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Detailed occupation classification (current or most recent job not longest-held job)

Survey Text

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Question ID: ASD.220_00.030

Instrument Variable Name: KINDWKLH
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
? [F1]
What kind of work were you doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist)
Verbatim Verbatim response
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ whose current, MAIN job is NOT the job they held the longest
Skip Instructions:
(allow 90,R,D) [go to IMPACTLH]
Question ID: ASD.220_00.040

Instrument Variable Name: IMPACTLH
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
? [F1]
What were your most important activities on this job or business? (For example: sell cars, keeps account books, operates printing press)
Verbatim Verbatim response
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ whose current, MAIN job is NOT the job they held the longest
Skip Instructions:
(allow 90,R,D) [go to WRKCATLH]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID:ASD.210_00.040

Instrument Variable Name:KINDWKPY
? [F1]
What kind of work were you doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist)
VerbatimVerbatim response
9Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ who are not currently employed, are retired or 65 or older, worked in the past 12 months, and
whose job in the past 12 months was not their longest-held job
(90 char long, D,R) [goto IMPACTPY]
Question ID:ASD.210_00.050

Instrument Variable Name:IMPACTPY
? [F1]
What were your most important activities on this job or business? (For example: sells cars, keeps account books, operates
printing press)
VerbatimVerbatim response
9Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ who are not currently employed, are retired or 65 or older, worked in the past 12 months, and
whose job in the past 12 months was not their longest-held job
(90 char long, D,R) [goto WRKCATPY]

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
Question ID: ASD.210_00.100

Instrument Variable Name:KINDWKLH
? [F1]
What kind of work were you doing? (For example: farming, mail clerk, computer specialist)
VerbatimVerbatim response
9Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ whose current or most recent job was not the job they held the longest
(90 char long, D,R) [goto IMPACTLH]
Question ID:ASD.210_00.110
Instrument Variable Name:IMPACTLH
? [F1]
What were your most important activities on this job or business? (For example: sells cars, keeps account books, operates
printing press)
VerbatimVerbatim response
9Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ whose current or most recent job was not the job they held the longest
(90 char long, D,R) [goto WRKCATLH]