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Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Other

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For sample persons aged 18 and over who indicated that they would not participate in a Public Health blood test study of AIDS, or for whom it was unknown whether they would participate (PHSSTUDYN), PHSOTHER indicates that the sample person would not participate in the Public Health Service blood test study because of some reason OTHER THAN not wanting to know if they have AIDS, not wanting AIDS counseling, fear that they will get AIDS, not believing AIDS is curable, not liking to give blood, believing the test to be a waste of money, or not trusting government programs.

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For sample persons who said they would not participate in the Public Health Service AIDS virus blood test study a series of follow-up questions were asked in order to determine why they would not participate.


The other possible reasons they would not participate were:

  • (PHSNOTKNOW) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Don't want to know if have AIDS
  • (PHSNOCOUN) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Don't want AIDS counseling
  • (PHSFEARGET) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Fear getting AIDS
  • (PHSNOCURE) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Don't believe AIDS curable
  • (PHSNOGIVBLO) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Don't like to give blood
  • (PHSNOTRUST) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Don't trust govt program
  • (PHSWASTEMO) Why wouldn't take part in PHS test: Waste of money
  • (PHSNORES) Would participate in PHS study if no results possible
  • (PHSNORESGIV) Would participate in PHS study if results not given respondent


In 1989, this inquiry was directed at sample persons age 18 years and older who would not participate in public health blood test or for whom it was unknown whether they would participate (PHSSTUDYN), and in 1988 it was asked of the same group in only quarters 2 through 4. Aside from changes in the universe, there are no comparability problems with PHSOTHER. As always, data users should use the prescribed IPUMS NHIS weights.


  • 1988: Sample persons age 18+ in quarters 2 though 4 who would not participate in public health blood test or for whom it was unknown whether they would participate.
  • 1989: Sample persons age 18+ who would not participate in public health blood test or for whom it was unknown whether they would participate.


  • 1988-1989
