Main health problem used other skin ointments for
Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU | X |
01 | Tuberculosis, active | · |
02 | Tuberculosis, inactive | · |
03 | Other infective disease | X |
04 | Neoplasms | X |
06 | Diseases of thyroid gland | · |
07 | Diabetes | · |
08 | Anemia | X |
09 | Other blood disease | X |
11 | Specified mental disorders, NEC | · |
12 | Migraine, other diseases of nervous system | X |
13 | Rheumatic fever | · |
15 | Rheumatic heart disease | · |
16 | Other heart disease, NEC | · |
17 | Cerebrovacular disease | X |
18 | Hypertensive disease, NEC | · |
19 | Varicose veins | · |
20 | Hemorrhoids | · |
21 | Arteriosclerosis, other circulatory diseases | · |
22 | Bronchitis | X |
24 | Asthma | · |
25 | Hayfever, without asthma | · |
26 | Sinusitis | · |
27 | Other respiratory diseases | X |
28 | Ulcer of stomach and duodenum | · |
Code | Label |
29 | Hernia of abdominal cavity | X |
30 | Gallbladder disease | X |
31 | Other digestive diseases | X |
32 | Menstrual disorders | X |
33 | Menopausal symptoms | X |
34 | Diseases of kidney and ureter | · |
35 | Other urinary system diseases | X |
36 | Diseases of genital organs, NEC | X |
37 | Skin diseases | X |
38 | Arthritis and rheumatism | · |
39 | Other musculoskeletal disorders | X |
40 | Impairments, NEC | · |
41 | Tension headaches, depression, mental disorders | X |
42 | Other endocrine, nutritional, metabolic diseases | · |
43 | Cold, not otherwise specified | X |
44 | Cold, upper respiratory | · |
45 | Cold, lower respiratory | · |
46 | Cold, with cough | X |
47 | Flu | X |
48 | Congestion, NEC | · |
49 | Chest congestion | X |
50 | Lower respiratory congestion | · |
51 | Nasal congestion | X |
52 | Sinus congestion | · |
53 | Upper respiratory congestion | · |
Code | Label |
54 | Post-nasal drip | X |
55 | Constipation | · |
56 | Diarrhea | · |
57 | Indigestion | · |
58 | Toothache | X |
59 | Upset stomach | X |
60 | Dryness, any part of body | X |
61 | Itching, any part of body | X |
62 | Rash | X |
63 | Appetite, abnormal | · |
64 | Appetite, excessive | · |
65 | Appetite, loss or no | · |
66 | Pain, NEC | X |
67 | Headache | · |
68 | Stomach ache | · |
69 | Soreness, any part of body | X |
70 | Swelling, any part of body | X |
71 | Virus, NEC | · |
80 | Injuries | X |
81 | Allergies, not otherwise specified | X |
82 | Allergies affecting multiple body systems | · |
95 | Birth control | · |
97 | None, took to keep healthy | X |
98 | Other conditions | X |
99 | Unknown | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons under age 18 who used skin ointments other than topical steroids in the past 2 weeks (MOINT2W), MOINT2WPROB reports the main health problem for which the person took or used the medication. MOINT2WPROB is part of the "Medicine Use" section of the 1981 Child Health Supplement.
Related Variables about Skin Ointment Use[show more]
For those who respond "yes" to MOINT2W, the following information is also collected:
- Whether the respondent obtained the skin ointment via prescription (MOINT2WRX),
- Whether a doctor recommended the use of a skin ointment (MOINT2WDREC), and
- How often the respondent used the skin ointment in the past 3 months (MOINT2WFREQ)
For a complete list of the medicines asked about in the Medicine Use section, please see MALL2W.
- 1981: Sample persons under age 18 who used other skin ointments in past two weeks (MOINT2W).
- 1981
