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Time since skin exam: Months (recode, except estimates)


SKNXMRMO is a 3-digit-numeric variable.

000: Less than 1 month
900: 900+ months
991: Less than 1 year ago (unknown number of months)
992: 1-3 years ago (unknown number of months)
993: 3+ years ago (unknown number of months)
994: Less than 3 years ago (unknown number of months)
995: Over 3 years ago (unknown number of months)
996: Not in Universe
997: Unknown-refused
998: Unknown-not ascertained
999: Unknown-don't know


For sample adults who had ever had a skin cancer exam by a dermatologist or other physician (SKNCANX), SKNXMRMO reports the time, in months, since the last exam had been done.


In 2000, SKNXMRMO is a summary recode of the following source variables:

  • Month of most recent skin exam (SKNXMDMO)
  • Year of most recent skin exam (SKNXMDYR)
  • Time ago of skin exam: number of units (SKNXMNO)
  • Time ago of skin exam: Time period (SKNXMTP)
  • Most recent skin exam: Time categories (SKNXMEYR)

In 1992, SKNXMRMO is a summary recode of similar source variables with the exception of SKNXMEYR.

The 2000 NHIS Codebook provides the following note regarding SKNXMRMO:

This is a recode for months since the last skin exam. This recode also utilizes the interview date, which is not available for public-use analysis. If the month/year were provided [in SKNXMRMO, SKNXMDYR], the date of the last skin exam was set to the 15th of that month. If the year (but not the month) was provided, the date of the last skin exam was set to June 30th of that year. Respondents that initially answered in [SKNXMEYR] are in Refused/Not Ascertained/Don't Know (could not be coded for this field).

The 2000 NHIS public use files include another summary recode, SKNXMGYR, which reports the time since the last skin exam was done in terms of time categories.

The 2000 NHIS Survey Description advises data analysts to use the summary recodes (SKNXMRMO, SKNXMGYR) "rather than the answers to the original subquestions [SKNXMDMO, SKNXMDYR, SKNXMNO, SKNXMTP, SKNXMEYR]" since "the recodes include all respondents who were eligible for the test, while the raw answers applied only to the subset of respondents who gave the time in a particular format."

For more information, please see SKNCANX.


Although the format of the questions varies between years, SKNXMRMO is generally comparable across years. Researchers should pay particular attention to the coding differences between the two years. See Survey Text tab.


  • 1992: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 1 and 2, and in 2 weeks of quarter 3 (excluded from CAEP supplement) who ever had a skin cancer exam.
  • 2000: Sample adults age 18+ who ever had a skin cancer exam.


  • 1992, 2000
