Codes and Frequencies
FSSTATDET indicates food security status for the sample adult and sample child's family (and prior to 2019, for the person's family) based on their raw score (FSRAWSCORE) on the 30-day food security scale. Based on recommendations from the USDA Economic Research Service, FSSTATDET divides FSRAWSCORE into four categories: high food security (a score of 0), marginal food security (a score between 1 and 2), low food security (a score between 3 and 5), and very low food security (a score between 6 and 10).
For a simpler version of food security status, please see FSSTAT. The sole difference between FSSTAT and FSSTATDET is that FSSTAT combines the categories of high and marginal food security into a single "food secure" category.
FSSTATDET is one of a set of variables comprising the Family Food Security Supplement, designed to study 30-day family food security. For more information about the measurement of 30-day family food security or for a list of other variables in the Family Food Security Supplement, please refer to FSRAWSCORE.
The comparability of FSSTAT over time is affected by changes in the question wording and universe of items used to create the overall food security score. Please refer to FSRAWSCORE for more information on comparability issues.
The NHIS questionnaire was substantially redesigned in 2019 to introduce a different data collection structure and new content. For more information on changes in terminology, universes, and data collection methods beginning in 2019, please see the user note.
- 2011-2018: All persons.
- 2019-2023: Sample children age 0-17 and sample adults age 18+.
- 2011-2023
- 2011-2018 : PERWEIGHT
- 2019-2023 : SAMPWEIGHT