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For sample adults in 2002 and 2007, RELGIMEV reports whether the person had ever used guided imagery. Those who answered affirmatively were asked whether they had used guided imagery in the past 12 months (RELGIMYR). In 2007, information was also collected on the use of guided imagery by sample children in the past year.

RELGIMEV is part of a series of variables from the 2002 and 2007 supplements on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. In those years, respondents were asked about their use of relaxation techniques (including guided imagery) and 15 other modalities of alternative medicine. For more information about the Alternative Health supplements, see ACUYR.

For more information about the full range of variables related to the use of relaxation techniques-- including deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, meditation, progressive relaxation, stress management classes, and support group meetings--see RELMEDYR.


The question wording for RELGIMEV changed slightly between 2002 and 2007.

In 2002, respondents were asked, "Have you ever used any of the following relaxation techniques for your own health or treatment? Please say yes or no to each one. ... Guided imagery."

In 2007, respondents were asked, "Have you ever used any of the following relaxation or stress management techniques for yourself? ... Guided imagery."


  • 2002; 2007: Sample adults age 18+.


  • 2002, 2007
