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Frequency eating cereal, past month

Survey Text

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Instrument Variable Name: CEREAL
Question Text:
(book) CAN2
These questions are about the different kinds of foods you ate or drank during the PAST MONTH, that is, the past 30 days. When answering, please include meals and snacks eaten at home, at work or school, in restaurants, and anyplace else.
During the past month, how often did you eat HOT OR COLD CEREALS?
*Read if necessary: Include cereals eaten at any time of the day.
00 Never
01 1-3 times last month
02 1-2 times per week
03 3-4 times per week
04 5-6 times per week
05 1 time per day
06 2 times per day
07 3 times per day
08 4 times per day
09 5 or more times per day
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Card CAN2
0. Never
1. 1-3 times last month
2. 1-2 times per week
3. 3-4 times per week
4. 5-6 times per week
5. 1 time per day
6. 2 times per day
7. 3 times per day
8. 4 times per day
9. 5 or more times per day
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+
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