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[p. 249]


Refer to household composition. Mark (X) for each person including those deleted in the HIS-1.

[] 1 Civilian
[] 2 AF living at home
[] 3 Deleted

The next questions are about health insurance coverage and the kinds and amounts of income that people receive. For this family, that includes (read names, including Armed Forces members living at home).

The answers to these questions will add greatly to our knowledge about the health problems of the American people, the types of health care they receive, and whether they can afford the care that they need. The information will help in planning health care services and finding ways to lower costs of care.

There are several government programs that provide medical care or help pay medical bills.

People covered by Medicare have a card that looks like this. SHOW MEDICARE CARD.

1a. In (month), was anyone in the family, that is (read names), covered by Medicare?

[] 1 Yes (1b)
[] 2 No (2 on page 18)
[] 9 DK (2 on page 18)

b. Who was covered?
Mark (X) "Medicare" box in person's column.

[] 1 Medicare (enter 'Cov' on HIS-1)

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 1b and c)
[] No

Ask 1d-g as appropriate for each person with "Medicare" in 1b.
d. May I please see the Medicare card(s) for -- (and [other sample persons]) to determine the type of coverage and to record the health insurance Claim Number. This number is needed to allow Medicare records to be easily and accurately located and identified for statistical research purposes. Providing the Health Insurance Claim Number is voluntary and collected under the authority of the Public Health Service Act. Whether the number is given or not, there will be no effect on benefits and no identifying information will be given to any other government or non-government agency.

Read if necessary: The Public Health Service Act is Title 42, United States Code, Section 242K.

Transcribe the number, then mark (X) the appropriate box.

H.I.C Number __ - __- ____(__)__(__)
[] 1 Part A- Hospital only (B2)
[] 2 Part B- Medical only (B2)
[] 3 Both Part A and Part B (B2)
[] 4 Card N.A (1e)

Ask 1e-g for each person with "Card N.A" in 1d.
e. Was -- covered by Part A, that part of Medicare that pays for hospital bills?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

f. Was -- covered by Part B, that part of Medicare that pays for doctor's bills?
Read if necessary: This is the Part B Medicare plan for which -- or some agency or program must pay a certain amount each month.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

Refer to age.

[] 1 Under age 67 (1g)
[] 2 Age 67 or older (1d for NP with 1b, or 2 on page 18)

g. How long has -- been covered by Medicare?

[] 1 Less than 6 months (1d for ND with 1d, or 2 on page 18)
[] 2 6 months, but less than 1 year (1d for ND with 1d, or 2 on page 18)
[] 3 1 year, but less than 2 years (1d for ND with 1d, or 2 on page 18)
[] 4 2 years or more (1d for ND with 1d, or 2 on page 18)
[] 9 DK (1d for ND with 1d, or 2 on page 18)

[p. 250]

Part B -- HEALTH CARE COVERAGE -- Continued

There is a program called Medicaid that pays for health care for persons in need. In this State it is also called (State name).

2a. Does anyone in the family NOW have a Medicaid or (state name) card?

[] 1 Yes (2b)
[] 2 No (3)
[] 9 DK (3)

b. Who is this?
Mark (X) "Has Card" box in person's column.

[] 1 Has card

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 2b and c)
[] No

Ask 2d for each person with "Has Card" box marked in 2b.
d. May I please see -- (and [other sample persons']) card(s)?
Mark (X) appropriate box in person's column. Record expiration date for each Medicaid card seen.

[] 1 Medicaid card seen
Expiration date --
Day ____
[] 2 No card seen
[] 8 Other card seen (Specify) ____

3a. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by Medicaid?

[] 1 Yes (3b)
[] 2 No (4)
[] 9 DK (4)

b. Who was covered?
Mark (X) "Medicaid" box in person's column.

[] 1 Medicaid (Enter "Cov" box on HIS-1)

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 3b and c)
[] No

Ask 3d for each person with "Medicaid" box marked in 3b.
d. How long has -- had Medicaid coverage?

[] 1 Less than 6 months
[] 2 6 months, but less than a year
[] 3 1 year, but less than 2 years
[] 4 2 years, but less than 5 years
[] 5 5 years or more
[] 6 On and off for less than 2years
[] 7 On and off for 2 years but less than 5 years
[] 8 On and off for 5 years or more
[] 9 DK


Refer to household composition and question 3a.

[] 1 Single person family (5)
[] 2 Other (4)

4a. During the past 12 months, has anyone in the family received health care that has been or will be paid for by Medicaid or (state name)?

[] 1 Yes (4b)
[] 2 No (5)
[] 9 DK (5)

b. Who received this care in the past 12 months?
Mark (X) "Received Medicaid Care" box in person's column.

[] 1 Received Medicaid Care

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 4b and c)
[] No

5a. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by any OTHER public assistance program (other than Medicaid) that pays for health care? Do NOT include use of public or free clinics if that is the ONLY source of care.

[] 1 Yes (5b)
[] 2 No (6 on page 20)
[] 9 DK (6 on page 20)

b. Who was covered?
Mark (X) "Public assistance" box in person's column.

[] 1 Public assistance (Enter "Cov" box on HIS-1)

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 5b and c)
[] No

[p. 251]

Part B -- HEALTH CARE COVERAGE -- Continued

6a. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by military health care, including armed forces retirement benefits, the VA (Department of Veterans' Affairs), CHAMPUS, or CHAMP-VA?

[] 1 Yes (6b)
[] 2 No (7)
[] 9 DK (7)

b. Was this CHAMPUS or CHAMP-VA?
Read if necessary: CHAMPUS is a program of medical care for dependents of active or retired military personnel. CHAMP-VA is medical insurance for dependents or survivors of disabled veterans?

[] 1 Yes (6c)
[] 2 No (6f)
[] 9 DK (6e)

c. Who was covered by champus orchamp-va?
Mark (X) "CHAMPUS/CHAMP-VA" box in person's column.

[] 1 CHAMPUS/CHAMP-VA (Mark "Cov" box on HIS-1)

d. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 6c and d)
[] No

e. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by any other military health care, including armed forces retirement benefits or the VA (Department of Veterans' Affairs)?

[] 1 Yes (6f)
[] 2 No (7)
[] 9 DK (7)

f. Who was covered by other military health care?
Mark (X) "Military" box in person's column.

[] 1 Military (Enter "Cov" box on HIS-1)

g. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 6f and g)
[] No

7a. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by the Indian Health Service?

[] 1 Yes (7b)
[] 2 No (8)
[] 9 DK (8)

b. Who was covered?
Mark (X) "IHS" box in person's column.

[] 1 IHS (Enter "Cov" on HIS-1)

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 7b and c)
[] No

8a. (Not counting the government health programs we just mentioned), In (month) was anyone in the family covered by a private health insurance plan?
Read if necessary: Besides government programs, people also get health insurance through their job or union, through other private groups, or directly from an insurance company. A variety of types of plans are available, including health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

[] 1 Yes (8b)
[] 2 No (Part C, question 8 on page 30)
[] 9 DK (Part C, question 8 on page 30)

b. It's important that we have the complete and accurate name of each health insurance plan. What is the COMPLETE name of the plan? If "DK", probe: Do you have something with the plan name on it?

Ask 8c after recording each plan. Record up to 4 plan names in Part C, Table H.I.
c. In (month), was anyone in the family covered by any OTHER private health insurance plan?

[] 1 Yes (Reask 8b and c)
[] 2 No (Part C)

[p. 252]



[option for 5 HI plan entries in original documents for Persons 1-5 not presented here]

Plan name ____
Now, I am going to ask some questions about the plan(s) you just told me about, (Starting with (plan name).)

1a. Who was covered under this plan?
Mark (X) "Private insurance" box in person's column.

[] 1 Private insurance (Mark "Cov" box on HIS-1)

b. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 1a and b)
[] No

2. In whose name is this plan?
Mark (X) "In name" box in person's column and also on the HIS-1.

[] 1 In name
[] 2 Person not in household

3a. Was this plan originally obtained through the workplace, that is through a present or former employer or union?
If "Yes", probe for employer or union.

[] 1 Employer (3b)
[] 2 Union (3b)
[] 3 Through workplace, but DK whether employer or union (3b)
[] 4 No (4)
[] 9 DK (4)

b. Does the employer or union currently pay for all, some, or none of the cost of premiums for this health insurance plan?
Read if necessary: The cost of the plan refers to the premiums, which are regular payments for health insurance coverage only, not for health care services. Frequently, these payments are made by payroll deduction.

[] 1 All (5)
[] 2 Some (4)
[] 3 None (4)
[] 9 DK (4)

HAND CARD FC1. Read each category if telephone interview.

1. Zero
2. $1-$9
3. $10-$19
4. $20-$49
5. $50-$99
6. $100-$199
7. $200-$499
8. $500 or more

4. In (month), how much did (you/your family) spend for health insurance premiums for (plan name)? Please include payroll deductions for premiums.

[] 1 Zero
[] 2 $1-$9
[] 3 $10-$19
[] 4 $20-$49
[] 5 $50-$99
[] 6 $100-$199
[] 7 $200-$499
[] 8 $500 or more
[] 9 DK

5a. Does this plan pay for a variety of health care services or does it pay for ONLY ONE type of services or care?

[] 1 Variety of services (6)
[] 2 Only one type of service/care (5b)
[] 9 DK (6)

b. What type of service or care does the plan pay for?
Mark (X) only one type of service.

[] 01 Accidents
[] 02 AIDS care
[] 03 Cancer treatment
[] 04 Catastrophic care
[] 05 Dental care
[] 06 Disability insurance (cash payments when unable to work for health reasons)
[] 07 Hospice care
[] 08 Hospitalization-only
[] 09 Long term care (nursing home care)
[] 10 Prescriptions
[] 11 Vision care
[] 98 Other -- Specify -- ____
[] 99 DK


[p. 253]

6a. Is (plan name) an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or IPA (Individual Practice Association), or is it some other kind of plan?

Read if necessary: Health Maintenance Organizations, or HMO's and Individual Practice Associations, or IPA's, are plans whose members are required to use only those health care providers who work for or in association with the HMO or IPA. Sometimes there is an option to permit use of providers not associated with the Plan, but usually at greater cost to the enrollee. Generally, members do not have to submit claims for costs of medical care services.

[] 1 HMO/IPA
[] 2 Other
[] 9 DK

b. Under this plan can you choose ANY doctor or MUST you choose one from a specific group or list of doctors?

[] 1 Any doctor (6c)
[] 2 Select from group/list (6d)
[] 9 DK (7)

c. Do you have the option of choosing a doctor from a preferred or select list at lower cost to you?

[] 1 Yes (7)
[] 2 No (7)
[] 9 DK (7)

d. If you select a doctor who is not in the plan, will (plan name) pay for any part of the cost?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

Mark (X) box or ask:
7a. Does (plan name) pay for any of the costs of well child care, that is visits when a child is NOT sick, but needs a check-up or immunization?

[] 0 No persons under 18 in family
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 DK

Mark (X) box or ask:

b. Does this plan pay for any part of the cost for mammograms?
Read if necessary: A mammogram is an X-ray taken only of the breasts by a machine that presses the breast against a plate.

[] 0 No female over 39 in family (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 1 Yes (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 2 No (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)
[] 9 DK (go to 1a for next plan; if no other plan go to 8a on page 30)

[p. 254]


8a. In the past 2 years, has anyone in the family been denied coverage, or had restricted or limited coverage, (under [this plan/any of the plans you just told me about]) because he or she already had a particular health condition, sometimes called a pre-existing condition?

[] 1 Yes (8b)
[] 2 No (9)
[] 9 DK (9)

b. Who is this?
Mark (X) "Pre-existing condition" box in person's column

[] 1 Pre-existing condition

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 8b and c)
[] No
[] DK

9a. In the past 2 years, has anyone in the family applied for health insurance and not been able to get it?

[] 1 Yes (9b)
[] 2 No (10)
[] 9 DK (10)

b. Who is this?
Mark (X) "Turned down" box in person's column.

[] 1 Turned down

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 9b and c)
[] No
[] DK

Ask for each person with "Turned down" box marked in 9b.
d. Why was -- unable to get that health insurance? Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply

[] 1 Because of pre-existing condition, as cancer or diabetes
[] 2 Because of health risk(s), such as smoking or overweight
[] 3 Because of work, such as construction worker, beautician, farm worker
[] 4 Because premiums were too high
[] 8 Other -- Specify -- ____
[] 9 DK

10a. In the past two years or so, has anyone in the family decided to stay in one job rather than take another job mainly because of reasons related to health insurance?

[] 1 Yes (10b)
[] 2 No (C1)
[] 9 DK (C1)

b. Who is this?
Mark (X) "Stayed in job" box in person's column.

[] 1 Stayed in job

c. Anyone else?

[] Yes (Reask 10b and c)
[] No
[] DK

Refer to age and Wa/Wb in HIS-1
Mark (X) first appropriate box.

[] 1 70+ (NP)
[] 2 Wa/Wb marked (Check Item C2)
[] 8 Other (NP)
Refer to "In name" box on HIS-1.

[] 1 "In name" (NP)
[] 8 Other (11)

11. Was health insurance offered by -- employer?

[] 1 Yes (NP)
[] 2 No (NP)
[] 9 DK (NP)

[p. 255]


Refer to Age and "Cov" on HIS-1. Mark (X) first appropriate box.
If no other person in family, go to 14 on page 34.

[] 1 Covered (13)
[] 2 Not covered, under 65 (12)
[] 3 Not covered, 65+ (12)

HAND CARD FC2. Read each category if telephone interview.

1. Job layoff/loss/unemployment
2. Wasn't offered by employer
3. Not eligible because part time worker
4. Family coverage not offered by employer
5. Benefits from former employer ran out
6. Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
7. Too expensive/Can't afford
8. Dissatisfied with previous insurance
9. Don't believe in insurance
10. Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
11. Covered by some other plan
12. Too old for coverage under family plans
13. Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
98. Other reason (Specify)

If "Not covered 65 and over," include "or Medicare".
12a. Many people do not have health insurance for various reasons. Which of these statements describes why -- is not covered by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Anything else?
Mark (X) all that apply.

[] 01 Job layoff/loss/unemployment
[] 02 Wasn't offered by employer
[] 03 Not eligible because part time worker
[] 04 Family coverage not offered by employer
[] 05 Benefits from former employer ran out
[] 06 Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
[] 07 Too expensive/Can't afford
[] 08 Dissatisfied with previous insurance
[] 09 Don't believe in insurance
[] 10 Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
[] 11 Covered by some other plan
[] 12 Too old for coverage under family plans
[] 13 Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
[] 98 Other reason (Specify)____
[] 99 DK (12d)

Ask 12b if more than one box is marked in 12a, otherwise transcribe number of box marked without asking.
b. What is the MAIN reason -- was not covered in (month) by any health insurance (or Medicare)?
Record number from CARD FC2.

Main reason ____
1. Job layoff/loss/unemployment
2. Wasn't offered by employer
3. Not eigible because part time worker
4. Family coverage not offered by employer
5. Benefits from former employer ran out
6. Can't obtain because of poor health, illness, or age
7. Too expensive/Can't afford
8. Dissatisfied with previous insurance
9. Don't believe in insurance
10. Have usually been healthy, haven't needed insurance
11. Covered by some other plan
12. Too old for coverage under family plans
13. Free/inexpensive source of care readily available
98. Other reason (Specify)

Ask 12c if box 11 is marked in question 12a; otherwise skip to 12d.

c. Was -- covered by a state sponsored health plan, a private health insurance plan, or some other type of health plan?

[] 1 State plan (C3 for NP)
[] 2 Private plan (C3 for NP)
[] 3 Other plan (C3 for NP)
[] 9 DK (C3 for NP)

d. When was the LAST time -- had health insurance?

[] 1 Less than 6 months ago (12e)
[] 2 6 months ago, but less than 1 year ago (12e)
[] 3 1 year ago, but less than 3 years ago (12e)
[] 4 3 or more years ago (C3 for NP)
[] 5 Never had health insurance (C3 for NP)
[] 9 DK (12f)

HAND CARD FC3. Read categories if telephone interview.

1. Lost job or changed employers
2. Spouse/parent lost job or changed employers
3. Death of spouse or parent
4. Became divorced or separated
5. Became ineligible because of age
6. Employer stopped offering coverage
7. Cut back to part time
8. Benefits from employer/former employer ran out
98. Other (Specify)

e. What was the MAIN reason -- stopped being covered by health insurance?
Mark (X) only one

[] 01 Lost job or changed employers (12f on page 34)
[] 02 Spouse/parent lost job or changed employers (12f on page 34)
[] 03 Death of spouse or parent (12f on page 34)
[] 04 Became divorced or separated (12f on page 34)
[] 05 Became ineligible because of age (12f on page 34)
[] 06 Employer stopped offering coverage (12f on page 34)
[] 07 Cut back to part time (12f on page 34)
[] 08 Benefits from employer/former employer ran out (12f on page 34)
[] 98 Other -- Specify -- ____ (12f on page 34)
[] 99 DK (12f on page 34)

[p. 256]


f. At the time that -- stopped being covered by health insurance, did [he/she] try to find some other type of health insurance?

[] 1 Yes (12g)
[] 2 No (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 9 DK (C3 on page 32 for NP)

g. What was the MAIN reason -- was unable to find some other type of health insurance?

[] 1 Could not afford (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 2 Was rejected (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 3 Other reason (Specify) ____ (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 9 DK (C3 on page 32 for NP)

13a. In the past 12 months, was there any time that -- did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage?

[] 1 Yes (13b)
[] 2 No (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 9 DK (C3 on page 32 for NP)

b. In how many of the past 12 months was -- without coverage?

[] 1 1 month or less
[] 2 2-3 months
[] 3 4-6 months
[] 4 More than 6 months
[] 9 DK

HAND CARD FC3. Read each category if telephone interview.
1. Lost job or changed employers
2. Spouse/parent lost job or changed employers
3. Death of spouse or parent
4. Became divorced or separated
5. Became ineligible because of age
6. Employer stopped offering coverage
7. Cut back to part time
8. Benefits from employer/former employer ran out
98. Other (Specify)

c. What was the MAIN reason -- was without coverage?

[] 01 Lost job or changed employers (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 02 Spouse/parent lost job or changed employers (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 03 Death of spouse or parent (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 04 Became divorced or separated (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 05 Became ineligible because of age (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 06 Employer stopped offering coverage (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 07 Cut back to part time (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 08 Benefits from employer/former employer ran out (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 98 Other -- Specify -- ____ (C3 on page 32 for NP)
[] 99 DK (C3 on page 32 for NP)

HAND CARD FC4. Read each category if telephone interview.

1. Zero
2. Less than $500
3. $500-$1,999
4. $2,000-$2,999
5. $3,000-$4,999
6. $5,000 or more

14. During the past 12 months, about how much did (you/your family) spend for medical care? Do NOT include the cost of over-the-counter remedies, the cost of health insurance premiums, or any costs for which you expect to be reimbursed.

[] 1 Zero
[] 2 Less than $500
[] 3 $500-$1999
[] 4 $2000-$2999
[] 5 $3000-$4999
[] 6 $5000 or more
[] 9 DK

About how often did the Respondent appear to answer the questions in Parts B and C accurately?

[] 1 All the time
[] 2 Most of the time
[] 3 Some of the time
[] 4 Rarely or never
[] 9 DK
About how often did the Respondent appear to answer the questions in Part B and C honestly?

[] 1 All the time
[] 2 Most of the time
[] 3 Some of the time
[] 4 Rarely or never
[] 9 DK

Enter the person number of the Respondent. If more than one, enter the person number of the one who answered the most questions in Parts B and C.

Person number ____