Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
1 | No (NIU and not reported) | X |
2 | Yes | X |
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For sample persons age 17 to 64 who gave or sold blood to a blood bank, hospital, Red Cross, or anywhere else during the past 12 months (BLOODGAVYR) or whose blood donation status is unknown, BLOODSOLD indicates that the sample person sold blood the last time the gave blood
[show more]The field representative's manual states that this is one of a set of multiple responses to the question determining what the sample person's reasons were to give or sell blood. It also states that if more than one donation was reported, the reasons for each individual blood donation were determined separately.
The other possible responses were:
- (BLOODBANK) Main reason gave blood last time: Blood bank
- (BLOODREPL) Main reason gave blood last time: Replaced blood
- (BLOODUNPD) Main reason gave blood last time: Other reason for unpaid blood donation
- (BLOODOTH) Main reason for gave blood last time: Other reason
- (BLOODUNK) Main reason gave blood last time: Unknown reason
- 1978: Persons age 17 to 64 who gave or sold blood to a blood bank, hospital, Red Cross, or anywhere else during the past 12 months, or whose blood donation status is unknown.
- 1978
Survey Text
1978 |
2 [] Other (NP)
1a. During the past 12 months, has -- given or sold any blood to a blood bank, a hospital, the Red Cross, or anywhere else?
2 [] N (2)
Hand Card B
For each time reported in 1b, ask:
c. Which of the reasons listed on this card best describes why -- gave blood (the last time/the time before that, etc.)? Please give me the number of the reason.
1. Sold blood.
2. Replaced blood used by a relative or friend.
3. Unpaid donation to a blood bank to assure free blood for this family in the future.
4. Other unpaid blood donation which was NOT for replacement and did NOT assure free blood for this family in the future.
5. Some other reason -- Specify
[The response indicates 4 rows listed in descending order from most recent to the least recent. The response choices are the same and only one row is indicated here.]
[Rows 1-4]
(Last time)
[] 2 (3)
[] 3 (3)
[] 4 (3)
[] 5 (Specify) ____ (3)
- 1978 : PERWEIGHT