Survey Text

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Question ID: BAL.230_01.000

Instrument Variable Name: BTHLP_N
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
1 of 2
About how long was it between the first time you saw a doctor or other health professional about your dizziness or balance problem(s) until you began to feel helped by treatments or advice you received?
Please tell me the number of days, weeks, months or years.
001-365 1-365
997 Refused
999 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who feel doctor or other health professional helped dizziness at least a little
Skip Instructions:
(1-365, D) [goto BTHLP_T];
[goto BDIAG1]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:BAL.230_01.000

Instrument Variable Name:BTHLP_NO
1 of 2
About how long was it between the first time you saw a doctor or other health professional about your (Fill: most bothersome or only feeling) until you began to feel helped by treatments or advice you received?
Please tell me the number of days, weeks, months or years.
001-365 1-365
997 Refused
999 Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ who feel a health professional helped their symptoms of dizziness or balance problem
(1-365, D) [goto BTHLP_TP];
(R) [goto BDIAG]