Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | NIU | X |
01 | Incision and excision of skull, brain, and cerebral meninges | · |
02 | On skull, brain, and cerebral meninges | X |
03 | On spinal cord and spinal canal structures | X |
04 | On cranial and peripheral nerves | · |
05 | On sympathetic nerves or ganglia | · |
06 | On thyroid and parathyroid glands | · |
07 | On other endocrine glands | · |
08 | On eyelids | X |
09 | On lacrimal system (tear ducts) | X |
10 | On conjunctiva | · |
11 | On cornea | · |
12 | On iris, ciliary body, sclera, and anterior chamber | · |
13 | On lens | · |
14 | On retina, choroid, vitreous, and posterior chamber | · |
15 | On extraocular muscles | X |
16 | On orbit and eyeball | X |
17 | On external ear | X |
18 | Reconstructive on middle ear | X |
19 | Other on middle and inner ear | X |
20 | On bone and skin of nose | X |
21 | On nasal sinuses | X |
22 | Removal and restorations of teeth | X |
23 | On teeth, gums and alveoli | X |
24 | On tongue | X |
Code | Label |
25 | On salivary glands and duct | X |
26 | On lips, palate and soft fissue of face and mouth, except tongue and gingiva. | X |
27 | On tonsils and adenoids | X |
28 | On pharynx | X |
29 | Excision of larynx | X |
30 | Other on larynx and trachea | · |
31 | Excision of lung and bronchus | · |
32 | Other on lung and bronchus | X |
33 | On chest wall, pleura, mediastium, and diaphram | X |
34 | On valves and septa of heart | · |
35 | On vessels of heart | · |
36 | Other on heart and pericardium | X |
37 | Incision, excision and occlusion of vessels | X |
38 | Other on vessels | X |
39 | On lymphatic system | X |
40 | On bone marrow and spleen | X |
41 | On the esophagus | · |
42 | Incision and excision of stomach | · |
43 | Other on stomach | X |
44 | Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine | · |
45 | Other on intestine | · |
46 | On appendix | X |
47 | On rectum and perirectal tissue | X |
48 | On anus | · |
49 | On liver | · |
Code | Label |
50 | On gallbladder and biliary tract | · |
51 | On pancreas | · |
52 | Repair of hernia | X |
53 | Other on abdominal region | X |
54 | On kidney | · |
55 | On ureter | X |
56 | On urinary bladder | X |
57 | On urethra | X |
58 | Other on urinary tract | X |
59 | On prostate and seminal vesicles | · |
60 | On scrotum and tunica vaginalis | · |
61 | On testes | X |
62 | On spermatic cord, epididymis, and vas deferens | X |
63 | On penis | X |
64 | On ovary | · |
65 | On fallopian tubes | · |
66 | On cervix | · |
67 | Other incision and excision of uterus | · |
68 | Other on uterus and supporting structures | X |
69 | On vagina and cul-de-sac | X |
70 | On vulva and perineum | · |
71 | Forceps, vacuum, and breech delivery | · |
72 | Other for inducing or assisting delivery | X |
73 | Caesarean section and removal of fetus | · |
74 | Other obstetric and "normal delivery" | · |
Code | Label |
75 | On facial bones and joints | X |
76 | Incision, excision and division of other bones | · |
77 | Other on bones, except facial bones | X |
78 | Reduction of fracture and dislocation | X |
79 | Incision and excision of joint structures | X |
80 | Repair on joint structures | X |
81 | On muscle, tendon and fascia of hand | X |
82 | On muscle, tendon, fascia and bursa, except hand | X |
83 | Other procedures on musculoskeletal system | X |
84 | On the breast | X |
85 | On skin and subcutaneous tissue | X |
86 | Diagnostic radiology | · |
87 | Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques | X |
88 | Interview, evaluation, consulation, and examination | · |
89 | Microscopic examinations-I | · |
90 | Microscopic examination-II | · |
91 | Nuclear medicine | X |
92 | Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, rehabilitation | X |
93 | Psychiatric interviews, consultations and evaluations | · |
94 | Opthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment | · |
95 | Non-operative intubation and irrigation | X |
96 | Replacement and removal of therapeutic appliances | X |
97 | Nonoperative removal of foreign body | X |
98 | Operation, no site or type | X |
99 | Other non-operative procedures | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons under age 18 who ever had at least one outpatient surgery, OPOUTPAT1 reports the ICD-9-CM Volume 3 classification of the first outpatient operation ever performed on the person.
The NHIS uses only the first two digits of the ICD-9-CM Volume 3 codes used within hospitals for hospital record-keeping. The two-digit reporting preserves information on the body system or region on which the operation was performed but excludes details about the specific type of operation. Please see Comparability tab for information on a contradiction in the sample universe.
The original NHIS data includes 14 persons with ages of over 18 in this variable; this contradicts the universe of sample persons ages 18 and under. However, these persons appear to have legitimate values regarding their sample child status and are included in other Child Health Supplement variables such as BIRTHORDERR (birth order of child: recode). The IPUMS NHIS variable OPOUTPAT1 retains these cases. Data users may wish to restrict this variable to persons ages 18 and under to ensure that they are only including cases with verifiable in-universe status. This variable has no additional comparability issues.
- 1981: Sample persons under age 18 who have had at least one outpatient operation.
- 1981
Survey Text
1981 |
2[] N (Section I, page 22)
b. What are the names of these other surgeries or operations?
If name is not known describe what was done.
c. Any others?
[] N