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Informed of special diet: Dentist

Codes and Frequencies

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For sample adults who had used a special diet during the past 12 months (DITATKINYR, DITMACYR, DITORNYR, DITPRITYR, DITSBYR, DITVEGYR, or DITZONYR) and had told a conventional medical professional about their use of a special diet (DITLCONVHP), DITLDENT indicates whether they had reported their use of a special diet to a dentist or dental specialist.

In both 2002 and 2007, interviewers asked, "During the past 12 months, did you let any of these conventional medical professionals know about your use of a special diet?" and handed the respondent a card listing several types of conventional health care practitioners. If the answer was affirmative (i.e., a "Yes" response in DITLCONVP), interviewers asked the follow-up question, "Which ones [did you tell]?" and noted, "You may choose more than one."

In both 2002 and 2007, the list of conventional medical professionals included, along with "dentist (including specialists)":

  • Medical doctor (including specialists) (DITLMD)
  • Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant (DITLNURS)

In 2007, the list included additional categories of conventional medical professionals:

  • Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) (DITLDO)

For more information about the full range of variables related to a special diet, including definitions, see DITATKINYR.


Only sample adults with a positive response in DITLCONVHP are included in the question universe for DITLDENT. For discussion of comparability issues for DITLCONVHP, see the documentation for that variable.


  • 2002: Sample adults age 18+ who have used at least one of these special diets for two weeks or more for health reasons during the past 12 months and have let a conventional medical professional know about their use of these special diets.
  • 2007: Sample adults age 18+ who have used a special diet during the past 12 months and have let a conventional medical professional know about their use of a special diet.


  • 2002, 2007
