Survey Text

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Question ID:BAL.110_00.000

Instrument Variable Name:BLAST
How long does each spell or bout of (Fill: most bothersome or only feeling) usually last? Do not include nausea or vomiting.
* Read if necessary. Only count the duration of individual spells or bouts, not a whole cluster of them, and don't include other related symptoms.
*Probe if needed.
01 Momentary, or less than one minute
02 One minute to less than 20 minutes
03 20 minutes to less than 4 hours
04 4 hours to less than 24 hours
05 1 day to less than 14 days
06 2 weeks to less than 3 months
07 3 months or longer
97 Refused
99 Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ who have had symptoms of dizziness or at least one balance problem and do not almost always have unsteadiness
(1-7, R,D) [goto BTRIG_01]