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Used assistive-listening device: Amplified alarm clock

Survey Text

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Question ID: ACN.410_00.130

Instrument Variable Name: HRALDTYP
Question Text:
(book) A5
Which of the following assistive listening devices (ALDs) have you ever used?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Pocket talker or other personal listening device
02 Amplified telephone
03 Amplified or vibrating alarm clock
04 Notification or signaling alarm system (light signaler for doorbell, baby cry monitor, etc.)
05 Television/Theater headset or closed-captioned TV
06 TTY (teletypewriter), TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf), or telephone relay service
07 Video relay service
08 Sign language interpreter
09 Other
97 Refused
99 Don't know
You may choose more than one.

1. Pocket talker or other personal listening device
2. Amplified telephone
3. Amplified or vibrating alarm clock
4. Notification or signaling system (light signaler for doorbell, baby cry monitor, etc.)
5. Television/Theater headset or closed-captioned TV
6. TTY (teletypewriter), TDD (telecommunications device for the deaf), or telephone relay service
7. Video relay service
8. Sign language interpreter
9. Other
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used assistive listening devices (ALDs)
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