Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X |
1 | Every day | X |
2 | Nearly every day | X |
3 | Once or twice a week | X |
4 | 2 or 3 times a month | X |
5 | About once a month | X |
6 | Less than once a month | X |
7 | In one episode of illness | X |
8 | Other frequency | X |
9 | Unknown | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample persons under age 18 who took vitamins or minerals in the past 2 weeks (MVIT2W), MVIT2WFREQ reports the frequency the person took or used the medication during the past 3 months. MVIT2WFREQ is part of the "Medicine Use" section of the 1981 Child Health Supplement.
Related Variables about Vitamin or Mineral Use[show more]
For those who respond "yes" to MVIT2W, the following information is also collected:
- The main health problem the respondent used the vitamin or mineral for (MVIT2WPROB),
- Whether the respondent obtained the vitamin or mineral via prescription (MVIT2WRX), and
- Whether a doctor recommended the use of the vitamin or mineral (MVIT2WDREC)
For a complete list of the medicines asked about in the Medicine Use section, please see MALL2W.
- 1981: Sample persons under age 18 who took vitamins or minerals in past two weeks (MVIT2W).
- 1981
Survey Text
1981 |
[] N
Hand Card T
5. Which number on that card best describes how often -- took or used the (Medication) during the past 3 months?
2 Nearly every day
3 Once or twice a week
4 2 or 3 times a month
5 About once a month
6 Less than once a month
7 For one episode of illness
8 Other _________