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For sample adults age 18+ and sample children under 18 in 2007 who had seen a practitioner for a therapeutic movement technique during the past 12 months (MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, MOVTRAGYR) and had used a movement technique to treat a specific health problem or condition (MOVTREAT), MOVTCONST indicates whether the person had used a movement technique to treat constipation needing medication.
Related Variables
Constipation needing medication was one of 30 possible specific conditions that both sample adults and sample children could report treating with a movement technique.
[show more]The other such conditions such are:
- attention deficit disorder (MOVTADD, 2007 only)
- anxiety (MOVTANX, 2007 only)
- asthma (MOVTASTH, 2007 only)
- arthritis (MOVTARTH, 2007 only)
- autism (MOVTAUT, 2007 only)
- cancer (MOVTCANC, 2007 only)
- head or chest cold (MOVTCOLD, 2007 only)
- depression (MOVTDEPRES, 2007 only)
- diabetes (MOVTDIAB, 2007 only)
- influenza or pneumonia (MOVTFLU, 2007 only)
- gum disease (MOVTGUM, 2007 only)
- hay fever (MOVTHAY, 2007 only)
- hearing problem (MOVTHEAR, 2007 only)
- insomnia (MOVTINSOM, 2007 only)
- menstrual problems (MOVTMENST, 2007 only)
- migraine or severe headache (MOVTMIG, 2007 only)
- other developmental problem (MOVTODD, 2007 only)
- other lung or breathing problem (MOVTOLUNG, 2007 only)
- other musculoskeletal problem (MOVTOMUSC, 2007 only)
- phobias (MOVTPHOBIA, 2007 only)
- acid reflux (MOVTREFLUX, 2007 only)
- regular headaches (MOVTREGHEAD, 2007 only)
- mental retardation (MOVTRET, 2007 only)
- seizures (MOVTSEIZ, 2007 only)
- sinusitis (MOVTSINUS, 2007 only)
- urinary problem (MOVTURIN, 2007 only)
- vision problem (MOVTVISION, 2007 only)
- weight problem (MOVTWEIGHT, 2007 only)
- other (MOVTOTH1, 2007 only)
Additionally, there are 57 other conditions sample adults only could report treating with a movement technique, and 29 other conditions that could be reported for sample children only. For the full list of conditions, see MOVTREAT.
Altogether, 16 modalities of alternative medicine were included in the 2002 and 2007 Alternative Health Supplements. The use of movement techniques, however, was only included in the 2007 Supplement. Persons could report treating constipation by 15 of the 16 alternative health modalities. The omitted alternative treatment is prayer, which was included as a treatment for specific health problems in the 2002 survey only; however, constipation was not a specific condition recognized in 2002. (See PRARITYR for more information about the treatment of specific conditions by prayer.) Analysts interested in the treatment of constipation by alternative therapies other than movement techniques should see ACUYR for the full list of alternative medicine treatments. Additionally, MOVALEXYR provides a summary of other movement technique-related questions and definitions.
MOVTCONST is only available for 2007. Survey participants were not asked about using movement techniques to treat most specific health conditions in 2002, and constipation needing medication was not a condition covered by the CAM supplement in 2002.
In 2007, sample adults were asked, "Did you use [fill: type of movement technique] for a specific health problem or condition?" Sample children were asked, "During the past 12 months, did [fill: sample child's name] use [fill: Feldenkreis/Alexander Technique/Pilates/Trager Psychophysical Integration] for a specific health problem or condition?"
MOVTCONST should be interpreted in conjunction with MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, and MOVTRAGYR, which indicate the specific movement technique (i.e., Alexander Technique, Feldenkreis, Pilates, or Trager Integration) used by the survey participant.
[show more]Sample adults (but not sample children) who had used more than one type of movement technique in the past year were asked to choose which movement technique they had used the most (MOVTYPMOST). The survey form instructed field representatives, "If respondent cannot choose one movement technique, probe for the one most important for health." Field representatives then filled in the above survey question for sample adults with the movement technique indicated by MOVTYPMOST.
Note that the question wording above differs slightly between sample adults and sample children, with the phrasing for children emphasizing that the use of the movement technique must have occurred in within the past 12 months.
[show more]The difference in question wording between sample adults and sample children is minimized, however, because two of the questions for sample adults preceding MOVTCONST (MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, or MOVTRAGYR and MOVNO) did specify the 12 month time frame. Persons were only asked the question for MOVTCONST if they had earlier indicated in MOVALEXYR, MOVFELDYR, MOVPILATYR, or MOVTRAGYR that they had seen a practitioner for movement techniques during the past 12 months.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children under 18 who have seen a practitioner for movement technique during the past 12 months and have used movement technique for a specific health problem or condition.
- 2007
