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Number of HPV shots received

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For sample persons who had gotten the HPV vaccine (HPVACHAD), HPVACNO reports the number of HPV shots received.

The CDC's recommendations for HPV vaccination have changed over time. Notably, the recommendations were expanded to include young males in 2012. See HPVACHAD for more information.

Other HPV vaccination variables 

Persons who had not received the HPV vaccine were asked a series of questions about their interest in the vaccine and the barriers (such as cost) to vaccination. Specifically, these questions (and their associated IPUMS NHIS questions) are:

  • Main reason would not receive HPV vaccine (HPVACNOWHY)

  • Would get HPV vaccine if cost 350 to 500 dollars (HPVACGET500)

  • Would sample child get HPV vaccine if it were free/at a lower cost (HPVACGETFRE)

For a full list of HPV-related variables and information, including definitions, see HPVHEAR.


The universe for HPVACNO has changed substantially over time.

For 2008 and 2009, HPVACNO is only available for some sample females. Beginning in 2010, the variable is available for both sample females and sample males.

Additionally, sample children have moved in and out of the universe for HPVACNO over time.


  • 2008: Female sample adults age 18-64 and female sample children age 8-17 who have had a HPV vaccine or shot.
  • 2009: Female sample adults age 18-64 who have had a HPV shot.
  • 2010: Sample adults age 18-64 and sample children age 8-17 who have had a HPV vaccine or shot.
  • 2011-2017: Sample adults age 18-64 who have had a HPV vaccine or shot.


  • 2008-2017
