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Balance problem: Difficulty going over bridges

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For all sample adults, BALPBRIDGE indicates whether the respondent experienced any difficulty going over bridges in the last 12 months. The questionnaire included the instructions, "Do not include times when drinking alcohol." The survey text included instructions to the interviewers to mark, "No" if respondent experienced this problem "... for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance. Examples include respondents who are in a wheelchair, are deaf, blind, don't have a driver's license, etc."

In 2008, the question for this variable was part of the Sample Adult Balance Supplement, sponsored by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.


The supplement consisted of a total 205 questions (some of which were only asked based on a previous response). A summary of the topics included in the supplement is provided under BALDIZYR

Related Variables

Many other variables related to BALPBRIDGE, such as those specifying problems, difficulties or fears related to balance, are included in the 2008 Supplement.


These include:

  • muscle weakness affecting activity BALPMUSWK
  • drifting to one side when trying to walk straight BALPDRIFT
  • difficulty walking wearing glassesBALPLENS
  • bumping into the side of doorway when walking throughBALPBUMPDOR

Other variables of interest may include those found under

  • symptoms of dizziness or balance problems (see BALSFAINT
  • the age and frequency of the most bothersome balance or dizziness problem (see BALSAGE1ST
  • triggers of the most bothersome balance or dizziness problem (see BALTRIGTURN


BALPBRIDGE has no comparability issues.


  • 2008: Sample adults age 18+.


  • 2008
