Survey Text

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Question ID: PAI.0150.00.4
Variable: PAINMEFF_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Emerging Content

Question Text:

Over the past three months, how effective do you think you were in managing your pain? Would you say very effective, somewhat effective, only a little effective, or not at all effective?
1 Very effective
2 Somewhat effective
3 Only a little effective
4 Not at all effective
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
Sample adults 18+ who have pain at least some days and who used a prescription opioid pain reliever in the past 3 months; or physical therapy, rehabilitative therapy, or occupational therapy in the past 3 months; or spinal manipulation or other forms of chiropractic care in the past 3 months; or talk therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy in the past 3 months; or a chronic pain self-management program or workshop in the past 3 months; or a chronic pain support group in the past 3 months; or Yoga or Tai Chi in the past 3 months; or massage in the past 3 months; or Meditation, guided imagery, or other relaxation techniques in the past 3 months; or some other technique or approach in the past 3 months
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