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First outpatient operation

Codes and Frequencies

An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample

01Incision and excision of skull, brain, and cerebral meninges·
02On skull, brain, and cerebral meningesX
03On spinal cord and spinal canal structuresX
04On cranial and peripheral nerves·
05On sympathetic nerves or ganglia·
06On thyroid and parathyroid glands·
07On other endocrine glands·
08On eyelidsX
09On lacrimal system (tear ducts)X
10On conjunctiva·
11On cornea·
12On iris, ciliary body, sclera, and anterior chamber·
13On lens·
14On retina, choroid, vitreous, and posterior chamber·
15On extraocular musclesX
16On orbit and eyeballX
17On external earX
18Reconstructive on middle earX
19Other on middle and inner earX
20On bone and skin of noseX
21On nasal sinusesX
22Removal and restorations of teethX
23On teeth, gums and alveoliX
24On tongueX
25On salivary glands and ductX
26On lips, palate and soft fissue of face and mouth, except tongue and gingiva.X
27On tonsils and adenoidsX
28On pharynxX
29Excision of larynxX
30Other on larynx and trachea·
31Excision of lung and bronchus·
32Other on lung and bronchusX
33On chest wall, pleura, mediastium, and diaphramX
34On valves and septa of heart·
35On vessels of heart·
36Other on heart and pericardiumX
37Incision, excision and occlusion of vesselsX
38Other on vesselsX
39On lymphatic systemX
40On bone marrow and spleenX
41On the esophagus·
42Incision and excision of stomach·
43Other on stomachX
44Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine·
45Other on intestine·
46On appendixX
47On rectum and perirectal tissueX
48On anus·
49On liver·
50On gallbladder and biliary tract·
51On pancreas·
52Repair of herniaX
53Other on abdominal regionX
54On kidney·
55On ureterX
56On urinary bladderX
57On urethraX
58Other on urinary tractX
59On prostate and seminal vesicles·
60On scrotum and tunica vaginalis·
61On testesX
62On spermatic cord, epididymis, and vas deferensX
63On penisX
64On ovary·
65On fallopian tubes·
66On cervix·
67Other incision and excision of uterus·
68Other on uterus and supporting structuresX
69On vagina and cul-de-sacX
70On vulva and perineum·
71Forceps, vacuum, and breech delivery·
72Other for inducing or assisting deliveryX
73Caesarean section and removal of fetus·
74Other obstetric and "normal delivery"·
75On facial bones and jointsX
76Incision, excision and division of other bones·
77Other on bones, except facial bonesX
78Reduction of fracture and dislocationX
79Incision and excision of joint structuresX
80Repair on joint structuresX
81On muscle, tendon and fascia of handX
82On muscle, tendon, fascia and bursa, except handX
83Other procedures on musculoskeletal systemX
84On the breastX
85On skin and subcutaneous tissueX
86Diagnostic radiology·
87Other diagnostic radiology and related techniquesX
88Interview, evaluation, consulation, and examination·
89Microscopic examinations-I·
90Microscopic examination-II·
91Nuclear medicineX
92Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, rehabilitationX
93Psychiatric interviews, consultations and evaluations·
94Opthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment·
95Non-operative intubation and irrigationX
96Replacement and removal of therapeutic appliancesX
97Nonoperative removal of foreign bodyX
98Operation, no site or typeX
99Other non-operative proceduresX