HOMNO is a 3-digit-numeric variable.
0: Not in Universe
995: 995+ times
996: Do not buy
997: Unknown-refused
998: Unknown-not ascertained
999: Unknown-don't know
For sample adults in 2007 who had used homeopathic treatment during the past 12 months (HOMYR), HOMNO reports how often the respondent purchased homeopathic medicine.
Interviewers asked, "About how often do you buy homeopathic medicine?" Interviewers were instructed, "If necessary prompt with: how many times per day, per week, per month or per year do you buy herbal supplements? Enter '0' if respondent does not buy homeopathic medicine."
Related Variables[show more]
HOMNO reports the number of times respondents had purchased homeopathic medicine and must be interpreted in conjunction with HOMTP, which reports the time period (per day, per week, per month, etc.) corresponding to the number reported in HOMNO.
See HOMPAID for the dollar amount spent on homeopathic medicine by the respondent during the last purchase of these materials.
For some other alternative health practices, information was also collected on the purchase of related materials, specifically:
For more information on the full range of variables related to homeopathic treatment, see HOMYR.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have used homeopathic treatment during the past 12 months.
- 2012: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children ages 4-17 who have used homeopathic treatment during the past 12 months.
- 2007, 2012
Survey Text
Constructed variable, consult variable description.
- 2012 : SUPP4WT