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Main reason didn't get results of last HIV test

Survey Text

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25. Did you get the results of your (last) blood test?

1[] Yes (27)
2[] No
9[] DK

26. Was this because you decided you didn't want the results or was it because you were unable to get the results?
Mark only one.

1[] Didn't want results (31)
2[] Unable to get results (31)
3[] Both (31)
8[] Other (Specify) ____ (31)
9[] DK (31)

Survey form view entire document:  text  image
25. Did you get the results of your (last) blood test?

1[] Yes (27)
2[] No
9[] DK

26. Was this because you decided you didn't want the results or was it because you were unable to get the results?
Mark only one.

1[] Didn't want results (31)
2[] Unable to get results (31)
3[] Both (31)
8[] Other (Specify) ____ (31)
9[] DK (31)