Question ID: AHS.200_00.000
Instrument Variable Name: AFLHCA
(book) A7 What condition or health problem causes you to have difficulty with [fill1: condition 1, condition 2 or condition 3 (as specified in AHS.091_1 through AHS.171_3)][fill2: these activities]?
* Enter condition number for all that apply, separate with commas.
* Do not probe, except to clarify answer.
01 Vision/problem seeing
02 Hearing problem
03 Arthritis/rheumatism
04 Back or neck problem
05 Fracture, bone/joint injury
06 Other injury
07 Heart problem
08 Stroke problem
09 Hypertension/high blood pressure
10 Diabetes
11 Lung/breathing problem(for example, asthma and emphysema)
12 Cancer
13 Birth defect
14 Intellectual disability, also known as mental retardation
15 Other developmental problem (for example, cerebral palsy)
16 Senility
17 Depression/anxiety/emotional problem
18 Weight problem
19 Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee
20 Kidney, bladder or renal problems
21 Circulation problems (including blood clots)
22 Benign Tumors, Cysts
23 Fibromyalgia, lupus
24 Osteoporosis, tendinitis
25 Epilepsy, seizures
26 Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD)
27 Polio(myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia
28 Parkinson's disease, other tremors
29 Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome
30 Hernia
31 Ulcer
32 Varicose veins, hemorrhoids
33 Thyroid problems, Grave's disease, gout
34 Knee problems (not arthritis (03), not joint injury(05))
35 Migraine headaches (not just headaches)
90 Other impairment/problem (Specify one)
91 Other impairment/problem (Specify one)
97 Refused
99 Don't know/Not sure
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ who, without using special equipment, have at least a little difficulty walking a quarter mile; walking up 10 steps without resting; standing/being on feet for about 2 hours; sitting for about 2 hours; stooping/bending/kneeling; reaching up over head; using fingers to grasp/handle small objects; lifting/carrying 10
pounds; pushing/pulling large objects; going out for things (shopping/movies); participating in social activities; or relaxing at home (reading/sewing).
[1- 12, 14 - 35] goto the appropriate follow up question AHCL01N-AHCL12N, AHCL14N-AHCL35N], in numerical order
(13) store "96" in AHCL13N and "6" IN AHCL13T[goto SMKEV ]
(90) [goto AFLHCA_S1]
(91) [goto AFLHCA_S2]
Roster through all AFLHCA entries. Once exhausted goto SMKEV (next section)
( R,D) [goto SMKEV (next section)]
Question ID: AHS.201_90.000
Instrument Variable Name: AFLHCA_S1
* Enter other impairment/problem.
Verbatim Verbatim response
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ whose difficulties performing activities listed in FLWALK through FLRELAX is due to at least one condition not listed in AFLHCA
(50 chars) [goto AHCL90N]
)ENTER( only with no description [goto ERR1_AFLHCA_S1]
Else goto the appropriate follow-up questions AHCL01N-AHCL12N, AHCL14N-AHCL35N], in numerical order, as specified in AFLHCA
Hard Edit: $ You should enter something specific.
Question ID: AHS.201_91.000
Instrument Variable Name: AFLHCA_S2
* Enter other impairment/problem.
Verbatim Verbatim response
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText: Sample adults 18+ whose difficulty performing activities listed in FLWALK through FLRELAX is due to more than one condition that is not listed in AFLHCA
(50 chars) [goto AHCL91N]
)ENTER( only with no description [goto ERR1_AFLHCA_S1]
Hard Edit: $ You should enter something specific.