Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU | X |
01 | Momentary, or less than two minutes | X |
02 | Two minutes to less than 20 minutes | X |
03 | 20 minutes to less than 8 hours | X |
04 | 8 hours to less than 24 hours | X |
05 | 1 day to less than 14 days | X |
06 | 2 weeks to less than 3 months | X |
07 | 3 months or longer | X |
97 | Unknown-refused | X |
98 | Unknown-not ascertained | X |
99 | Unknown-don't know | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults who had a balance or dizziness problem in the past 12 months (BALDIZYR), or who had at least one symptom of a balance or dizziness problem in the past 12 months (BALSYMPTNO), BALSBOTHERDUR reports how long, from beginning to end, each individual occurrence of the most bothersome balance problem symptom they reported in BALSBOTHER typically lasts.
The person was instructed "to only count the duration of individual spells or bouts, not a whole cluster of them, and don't include other related symptoms. For example, do not include nausea or vomiting."
The question for this variable was part of the Sample Adult Balance Supplement, sponsored by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.
- 2016: Sample adults 18+ who had a dizziness or balance problem in the past 12 months or who identified at least one symptom in the past 12 months or refused or did not know their most bothersome dizziness or balance symptom.
- 2016
