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Number of days used e-cigarettes, past 30 days


SMKECIGRND is a 2-digit numeric variable.

0: Not in Universe
97: Unknown-refused
98: Unknown-not ascertained
99: Unknown-don't know


For sample adults aged 18 and older who reported that they currently do not use e-cigarettes every day, SMKECIGRND reports the number of days the person used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days.

Related Variables

  • ECIGEV: Ever used e-cigarette
  • ECIGED: Frequency of e-cigarette use: every day/some days/not at all


Other than a slight change in the universe between 2015 and 2016, this variable is comparable over time. The universe changed slightly between 2015 and 2016. In 2015, respondents who refused to say or did not know how often they currently use e-cigarettes were retained in the universe for SMKECIGRND. Beginning in 2016, these respondents were excluded from the universe.


  • 2015: Sample adults aged 18+ who now use e-cigarettes some days, not at all, or refused, or don't know current e-cigarette status
  • 2016 2017 2018: Sample adults aged 18+ who now use e-cigarettes some days or not at all.


  • 2015-2018
