Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X | X | X |
1 | No | X | X | X | X |
2 | Yes | X | X | X | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | X | X | · | X |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | X | X | · | X |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults aged 40 and older who have ever had a home blood stool or FIT test (BSTHEV), COLGEV reports if the person had ever had a Cologuard test. COLGEV was introduced in 2018 as part of a series of questions covering Cologuard testing. In 2018, COLGEV was asked of all sample adults aged 40 and older.
The 2018 Field Representative's Manual noted: "Cologuard is a new type of stool test to check for colon cancer. Unlike other stool tests, Cologuard looks for changes in DNA in addition to checking for blood in your stool. The Cologuard test is shipped to your home in a box that includes a container for your stool sample."
Related variables
COLGEV is one of a series of questions about Cologuard testing. Other variables containing information about Cologuard testing include:
- COLGBST: Blood stool/FIT test part of Cologuard test
- COLGLDMO: Month date of most recent Cologuard test
- COLGLDYR: Date of last Cologuard test: Year
- COLGLNO: Time since Cologuard test: Number of units
- COLGLTP: Time since Cologuard test: Time period
- COLGLGYRE: Time since Cologuard test: Rough time estimate
- COLGLGYRR1: Time since Cologuard test: Grouped year recode 1 (2005 method)
The NHIS questionnaire was substantially redesigned in 2019 to introduce a different data collection structure and new content. For more information on changes in terminology, universes, and data collection methods beginning in 2019, please see the user note.
- 2018: Sample adults age 40+.
- 2019: Sample adults age 40+ who have ever had a home blood stool or FIT test (BSTHEV).
- 2021; 2023: Sample adults age 40+.
- 2018-2019, 2021, 2023
Survey Text
2023 |
2021 |
2019 |
2018 |
Variable: COLOGUARD1_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question text:
Have you ever had a Cologuard test?
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
elseif FITHEV1_A IN (2,RF,DK) [goto CGUARDWHE1_A]
2,RF,DK if ((COLWHEN_A=1-5 or SIGWHEN_A=1-4 or CTCOLWHEN1_A=1-4 or COLSIGWHEN_A=1-4 or
elseif ((COLWHEN_A=1-5 or SIGWHEN_A=1-4 or CTCOLWHEN1_A=1-4 or COLSIGWHEN_A=1-4 or
elseif ((COLWHEN_A=1-5 or SIGWHEN_A=1-4 or CTCOLWHEN1_A=1-4 or COLSIGWHEN_A=1-4 or
FITCOLGCUR_FLG_A=1) and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK)) [goto next section]
else [goto COLPROB1_A]
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content
Question Text:
Have you ever had a Cologuard test?
2 No
7 Refused
9 Do not Know
2,RF,DK = if ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or CTCOLWHEN_A IN (1-4) or or COLSIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or FITHWHEN_A=1) and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=1) [goto PSATEST_A]
elseif ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or CTCOLWHEN_A IN (1-4) or or COLSIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or FITHWHEN_A=1) and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A]=2) [goto CERVICEV_A]
elseif ((COLWHEN_A IN (1-5) or SIGWHEN_A IN (1-4) or CTCOLWHEN_A IN (1-4) or or COLSIGWHEN_A IN
(1-4) or FITHWHEN_A=1) and GEN.SEX_FINAL[PX_A] in (RF,DK)) [goto next section] else [goto COLPROBLEM_A]
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
Have you ever had a Cologuard test?
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
else [goto COLGD_MT]
(2,R,D]if COLHAD=2 or COL2=6 or COL_YR=(current year ? 10) and COL_MT lt current month
or COL_YR lt (current year ? 10) or COLT=4 and COLN ge 11 and COL2=R,D and
SIGHAD=2 or SIG2=5,6 or SIG_YR=(current year ? 5) and SIG_MT lt current month
or SIG_YR lt (current year ? 5) or SIGT=3 and SIGN gt 60 or SIGT=4 and SIGN ge 6
and SIG2=R,D and CTHEARD=2 or CTHADEV=2 or CT2=5,6 or CT_YR=(current year ? 5)
and CT_MT lt current month or CT_YR lt (current year ? 5) or CTT=3 and CTN gt 60 or CTT=4 and CTN ge 6
and CT2=R,D and HFOBHAD=2 or RHFO2 =2,3,4,5,6 or RHFO2_YR=(current year ? 1)
and RHFO2_MT lt current month or RHFO2_YR lt (current year ? 1) or RHFO2T=2 and RHFO2N gt 52 or
and RHFO2N gt 12 or RHFO2T=4 and RHFO2N ge 2 and RHFO2=R,D [goto COLPROB1];
else [goto next section]
- 2018-2019, 2021, 2023 : SAMPWEIGHT