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Balance problem affects: Walking downstairs

Survey Text

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Question ID: BAL.320_04.000

Instrument Variable Name: BCHG1_04
Questionnaire File Name: Sample Adult
Question Text:
* Read if necessary. Have your dizziness or balance problems caused you to change or cut back on any of the following activities? Please say yes or no to each.
...Walking down a flight of stairs
* If respondent is unable to do this activity for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance, Enter '2'
Examples include respondents who are in a wheelchair, are deaf, blind, don?t have a driver?s license, etc.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
Universe Text: Sample adults 18+ who had a balance or dizziness problem in the past 12 months or who had at least one symptom in the past 12 months and whose problem prevents them from doing things
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(1,2,R,D) [goto BCHNG_05]

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Question ID:BAL.320_06.000

Instrument Variable Name:BCHNG_06
* Read if necessary. Have your dizziness or balance problems caused you to change or cut back on any of the following activities? Please say yes or no to each.
...Walking down a flight of stairs
* If respondent is unable to do this activity for reasons OTHER than dizziness or balance, Enter '2'
Examples include respondents who are in a wheelchair, are deaf, blind, don't have a driver's license, etc.
1 Yes
2 No
7 Refused
9 Don't know
UniverseText:Sample adults 18+ whose dizziness or balance problems prevent them from doing things
(1, 2, R,D) [goto BCHNG_07]