores
62 Food, bakery, and dairy stores
63 Automotive dealers and gasoline stations
64 Eating and drinking places
65 Other and not specified retail trade
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate
70 Banking and credit agencies
71 Insurance, real estate, and other finance
Business and repair services
75 Business services
76 Repair services
Personal services
77 Private households
78 Other personal services
Entertainment and recreation services
79 Entertainment and recreation services
Professional and related services
80 Hospitals
81 Health services, except hospitals
82 Elementary, secondary schools, and colleges
83 Other educational services
84 Social services, religious, and membership organizations
85 Legal, engineering, and other professional services
Public Administration
90 Public administration
Unknown Industry
95 Unknown industry
96 Refused, classified, etc.
Armed Forces
98 Armed forces

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