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Frequency drank alcohol in past year: Edited number of units

Survey Text

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Question ID: ALC.0020.01.2
Variable: DRK12MN_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:
* 1 of 2
During the past 12 months, how many days per week, per month or per year did you drink any type
of alcoholic beverage?
* Read if necessary: Alcohol includes beer, wine, wine coolers, liquors such as vodka, whiskey
or rum, mixed drinks or cocktails with alcohol, and any other type of alcoholic drink.
* Enter number for how often alcoholic beverages were consumed in the past 12 months. Then enter
category of response (week, month, year).
* Enter '0' for Never.
000-365 - Range of values
997 - Refused
999 - Don't Know
Sample Adults 18+ who have had at least 1 drink in their entire life
Skip Instructions:
0 [goto DRK12ANYR_A]
1-365 [goto DRK12MTP_A]
DK [goto DRKAVG12M_A]
RF [goto next section]
Question ID: ALC.0020.02.2
Variable: DRK12MTP_A
Interview Module: Adult
Content Type: Rotating Core
Question text:
* 2 of 2
* Enter time period for how often alcoholic beverages were consumed in the past year.
1 - Per week
2 - Per month
3 - Per year
Sample Adults 18+ who gave a number for number of days drank per week/month/year
Skip Instructions:
1-3 if ((DRK12MN_A gt 7 and DRK12MTP_A=1) or (DRK12MN_A gt 31 and DRK12MTP_A=2))[goto
ERR1_DRINK12MTP_A] then [goto DRKAVG12M_A]
RF,DK [goto DRKAVG12M_A]