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Month date of most recent skin exam

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For sample adults who ever had a skin cancer exam (SKNCANX), SKNXMDMO reports the month the most recent skin exam was done.

Researchers are advised to use the recoded variables SKNXMRMO and SKNXMGYR instead of SKNXMDMO.


Interviewers asked when the "MOST RECENT skin exam" was done and accepted responses given in either a month/year or a time period format. Responses given in a month/year format were recorded in two variables: SKNXMDMO (Month of most recent skin exam) and SKNXMDYR (Year of most recent skin exam). Responses given in a time period format were recorded in two variables, SKNXMNO (Time since skin exam: number of units) and SKNXMTP (Time since skin exam: Time period).

The 2000 NHIS Survey Description advises data analysts to use the summary recodes (SKNXMRMO, SKNXMGYR) "rather than the answers to the original sub questions [SKNXMDMO, SKNXMDYR, SKNXMNO, SKNXMTP, SKNXMEYR]" since "the recodes include all respondents who were eligible for the test, while the raw answers applied only to the subset of respondents who gave the time in a particular format."

For more information, please see SKNCANX.


Although the format of the questions varies between years, SKNXMDMO is generally comparable across years. Researchers should pay particular attention to the coding differences among years. See Survey Text tab.


  • 1992: Half of sample persons age 18+ in quarters 1 and 2, and in 2 weeks of quarter 3 (excluded from CAEP supplement) who ever had a skin cancer exam.
  • 2000; 2005; 2010; 2015: Sample adults age 18+ who ever had a skin cancer exam.


  • 1992, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015
