Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU (1976: NIU or not mentioned) | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
1 | Not mentioned | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | · |
2 | Mentioned | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X | X | X | X | · | · | · | · | · | · | · |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For persons who did not have health insurance coverage through Medicare or private insurance, this variable indicates the respondents did not have insurance because they were dissatisfied with their previous insurance plan. Respondents were handed a card which listed reasons or could specify "other" and were asked to pick all that applied.
For 1976 to 1989, persons may have had coverage through other public programs, such as Medicare (1976) Medicaid (1976 and 1980) or military health care (1976-1989).
For 1976 to 1996, individuals may have also been covered through the government programs, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children or received Supplemental Security Income. This is because coverage through these programs was not asked about until later in the survey. For 1993 to 1996, respondents were asked about coverage through these public programs before being asked for a reason for "not having coverage" and thus are not in the universe. However, for 1993 to 1996, individuals could also indicate they had insurance through "some other health plan". Coverage refers to at the time of the survey, except for 1993 to 1996, when it is in the previous month. See the comparability tab for more details.
The definition of private health insurance remained fairly consistent, except for 1993 to 1996 when single service plans were considered a form of health insurance. Thus individuals with such plans are not in the universe for HINORDISS for these years. Users are strongly encouraged to review the user note on Private Insurance Definitions.
Changes in the universe and the choice of responses available to respondents reduce comparability over time. For 1993 to 1996 those with single service insurance plans are not included in the universe (they were not asked reasons for no insurance). Individuals with such plans were considered to be covered by insurance. Prior to 1989, information on single service plans was not collected and these plans may have been rare.
For the years 1976 to 1989, the universe includes those who may have been covered through other forms of public assistance, such as Medicaid or military health care. This is because the question for "reason for no insurance" occurred before questions about coverage through these other programs in the survey.
For example, some respondents indicating no insurance because they were dissatisfied with previous insurance may have received Medicaid in the past 12 months ("2" in MCARECYR) for 1982 to 1989 or were covered by military health (HIMILANY). For 1980 and 1976, respondents could also select "coverage through Medicaid" as a reason for no insurance.
For 1993 to 1996 coverage through Medicaid or other public assistance and military health care were asked about prior to the question on reasons for no insurance, thus individuals with these forms insurance are excluded from the universe. However, individuals could state they had coverage through some other plan as a reason for no insurance for these years.
HINORDISS is not comparable with variables for 1997 forward (such as HISTOP19, which indicates the respondent chose not to have insurance). From 1997 forward, the NCHS began editing the insurance coverage variables to ensure accuracy (See the "more" link and the variable description for HINOTCOVE, for example). Users may want to see the variable HINOTHER, which has been recoded to increase comparability of HINORDISS over time.
[show more]During the course of data editing, the NCHS discovered many errors in the responses to questions about insurance coverage. Often, respondents misclassified the type of insurance they had. This might be shown, for example, by a mismatch between the verbatim name of an insurance plan and the type of insurance coverage the person selected from the categories on the card. The variables for 1997 forward reflect editing that ensured the individual lacked any insurance coverage. Other differences which reduce comparability are changes in the universe. For 1997 the universe includes only those without insurance for less than 3 years and for all years from 1997 forward, those with single service plans are asked about reasons for no insurance.
- 1976: Persons who were not covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or insurance plan that paid for any part of hospital, doctor or surgeon's bill (or who only had a health insurance plan that paid for accidents).
- 1980: Persons who were not covered by Medicare or health insurance that paid for any part of hospital, doctor, or surgeon's bill (or who only had a health insurance plan that paid for accidents).
- 1982; 1984: Persons who were not covered by Medicare or health insurance that paid for any part of hospital, doctor, or surgeon's bill (or who only had a health insurance plan that paid for accidents).
- 1983: Persons in quarters 3 or 4 who were not covered by Medicare or health insurance that paid for any part of hospital, doctor, or surgeon's bill (or who only had a health insurance plan that paid for accidents).
- 1986: Persons who were not covered by Medicare or health insurance that paid for any part of hospital, doctor, surgeon or dentist's bill (or who only had a health insurance plan that paid for accidents).
- 1989: Persons not covered by Medicare or any health insurance plans, including single service plans.
- 1993: Persons in quarters 3 or 4 not covered by Medicaid, Medicare, other public assistance, Indian Health insurance, CHAMPUS/CHAMP-VA, other military health care, or any private health insurance plan.
- 1994-1996: Persons not covered by Medicaid, Medicare, other public assistance, Indian Health insurance, CHAMPUS/CHAMP-VA, other military health care, or any private health insurance plan.
- 1976, 1980, 1982-1984, 1986, 1989, 1993-1996
Survey Text
1996 | 1993 | 1984 | 1980 |
1995 | 1989 | 1983 | 1976 |
1994 | 1986 | 1982 |
12a. Many people do not have health insurance for various reasons. Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Anything else?
Mark (x) all that apply.
02[] Wasn't offered by employer
03[] Not eligible because part time worker
04[] Family coverage not offered by employer
05[] Benefits from former employer ran out
06[] Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
07[] Too expensive/Can't afford
08[] Dissatisfied with previous insurance
09[] Don't believe in insurance
10[] Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
11[] Covered by some other plan
12[] Too old for coverage under family plans
13[] Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
98[] Other reason- Specify
99[] DK (12d)
12a. Many people do not have health insurance for various reasons. Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Anything else?
Mark (x) all that apply.
02[] Wasn't offered by employer
03[] Not eligible because part time worker
04[] Family coverage not offered by employer
05[] Benefits from former employer ran out
06[] Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
07[] Too expensive/Can't afford
08[] Dissatisfied with previous insurance
09[] Don't believe in insurance
10[] Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
11[] Covered by some other plan
12[] Too old for coverage under family plans
13[] Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
98[] Other reason- Specify
99[] DK (12d)
12a. Many people do not have health insurance for various reasons. Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
[] 02 Wasn't offered by employer
[] 03 Not eligible because part time worker
[] 04 Family coverage not offered by employer
[] 05 Benefits from former employer ran out
[] 06 Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
[] 07 Too expensive/Can't afford
[] 08 Dissatisfied with previous insurance
[] 09 Don't believe in insurance
[] 10 Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
[] 11 Covered by some other plan
[] 12 Too old for coverage under family plans
[] 13 Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
[] 98 Other reason (Specify)____
[] 99 DK (12d)
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.
02 [] Wasn't offered by employer
03 [] Not eligible because part time worker
04 [] Family coverage not offered by employer
05 [] Benefits from former employer ran out
06 [] Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
07 [] Too expensive/Can't afford
08 [] Dissatisfied with previous insurance
09 [] Don't believe in insurance
10 [] Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
11 [] Covered by some other plan
12 [] Too old for coverage under family plans
13 [] Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
98 [] Other reason- Specify ____
99 [] DK (12c)
8a. (Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons.)
Hand Card M.
[Card M not found in flashcards]
Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)? Any other reason? Circle all responses given.
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8 (Specify) ____
Review 1 and 7 for each person and determine if "Covered" by either Medicare and/ or insurance, or "Not covered."
2[] Not covered under 65 (NP)
3[] Not covered 65 and over (NP)
Ask for each person "Not covered" in P1. If "Not covered 65 and over," include "or Medicare."
8a.[Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons.] Hand card M.
Which of those statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Any other reason?
2. Can't obtain insurance because of poor health, illness or age
3. Too expensive, can't afford health insurance
4. Dissatisfied with previous insurance
5. Don't believe in insurance
6. Have been healthy, not much sickness in the family, haven't needed health insurance
7. Covered by some other health plan
8. Some other reason - Specify
8 ___ Specify
Review 1 and 7 for each person and determine if "Covered" by either Medicare and/ or insurance, or "Not covered."
2[] Not covered under 65 (NP)
3[] Not covered 65 and over (NP)
Ask for each person "Not covered" in P1. If "Not covered 65 and over," include "or Medicare."
8a. [Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons.] Hand card N.
Which of those statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Any other reason? Circle all reasons given.
2. Can't obtain insurance because of poor health, illness, or age.
3. Too expensive, can't afford health insurance.
4. Dissatisfied with previous insurance.
5. Don't believe in insurance.
6. Have been healthy, not much sickness in the family, haven't needed health insurance.
7. Military dependent, (CHAMPUS), veterans' benefits.
8. Some other reasons - Specify
8 ____
Review 1 and 7 for each person and determine if "Covered" by either Medicare and/ or insurance, or "Not covered."
2[] Not covered under 65 (NP)
3[] Not covered 65 and over (NP)
Ask for each person "Not covered" in M1. If "not covered 65 and over," include "or Medicare".
Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons. Hand card N.
Card N
2. Can't obtain insurance because of poor health, illness or age
3. Too expensive, can't afford health insurance
4. Dissatisfied with previous insurance
5. Don't believe in insurance
6. Have been healthy, not much sickness in the family, haven't needed health insurance
7. Covered by some other health plan
8. Some other reason- Specify
8a. Which of those statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)? Any other reason? Circle all reasons given.
8 ________ (specify)
2 [] Not cov. (NP)
Ask for each person "Not covered,"
Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons. Hand card N
2. Unemployed, or reasons related to unemployment.
3. Can't obtain insurance because of poor health, illness, or age.
4. Too expensive, can't afford health insurance.
5. Dissatisfied with previous insurance.
6. Don't believe in insurance.
7. Have been healthy, not much sickness in the family, haven't needed health insurance.
8. Military dependent, (CHAMPUS), veterans' benefits.
9. Some other reasons - Specify
7a. Which of those statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance plan? Any other reason?
Circle all reasons given
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 -- Specify ________
2 [] Not covered (NP)
Ask for each person "Not covered."
Many people do not carry health insurance for various reasons (Hand Card N)
1. Care received through Social Security Medicare
2. Care received through Medicaid or Welfare
3. Unemployed, or reasons related to unemployment
4. Can't obtain insurance because of poor health, illness, or age
5. Too expensive, can't afford health insurance
6. Dissatisfied with previous insurance
7. Don't believe in insurance
8. Have been healthy, not much sickness in the family, haven't needed health insurance
9. Military dependent, (CHAMPUS), veteran's benefits
10. Some other reason
6a. Which of those statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance plan? Any other reason?
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] Other (Specify) ____
- 1976, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989, 1994-1996 : PERWEIGHT
- 1983, 1993 : SAMPWEIGHT