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Behavior Index: Child easily confused

Survey Text

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Section P11 -- Behavior Problems Index

Check Item 24
Refer to age of sample child.

1[] Under 5 years old (Cover Page)
2[] 5+ years old (intro)

Now I am going to read some statements that describe the behavior of many children. Please tell me whether each statement has been often true, sometimes true, or not true of -- during the past 3 months?
The first statement is: "Has sudden changes in mood or feelings." Has that been often true, sometimes true, or not true of -- in the past 3 months.
Record response and continue with statement 2.
Read list repeating categories and/or time reference as needed.

8. Is easily confused, seems to be in a fog.

1[] Often true
2[] Sometimes true
3[] Not true

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Refer to age of sample child.

1[] Under 4 years old (Section P, page 34)
2[] 4+ years old (INTRO)

Hand card B

Often true in the past 3 months
Sometimes true in the past 3 months
Not true in the past 3 months

INTRO - Now I am going to read some statements that describe behavior problems many children have. Please tell me whether each statement has been OFTEN true, SOMETIMES true, or NOT true of -- during the past 3 months.
The first statement is: "Has sudden changes in mood or feelings." Has that been OFTEN true, SOMETIMES true, or NOT true of -- in the past 3 months?
Record response and continue with statement 2.
Read list repeating categories and/or time reference as needed.

8. Is easily confused, seems to be in a fog.

1[] Often true
2[] Sometimes true
3[] Not true