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Without health insurance due to layoff/job loss

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For persons who lost their job or whose family member lost their job and lost coverage due to this job loss (LAIDOFLOSHI ="2") , this variable indicates if the person was without health insurance coverage for anytime during the lay-off.

Respondents who answered affirmatively were asked how long they without some type of (private) health insurance (HINOLAPYMO).

For all years HINOLAIDOF is available, respondents were also asked a follow-up question as to if they had coverage through any public health care program for those without health insurance due to a layoff/job loss (HINOJLCOV,) and the length of time covered by some health care (HINOJLITIM).


Apart from changes in the universe, this variable is comparable. Changes in survey design (e.g., quarters in which the supplement was collected) may affect raw frequencies, but do not affect comparability of the variable. As always, data users should use the prescribed IPUMS NHIS weights.

This variable is not directly comparable with the variable for 1993 to 1996 which indicates any time without any coverage in the last 12 months, (HINOLAPY) or the variable for 1997 forward (HINOTYR), which reports whether currently insured persons had no health coverage at some point in the past 12 months. These indicate a lack of coverage, though not necessarily due to a job loss.

HINOLAIDOF is also not directly comparable with responses of "01" or "02" for HINOLAPYREA (1993 to 1996), indicating a job loss or change in employers as the main reason for any time without health insurance in past three years. While both indicate a loss or change in employment as the reason for a loss of coverage, HINOLAPYREA is asked of those without ANY coverage for up to three years, whereas respondents of HINOLAIDOF may have been covered through public programs (see HINOJLCOV.

Further, HINOLAPYREA does not require that the response of lost job or change in employment meant a loss of insurance carried through the employer; the loss of employment could affect the respondent's ability to purchase an insurance plan bought directly (not through the employer) or a single service plan.


  • 1983: Persons in quarters 3 and 4 who, because of a job layoff or job loss, lost health insurance coverage that had been carried from those jobs.
  • 1984: Persons who, because of a job layoff or job loss, lost health insurance coverage that had been carried from those jobs.
  • 1986: Persons who had lost any health insurance coverage carried through a job or jobs due to a job layoff or loss from any of those jobs in the past 12 months.


  • 1983-1984, 1986
