Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
0 | NIU | X | X |
1 | Not mentioned | X | X |
2 | Mentioned | X | X |
7 | Unknown-refused | X | X |
8 | Unknown-not ascertained | · | X |
9 | Unknown-don't know | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
For sample adults and children in 2007 and 2012, FOKNAM reports whether the person had ever seen a Native American Healer for health reasons. Those who answered affirmatively were asked whether they had seen a Native American Healer in the past 12 months (FOKNAMYR).
Traditional medicine was one of many alternative health treatment modalities included in the Alternative Health Supplements.
Related Variables
Additional information about the use of traditional medicine was collected for respondents who reported using traditional medicine in the past 12 months, including variables on frequency and cost of use. Please use the IPUMS NHIS drop-down menus and search function to explore these variables.
In 2007, sample children were added to the universe for this question. In 2007 only, the sample child universe was not restricted by if the sample child had ever seen a traditional healer (FOKEV). Because of this expanded universe, the number of negative responses for FOKNAM is much higher in 2007. Otherwise, there are no comparability issues.
- 2007: Sample adults age 18+.
- 2012: Sample adults age 18+ and sample children of ages 4-17.
- 2007, 2012
Survey Text
2012 |
2007 |
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
2 Shaman (SHAH-man)
3 Curandero (coo-rahn-DEHR-oh), Machi (MAH-chee), or Parchero (pahr-CHEH-roh)
4 Yerbero (yehr-BEH-roh) or Hierbista (yehr-BEE-stah)
5 Sobador (so-bah-DOHR)
6 Huesero (weh-SEHR-oh)
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(1) [goto TRDU_NAH]
(2) [goto TRDU_SHA]
(3) [goto TRDU_CUR]
(4) [goto TRDU_YER]
(5) [goto TRDU_SOB]
(6) [goto TRDU_HUE]
(R,D) [goto AVT_USE]
If TRD_EVR1 includes 1 goto TRDU_NAH
elseif TRD_EVR1 includes 2 goto TRDU_SHA
elseif TRD_EVR1 includes 3 goto TRDU_CUR
elseif TRD_EVR1 includes 4 goto TRDU_YER
elseif TRD_EVR1 includes 5 goto TRDU_SOB
elseif TRD_EVR1 includes 6 goto TRDU_HUE
Which ones?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
2 Shaman (SHAH-man)
3 Curandero (coo-rahn-DEHR-oh), Machi (MAH-chee), or Parchero (pahr-CHEH-roh)
4 Yerbero (yehr-BEH-roh) or Hierbista (yehr-BEE-stah)
5 Sobador (so-bah-DOHR)
6 Huesero (weh-SEHR-oh)
7 Refused
9 Don't know
(1) [goto CTRU_NAH]
(2) [goto CTRU_SHA]
(3) [goto CTRU_CUR]
(4) [goto CTRU_YER]
(5) [goto CTRU_SOB]
(6) [goto CTRU_HUE]
(R,D) [goto CVT_USE]
If CTR_EVR1 includes 1 goto CTRU_NAH
elseif CTR_EVR1 includes 2 goto CTRU_SHA
elseif CTR_EVR1 includes 3 goto CTRU_CUR
elseif CTR_EVR1 includes 4 goto CTRU_YER
elseif CTR_EVR1 includes 5 goto CTRU_SOB
elseif CTR_EVR1 includes 6 goto CTRU_HUE
Question Text:
Have you ever seen any of the following practitioners for health reasons?
*Enter all that apply, separate with commas.
01 Curandero
02 Espiritista
03 Hierbero or Yerbera
04 Shaman
05 Botanica
06 Native American Healer/Medicine man
07 Sobador
97 Refused
99 Don't know
Skip Instructions:
(3) [goto YER_USEM] (4) [goto SHA_USEM] (5) [goto BOT_USEM] (6) [goto NAH_USEM] (7) [goto
SBD_USEM] (0,R,D) [goto FELD_EVE]
If TRD_EVER includes 1 goto CUR_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 2 goto ESP_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 3 goto YER_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 4 goto SHA_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 5 goto BOT_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 6 goto NAH_USEM
elseif TRD_EVER includes 7 goto SBD_USEM
else goto FELD_EVE_
- 2012 : SUPP4WT