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Time period for number of days took herbal supplements, past 12 months

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For sample adults in 2000 who had taken herbal or botanical supplements (HERYR) for at least one month (HERYMONO) during the past 12 months, HERYDAYTP reports answers to the question, "During (the/those) month(s), about how many (days/days per month) did you take herbal supplements?" HERYDAYTP indicates whether the time unit used in the respondent's answer was days per week, days per month, or "other." HERYDAYTP must be interpreted in conjunction with the complementary variable HERYDAYNO, which indicates the number of units--i.e., days--reported by the respondent.

The National Center for Health Statistics recoded the data in HERYDAYTP and HERYDAYNO into two new variables with consistent time units across respondents: HERYDPW (Number of days per week took herbal supplements during past 12 months) and HERYDPM (Number of days per month took herbal supplements during past 12 months).


HERYDAYTP is only available for 2000.


  • 2000: Sample adults age 18+ who took herbal supplements in past 12 months.


  • 2000
