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Sources to find out where to have HIV test: Doctor

Survey Text

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13. (If you were to be tested) Where would you go to have a blood test for the AIDS virus infection? (MARK FIRST PLACE MENTIONED)

00[] Nowhere/wouldn't take test (15)
01[] AIDS clinic (15)
02[] Company or industry clinic (15)
03[] Doctor/HMO (15)
04[] Hospital/emergency room/OP clinic (15)
05[] Other clinic (15)
06[] Public health Dept (15)
07[] Red cross/blood bank (15)
88[] Other (specify) _______________ (15)
99[] Don't know (14)

14. Where would you go to find out where to have this blood test? Anywhere else? (MARK ALL MENTIONED)

1[] Nowhere
1[] AIDS hot line
1[] AIDS clinic
1[] Clergy/church
1[] Doctor/HMO
1[] Friends
1[] Hospital/emergency room/OP clinic
1[] Public Health Dept
1[] Red cross/blood bank
1[] Relatives
1[] Other (specify) ________________
1[] Don't know