Survey Text

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Question ID: CIH.0180.00.3
Variable: GIPR_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Sponsored Content

Question text:

Guided imagery uses visualization to relax. Progressive relaxation uses tensing and relaxing
muscle groups. During the past 12 months, did you use guided imagery or progressive relaxation?
1 - Yes
2 - No
7 - Refused
9 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
1 [goto GIPRPAIN_A]
2,RF,DK [goto YOGA_A]

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Question ID: ACH.090_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MBO_IMG1
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
? [F1]
* Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use ? Guided imagery?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) [goto MBO_PRO1]

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Question ID: CCH.090_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CMBOU_IM
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Child
Question Text:
? [F1]
* Read if necessary: DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did (fill1: S.C. name) use
? Guided imagery
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children 4+
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) [goto CMBOU_PR]

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QuestionID: ALT.376_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: MBOU_IMG Adult CAM
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use... Guided imagery?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who have ever used guided imagery

(1,2,R,D) if MBOE_PRO=1 [goto MBOU_PRO];
else if MBOE_IMG =1 and (MBOE_MAN and MBOE_MND and MBOE_SPR and MBOE_PRO)=2,R,D, fill value in MBO_MST1, [goto MBO_BRTH];else if two or more of the other MBOU 12 month series answered 1 (yes), [goto MBO_MST1]
(2,R,D)If (MBOE_MAN and MBOE_MND and MBOE_SPR and MBOE_PRO)=2,R,D [goto YTQE_YOG] else if at the last cycle though of the MBOU_* variables where ALL=2,R,D, [goto YTQE_YOG]

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Question ID: CAL.376_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CMBU_IMG
? [F1] DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did [fill: S.C. name] use... Guided imagery?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample children 4+ who have ever used guided imagery
(1,2,R,D) if CMBE_PRO=1 [goto CMBU_PRO]; else if CMBE_IMG=1 and (CMBE_MAN and CMBE_MND and CMBE_SPR and CMBE_PRO)=2,R,D, fill value in CMB_MST1, [goto CMB_BRTH]; else if two or more of the other CMBU 12 month series answered 1 (yes), [goto CMB_MST1]
(2,R,D) If (CMBE_MAN and CMBE_MND and CMBE_SPR and CMBE_PRO)=2,R,D [goto CYGE_YOG] else if at the last cycle through of the CMBU_* variables where ALL=2,R,D, [goto CYGE_YOG]

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Question ID: : ALT.908_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: RELU_GIM
Question Text:
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use guided imagery for yourself?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ ever used guided imagary
Skip Instructions:

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Question ID: : CAL.455_00.000

Instrument Variable Name: CRL_GI
Question Text:
*Read if necessary.
DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS did [S.C. name] use any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques?
...Guided imagery?
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample children LT 18
Skip Instructions:
(1,2,R,D) [goto CRL_PR]

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DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you use...

(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
RELU_MED Meditation
RELU_GIM Guided imagery
RELU_PRO Progressive relaxation
RELU_DBE Deep breathing exercises

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People may also use alternative health care services. I'd like to ask you about your use of some alternative kinds of therapies and treatments. During the PAST 12 MONTHS have you used...?

(1) Yes
(2) No
(7) Refused
(9) Don't know
AHCACU ...acupuncture
AHCREL ...relaxation techniques
AHCMT ...massage therapy
AHCIMA ....imagery
AHCSPI ....spiritual healing/prayer
AHCLSD diets
AHCHM ....herbal medicine
AHCHOME ...homeopathic treatment
AHCENE healing
AHCBIO ....biofeedback
AHCHYP ....hypnosis
AHCOTH ....other alternative therapy or treatment